Qubool Hai 20th December 2014 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com
Scene 1:
Location: Ahil’s residence
Tanveer continues to taunt sanam, while she reminds her that ahil got her home in four days, and things shall change drastically in one month. both remember their promises to each other. Tanveer asks her to dream on, as when they break, she would be in lots of pain, and tanveer herself would be amused. She starts getting sarcastic on sanam, and she frustratedly leaves. Tanveer smirks.
The next morning, when ahil wakes up, and doesnt find the girl next to him, he finds her lying on the sofa, and wakes her up by calling her. She wakes up with a startle, and hurries to get tea. But he stops her and presses the remote button, to order, and asks her to order like this, being the new begum. Latif comes, and ahil says that from now on, sanam the new servant should come and takes the chores, for him and his wife. He asks her to get sanam to make breakfast for her. Sanam comes in apalled an distraught. To irritate her, ahil intentionally, makes the bride sit by his side, and caresses her hands. Sanam is ordered by ahil to dress the new bride for the party tonight, so that everyone can see her for the new begum, and asks her to adorn her like a bride, as his wife, and she introduce her amongst the guests, and if she makes any mistake, she wont be forgiven. Sanam is distraught to find him caressing her hands. She begins to go, but ahil also gives her the duty of getting the entertainer too. She agrees. ahil tells her about the influential people coming in, and hence says that she should be by Rasili Bi’s side all the time, as this party is very important for both of them. the minute, she leaves, ahil lets go of her hand, and the bride notices this.
Later, sanam comes and resignedly begins to apply henna on her hands, as a mark of marriage. the bride says that she doesnt know ahat to say to her, saying that she put such beautiful henna, though each line pained her a lot. sanam is thankful that she, being a stepwife is understanding her pain too. The bride takes theb henna cone. As the bride is dressed for the party, she takes sanam’s hands, and writes ahil’s name on her hands, with henna, shocking sanam. Just then, Tanveer angrily comes and takes the cone away frustratedly, saying that she wrote her own husband’s name on the stepwife’s hands, and says that she only shall erase it too. the bride is nervous. gazalla comments that the owner is dressing up sanam. Tanveer gets irriated and grabs the new bride’s face, reprimanding her for what she was doing, by mixing with the woman, who poisoned her son’s life, and didnt give him anything but infamy. She apologises, while tanveer tries to tell her the good fortune, that she has to be the new begumthe bride is teary eyed, upset what to do, while sanam stands helpless. tanveer orders her to erase it. the bride with trembling hands, finally wipes off ahil’s name from sanam’s hands. Seher sees this from a distance, and gets angry at tanveer and sanam for being silent. Rehaan comes and asks tanveer to stop now, surprising rehaan. He asks tanveer what good would it do, to torture someone, who is already tortured. tanveer says that rehaan knows that she wont say no, and this time sanam is saved. Azhar’s parents wonder why is tanveer quiet qwhen rehaan is talking so much. rehaan points her attention at the more important things, liker Kohinoor’s quaterly report. She leaves, reminding the new bride, not to do this again. rehaan eyes helplessly, sanam, who is tensed. Seher gets emotional seeing him, and remembering their moments together, thanks him in her heart. sanam consoles the new bride, who is in tears. Sanam leaves.
In her room, tanveer wponders why rehaan sympathises with the old sanam, and thinks that she has to pay more attention to get sanam out of the house, tonight. Gazalla says that she knows how to do it, irritating tanveer. She points out as to how if Rasili bi doesnt reach the party, someone else would have to replace her, she being the starlight. tanveer likes the idea.
The party begins, and all demand for the new begum to be shown. rehaan takes him aside, and says that sanam hasnt returned yet, getting rasili Baai. rehaan points out as to how this is completely unacceptable and inappropriate, that she is his wife, and has gone to get a woman who entertains people. ahil asks him not to advise what to do and what not to do. Rehan gets tensed. he overhears guests talking leeringly about rasili bai, while the women are disgusted. Ahil waits imaptiently, as he doesnt know what takes so long, to get sanam back. tanveer and gazalla introduce the new begum, and get the new sanam down. Ahil resignedly sits when he is asked to. the people start demanding for rasili bai, and tanveer pretends to be irritated. tanveer asks ahil who has he sent to pick up rasili bai. Ahil says that sanam went. tanveer points out as to how wrong this choice was, as she has done nothing but brought insult to the family, and wonders what shall happen now.
Scene 2:
Location: Farmhouse
Haya is distraught, remembering faiz’s madness. Just then, he comes in with a smile on his lips, and an extravagant spread of breakfast, while she is apalled, as he puts butter on the slice. He continues to tease her, while she silently complies. He asks her to eat, and when she refuses, he orders her angrily, and she complies. He says that he loves feeding her, and planning their schedule together. He sys that he is at her service always. He picks a dress from the wardrobe, and gives it to her, while she cries. he cups her face with his hands, and asks her to bathe and get dressed, as the water is ready. He kisses her forehead and says that he shall be waiting outside. He leaves. Haya breaks into tears.
Faiz later notices haya coming down in the short one piece dress that he selected for her, and is unable to take eyes off her, while she is visibly at discomfort wearing such an uncomfortable dress. he compliments her, on her beauty, and that he was getting impatient to spend time with her, in the evning, but he is going to the town, for an important work, and asks her not to be tensed, as everything that she likes is here. he caresses her face, while she pretends nothing is wrong, so as not to rouse suspicion. She silently complies. he begins to go, while asking her if she wont wish him goodbye, and extends his hand to her, which she takes. He pulls her with a jerk, and carries her otuside, saying that this is just like he imagined in his dreams, that she leaves him till the gate, like a good wife. he takes her leave, and locks the door from outside. She gets upset as she begins to try every door, to find one way out, but is distraught when she doesnt find any. faiz locks the main door too, and smiles evilly. haya is shocked to find a smoke alarm, thinking that when this rings, someone shall definitely come. Faiz gets in his car and drives off. She wonders how to alert it, and tries to light the newspaper with a matchstick. When she is successful, she takes it near the alarm, to tick it off, but is doesnt. then suddenly it starts ringing, and haya is hopeful. A person comes in, with mask and a cap. haya rushes to him apologising for the false alarm. haya tells every horror tale of faiz, and then begins to leave, but the fireperson, holds her hand tightly, she turns around shocked, to find that the firefighter is faiz himself, disguised. She is very scared, as he grabs her by the hand. He asks her if she thought she was smarter than him. He tells that he sent the real firefighter away saying that this is a fake alarm. He shoves her on the bed. He says that he thought that they were beginning to bond and love each other, but he was wrong, and that she shouldnt have done this. She tells him that he wont be spared, as rahat knows the entire truth now, and how faiz planned everything, and shall come to them now, to rescue her. Faiz starts laughing, and asks how can rahat come, when he couldnt even save his wife from being kidnapped, and tells her that rahat doesnt deserve her. He wrenches her hand, saying that she committed a big mistake, and she too would face a big punishment, and thats to stay here only, without food or water, and that rahat wont be able to find her, and they shall never see each other. He says that till the time rahat lives, she wont be his, and hence he would have to get rid of rahat. he leaves, locking her inside.
In his house, Rahat is emotional, remembering haya, who herself is distraught, as she remembers her torture.
Scene 3:
Location: Ahil’s residence
festivities begin, with the first dance by azhar’s parents, that leave everyone amused, and the new bride starts giggling. tanveer gets frustrated. Tanveer asks the bride to stop giggling, and then tells ahil that he gets betrayed everytime, and she is always forgiven, and says that true love of his has been crushed everytime by this girl, who betrays his faith and trust evrytime, and asks him never to forget that this girl jilted him at the altar and ran away. Ahil remembers the painful evening. Tanveer says that sanam would add more insult to their name today. Ahil apologises that this is his fault, and that he would rectify it, and asks her not to be tensed. She tells him, that he should throw sanam out of this house and his life, and then take his next step. He is tensed and apalled. The guests ask how long would they be made to wait for rasili bai, as its getting very late now, and they cant wait anymore. Ahil and tanveer start getting frustrated. The lights go off. just then, they are surprised to find a palenquin coming in, and get boggled. The guests start commenting that rasili bai has arribed, boggling and confusing azhar’s parents and tanveer. the guards set the palenquin down, as tanveeer wonders how is this possible, as she herself asked rasili not to come. all wait baffled for someone to step out. Ahil is shocked, as he sits with his new bride, and the entertainer of the evening steps out, the love of his life, who he once was proud of, masked from the mouth. As sanam steps out and unveils herself, getting down the palenquin, ahil is distraught. all are shocked, to find sanam addressing everyone. the screen freezes on her face.
Precap: Gazalla sees ahil’s name on the palm of the entertainer, and shocked, tells tanveer that its sanam, and wonders how did their plan fail like this, as the move was right. tanveer says that this is right, and that she had tried to prevent ahil’s insult from happening, but ended up defaming herself. Tanveer is amused.
Update Credit to: Rimjhim
cry haya…u deserve dis only……..when u have dbted rahat n beleived faiz,u ought 2 feel dis pain…agar tujmei thodi si cbhi akal hein toh wahan se bhaag jao….n go 2 rahat…..24/7 rona dhona+dbtng people doesnt fetch u nythng
absolutely haya deserves this
yup true….n sanam,seher shld drw a sketch against tanveer…….its high time dat despite she being blind can sense every small thng vch is being done……………wake up u both….plot against tanveer……sanam shld b strng lyk seher….yup its bit tough to chng one self bt when situation demands dn she shld turn herself 2 b brave n gvng back ans 2 tanveer instead being emotional/dng melodrama alwayz
really they have to tell everything to rehan bcoz rehan definately helps them
bt what happens is dat those sisters wil tel nthng 2 nyone n wana take al d credit of seeking their parents death revenge n becoming mahaan …so i gues until last moment they dnt reveal it…..
i think sooo
i dont know why sanam doing all this nonsense yaar
When is this stupid drama going to end yaar??? It keeps on dragging and dragging
hopefully it shld end soon…cz it has nthng eye catchy 4 d viewers……all that it has is that every time bad winning over d gud…n people like ahil become puppets in hands of tanveer….sanam,seher instead of taking help 4m someone wise they themselves get into trouble by dng some stupid drama….huuuhh
wow..rehaan is back!!
serial is completly distracted now.i know it will go off air very soon