Amrit Manthan 16th January 2013 Written Episode, Amrit Manthan 16th January 2013 Written Update
Epi starts with shivangi entering Amrit’s hospital room..Nimrit by her side asleep..she wakes her up and asks about how is Amrit doing?..Nimrit asks shivangi if Agam is angry with her..Shivangi tells her dont worry everything fine..she opens her handbag taking out a shawl..she puts on the recorder and puts the shawl around Nimrit shoulder..she tells her Agam has sent it for her as at night its cold shivangi asks her if she has eaten something since last night..on her request she takes Nimrit to the canteen..just then Yug enters the room and as they went out he wakes up Amrit ..she tells him wat’s his problem..yug replies Rudraksh anytime can come here..Amrit says we have bear so much to trap Nimrit cant you do so a little more ..Afterall its Nimrit who has told us to lie..all this is being recorded..
In the corridor Nimrit tells shivangi to go to the canteen and she will join her in a few minutes..she goes to meet the doctor whereas shivangi tell me about it what a timing from creatives ..she gets her first acting assignment in the hospital corridor..some director shooting and the model has not come..he wants a beautiful model and who is married..shivangi jumps on the opportunity and so happy as she got to act…
Rudraksh with his guards enters the hospital room..ok first Yug got a big kick and falls at Amrit’s feet..then an angry Rudraksh enters the room..he threatens Amrit about lieing to him..he knows she has drank dare she do so as he has control on her life..voila comes the saviour of Amrit..Nimrit faces Rudraksh and some same repeated dialogues going on..Nimrit tells Amrit to stay at her house and dont go with Rudraksh..Amrit finally ends up going with Rudraksh after her fake emotional drama ..
Nimrit back home and Agam says so Amrit has chosen same path again..he tells Nimrit you have done enough ..her M-I-L asks her to get some rest and she takes her to her room..Agam asks shivangi was there something suspicious there..shivangi says no and Agam asks her about the recorder..both listening to it really creatives for once you could have been realistic..just when both about to listen to Amrit.Yug convo sunitaji falls unconscious… Agam let go of the recorder and it falls down on the carpet..
Rudraksh giving a good beating to Yug..he so deserves it sometimes..Amrit says sorry and he gets more angry..he tells her when your malik..owner is here dont even think to do such thing etc etc..too much long dialogues..Amrit tells Yug this kamina Rudraksh will fall at my feet ..Yug gets angry because of her he is getting beaten and why she did not go with Nimrit..Amrit replies its best if Nimrit comes here so as our plan can move want Nimrit close to you then do as i mute she tells Yug something..
Agam searching for the recorder when Nimrit asks him wat’s he is looking for..he says a recorder when he sees Yug at the door,,he gets angry but Nimrit says she called him here to give Amrit prescription..Agam not happy at all as Nimrit talking with Yug ..See how creatives can butcher a character and making it worse.yes we got Nimrit the great today..a guy who had a lust eye on her even married..did a big evil plan to marry her..nearly killed same person Nimrit is feeling sorry for him..asking him if he has done treatment for the bruises ..all this in front of Agam..more worse Nimrit asking him to come with them to hospital as they are taking her M-I-L there.Agam comes forward says no .he is not a kid..way to go Agam keep your opinion about these evils same dont change like Nimrit who will regret and have remorse later..its coming up .her obssesion to save Amrit will give her a big blow ..
Another mindblowing creative mind of the AM team..[sarcasm]shivangi gives a call to Agam..what a timing outside her house for Yug to listen everything about their convo about recorder..Yug hides so as shivangi dont see him and later enters Agam’s house..Babli same moment gets the idea to do some cleaning..She puts the recorder on the coffee table and has her back to the door arranging the cushions on the couch..ends on Yug’s face looking at the recorder..
Precap..Nimrit at the palace..Rudraksh telling her your sister has given you a chance to look after her..i should get this chance also..
What Nimrit doing there leaving her husband and a M-I-L who is ill..Nimrit is inviting destruction in her life just to save an evil sister who is planning everything cautiously for her to fall in her trap..
Update Credit to: saveeta24