The Legend Of The Hatred (Chapter 21)

From the previous one,

Vyshnavi , Merra , Samistha , Aisha , Pomu , Yashi , R.N. , Priyanshi , Aarushi , Niyati , Jayshree, Priyadarshini , JJ , Vkjhp , Shivangi , Thakur Priyanka…..

Thanks a lot for all of you guys đź’•đź’•đź’•đź’•đź’•đź’•đź’•đź’•đź’•đź’•đź’•

so here the 21st chapter…


In somewhere,

Vihaan;  Vansh! Vansh ! Vansh !

Vansh; why twin bro? any problem ….

Vihaan shocked seeing Vansh was still tied to the chair….

Vihaan; ( holding Vansh’s collar ) god, damn Vansh tell me did anyone came ?

Vansh; no …….

Vihaan’; no not possible…. tell me …. don’t… don’t dare to lie me ok?

Vansh ; no never bro never…..

Vihaan turned to go when Vansh called him….

Vansh ; Good Luck bro… I mean you will want this blessing very soon I think…..

Vansh smirked seeing Vihaan left from there with blank face….

Flash Back ,

Vansh; Riddu is everything ready by now

Riddu ; ya Vansh everything is set as you wished

Ajey; Vansh don’t worry ok?

Vansh; ok dad….

Then Ajey got a call

Ajey ( on call ); what ? ok ok ok ……

Ajey; Riddu and Vansh Vihaan is coming….. now we have to leave….

Riddu( kissing Vansh’s forehead); Vansh beleive me everything will happen according to our plan… so please take care and don’t think too much……

Vansh ; ( Holding Riddu’s hand ); hmmm….  Love you…..

Riddu; Love you too…..

Then Riddu and Ajey tied Vansh to the chair and leave…. After few minutes Vihaan enter to the room angrily…….

Flash Back End

in VR mansion,

Everyone was weeping for Ajey’s death .Only Riddu knows among them that he is alive…. she wants to shout and tell them that he is alive as she can’t see them in sorrow … but she can’t tell them as this is a battle of revenge so there is no humanity in this battle…

Riddu ( thinking ) ; sorry Uma mom… sorry dadi …. I am helpless …. we all are helpless… soon we all will get the peaceful and beautiful life that we all wished…..

She turned towards Vansh’s room to know where is Vihaan….. then she collapsed with someone.. then someone held her by her waist before she falling… she shut her eyes ….

Someone ( coming towards her ears) ; sweet heart…. today you are so beautiful…….

Hearing the word ”sweet heart ” she opened her eyes suddenly…. as se know who called her by that name….

Riddu ; Vi… Vanshhhh

Vihaan; ha sweet heart… its me Vansh….

Riddu ( thinking ) ; oh nooo god…. what have you done…. ooo… its ok Riddu now the time to start your acting babe….

Vihaan; Sweet heart…. what’s the problem …. why are you seemed too tensed?

Riddu( caressing his face ); nothing Vansh….. I missed you so much……

Vihaan ; same here ….. after a long time I got a romantic time… right babe

Riddu; of course Vansh…. anyway now I have to go to check dadi….

Saying this she turned to go but Vihaan pulled her and captive between his hands……

Riddu; Vanshhhhh

Vihaan ; shhhh sweet heart…. Siya will check dadi…. ( placing her hand on his chest ) please check me……

Riddu; hey naughty boy …. you seemed too romantic today….

Vihaan; ha in full romantic mood….

Saying this Vihaan came closer and bent to kiss Riddu… she also shut her eyes and pushed Vihaan when they were too close….

Riddu ; ( in a husky voice )not now sweet heart……

Vihaan ; don’t kill me sweet heart by looking at me like this….

Riddu; ( laughing ) very soon I will kill you…. until then bye … bye sweet heart….

Riddu left from there giving him a flying kiss while smirking…..

Vihaan ( thinking); very soon you will be mine sweet heart….. after killing that damn Vansh you will be mine forever baby doll……

Then Vihaan got a call

Vihaan ( on call ); what?….. not possible…… ok wait I will come there……

Vihaan ; Vanshhhhhhhh

Flash Back,

Voice; sir, Vansh ….. Vansh Raisinghania…. Vansh Raisinghania ran way….

Vihaan ; what ? Not possible…..

Voice; I went to give him the foods by that time he tricked me and ran away….. sorry sir….

Vihaan ; damnnnnn ok wait I will come there…..

Flash Back End 

Vihaan ; Vansh I will kill you right now…. you… you… I can’t let you destroy my future…. bastard….

Then Vihaan got a message from an unknown number….

Hi twin bro,

I send you the location … come there … your death is awaiting for you…..

Vihaan ; not my death Vansh , you called for your death… see you soon

Vihaan drives the car to where Vansh send him …… It was a mountain…. Vihaan came out of the car and shouted ” Vanshhhhhh” the Vihaan felt something behind his head….. he turned and shocked seeing Vansh placing the gun on his head…. Vihaan began to laugh like maniac….

Vihaan ( laughing ); you…. are you trying to kill me…. kill me? huh? nonsense…

Vansh; day dreaming bro….. day dreaming….

Vihaan got angry and started to beat Vansh… both are began to fight with each other… both were injured …. both were bleeding… Vihaan punched Vansh once and got the gun and aimed it to shot Vansh….

Vihaan ( wiping his bleeding mouth); huh! your game is over Mr. Vansh Raisinghania…. you are finished…..

Bhooooom….( came a sound of gun shot ) did Vansh die?

Vihaan ; ahhhhhhh! ahhhh!

Vihaan was the one who shot … but by whom?

 The bullet went through his chest…. he was bleeding badly ….. he looked behind to see who shot him ….. he was amazed seeing the person in front of him who shot him… HIS SWEET HEART!

Vihaan ( holding his chest ) ; sweet heart …. you ? you?

Riddu; ha… its me who shot you Vihaan

Vihaan ; Vihaan? that means …..

Riddu; ha I got to know your real identity the day my brother was attacked…

Vihaan ; but sweet heart…. how do you knew about Vansh…..

Riddu; good question Vihaan…. the day I knew you are Vihaan I tracked your phone as I guessed you are the one who behind Vansh’s missing…. so as per our plan you are here…. but sorry to tell you … I was not intend to kill you but you forced me to kill you pointing the gun towards Vansh….  ( holding Vihaan’s collar) how dare you..? how dare you to hurt my Vansh…..?

Vihaan ( with moist eyes); please sweet heart… don’t believe him… he is the one who tried to kill you in the past…

Riddu( angrily); liar! you are a liar Vihaan…. it was you who tried to kill me disguised as Vansh… you made me think that Vansh tried to kill me…. you bastard…. I hate you… I hate you Vihaan….

Vihaan; but you was good until today morning… then?

Riddu; all are acting Vihannnnnnn ….. you deserve this pain….. you captive Vansh and made him away from his family and me….. you did lots of crimes….. you deserve this…. you deserve this pain…..

Vihaan; noo sweet heart you can’t do this to me…. you are mine… mine… just mine….

Vihaan tried to touch Riddima but Vansh pulled Riddu and told,

Vansh; don’t you dare Vihaan… wait twin bro ! I have a surprise for you ….

saying this Vansh showed Ajey Raisinghania to Vihaan… he was dumbed…

Vihaan; Ajey…. you? you died …. you died … but then?

Vansh; shhhh relax bro relax…..

Vihaan; that means you… you … all did a fake death and showed a fake last will and povaked me ….

Vansh; Bingo!

Vihaan; nooooooooooo

 Flash Back 

Vihaan was firming angry thinking that Kabir and Anupriya cheated him… without thinking twice he called,

Vihaan( on call); end their chapters as I want… but remember no one should know that I am the one who responsible for Kabir and Aupriya’s death… ok?

After 4 hours…

Vihaan got a call

Voice; sir we finished it… we mixed those poison to their meals and send them… all even doctors will think that they died in a normal heart attack……

Vihaan; ok well done…..

Flash Back Ends 

Vihaan ; you… you… you made me kill them …. I hate you …. but remember Vansh Riddima is mine…. you can’t get her until I alive… if I can’t get her then you also can’t …….

saying this Vihaan started again to fight with Vansh…. both of them are bleeding too much… Ajey and Riddu tried to stop it but all their attempts were useless… while fighting unknown to others both of Vansh and Vihaan were near to the cliff…. suddenly Vihaan pushed Vansh ……

Vihaan( laughing like a maniac );    bye bye….. Vanshhh…. love you bro… rest in peace my loving twin bro……

Saying this Vihaan fell down and free his last breath looking at Riddu and saying..” love you sweet heart”

Riddu( seeing Vansh falling from the cliff);  Vanshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nooooooooo Vanshhhhhhhhhhhh


”Revenge is not a good one…  Revenge is like politics; one thing always leads to another until bad has become worse and worse has become worst”

” Revenge always refresh wounds not healing it”

” Revenge not only destroy others but also you…”

So guys this is not the end I will update soon the last part and there this mystery will be fully solved……

So until next stay safe and happy…..


I am me 🙂 Nothing more... Nothing less.... And that's enough❣️❣️❣️

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