On The Path Of Love (Chapter 7: Answer To Everyone’s Question) RiAnsh

Chapter 7:Answer To Everyone’s Questions

Vansh and Pari return back from the school,
Vansh, “Pari, now go and change and take some rest, ok.”
Pari, “ok”
Pari goes to change her clothes
Warden comes to Vansh,
“Sir, you want something?”
Vansh, “no thanks”
Warden, “I want to ask you one question?”
Vansh looks at her and says, “ya sure”
“Sir, why you love Pari so much? I mean I know she is very sweet little girl, that no one can hate her, I mean you have no relation with her then too you are so attached to her”
Vansh smiles listening to her question and says,
“You know I feel happy when I come to this orphanage, seeing so many little lives staying together, playing, having fun, they don’t have parents but they are happy. I met Pari when she was a crawling girl, and that too at the corner of the road, when I saw her, I……. I felt some angelic spark in her eyes, I mean how can someone leave such a small child alone on the road. First time when I pick her up and took in my arms, her small hands held my fingers, and an unknown tears fell from my eyes, I… I mean I was holding a little life in my hands and the grip of those little life was so strong as if those little hands were adding life to my life. I felt like I’m a sunflower and she is the sun. Each and every child in this orphanage is very close to me, but Pari……….. I don’t know why she is so special. I can take Pari to my home also, but the way she is happy here, with everyone, she’ll not be so happy there, the way you all are taking care of her, at home everyone is busy. That’s why I come here everyday to meet everyone and specially Pari. These little lives teach you a lot, that’s why I named this orphanage as ‘Little Life Orphanage’…… I love to take tantrums of this 5 year old girl”
Warden smiles with tears of joy listening to him
Vansh, “now see she’ll come once she changes her clothes and will say,” (Mimicking her)
“Vansh, where are my candieeeeeessssss” and laughs
Just then Pari comes running to him and say,
“Vansh, where are my candieeeeeessssss”
Warden and Vansh both laughs listening to her
Pari looks at them with innocence and say,
“Why are you both laughing”
Just then a voice comes
“Because you are a clown”
Pari says, “enemy.. What are you doing here?”
“I…….. I….. I did not came here, Vansh called me, he is giving me all your candys to eat”
Pari narrows her brows and looks at Vansh
Vansh, “Nitya, shut up. What are you telling”
Nitya winks at Vansh and shows Pari all the empty wrappers of candys and says,
“See he gave me all the candys and eat all of them…. Yum it was so tasty”
Pari sits on the chair in the corner folding her arms
Vansh looks at Nitya, while Nitya signs him
She goes and stands behind her and from behind she move her hand forward on which she has held the box full of candys, Pari sees it and her eyes starts shining and she says in joyful manner, “candieeeessss……… ”
She forward her hand to take it but Nitya takes her hand back, Pari looks her with pout, Nitya says,
“First kiss”
She knelt down and moves her cheeks forward while Vansh also knelt beside Pari and says, “me too”
Pari kisses both of them and says, “I love you both”
They both kiss her on her cheeks and give her a side hug and says, “we love you too”
They both bid goodbye to Pari and leave.
They both sat in car
Vansh, “you love her so much,but still you tease her
” I love teasing her. She is so cute”
Vansh smiles.
Nitya looks at his smiling face and say, “It’s good to see that at least when you are with her, your sadness gets fades away. Smiling face suits you.”
Vansh nod smilingly
Nitya held his hand and tells, “Don’t worry, she’ll come back”
Vansh looks at her with broken smile and says,
“This hope keeps me going”

On the other side…………. Far from Vansh’s contact
Not a single voice of human, at some centre of deep evergreen forest, a lagoon was present, in that a house was there made of bamboos. In between those hard walls of the house, silence of environment, serenity of nature, chirping sounds of bird, darkness of clouds and stillness of water……..

her hands were tied back. She has kept her head on those hards walls, her hairs were fallen on her face, her eyes were closed, she was sitting on the floor, her legs were having dust, some scratch, some cuts. Just then a guy comes there ripped pants, loose t-shirts, red and swollen eyes, rings in his fingers, bracelets on wrist, dark clothes, alcoholic smell comes near her, caressed her hair, tuck them behind her ears and says ‘Riddhima…. ‘
She opens her eyes, her vision was blurry, she blinked them twice or thrice, to clear it and now it clear.
He keeps his hand on her shoulder, with all her power she pushes his hand through his shoulder and shouts with broken voice,

Authors Note:Firstly thanks for all the comments and love. So I hope everyone has got their answers regarding Pari. Also I have informed little about Riddhima and Kabir. Some were asking about Pari’s age, I hope you all have got answers for that also. I asked about childhood part, whether I should write it more or not, I received mixed responses from everyone, so I decided that next chapter will be last for childhood part. Also some asked me that I should also write about present situation, so this chapter was completely in present and in upcoming chapters also I’ll try to make a balance between present and past, as this ff has many flashbacks, so please….I hope you all will bear with it. Till then take care, stay safe, spread love and positivity ❤.

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