Fan Fiction


Hey friends I’m back with my next part . but I didn’t get ur comments only three of you commented if it was that much boring soo sorry for that. Its OK ican understand because all are having their own choice . OK it was too much bakbak so let’s start it .
Link for previous episode


It starts with maheswari manesion
Lucky was sitting in the balcony riya called him
Lucky- yes riya is everything is acc to our plan.
Riya- yes lucky but swara was eagerly waiting for her bday she hopes that we’ll wished her
Lucky- no riya plz don’t do that iwant to surprise her so let it be asusual. Then at evening we’ll surprise her.
Riya- ya OK but willshivansh come tomorrow or not.
Lucky- no riya till now hedidnt returned. Hope he’ll comeback tomorrow morning. Okay just behave normally. You had already informed office people not to wish her .
Riya- of course lucky already informed them. Infact they were really excited for her bday even it was her bday that she was waiting for it. Okay good nt.
Lucky-ya gd nt.

Riya went to swaras room and behaves normally
Riya-swara what happened till now you didn’t slept.
Swara- nothing I’m waiting for you only. She thinks herself what happened riya forget about my bday. Its already 12. 00am but she didn’t wished me. Before she was counting times only to wish me.
Riya- what happened are you okay. Im feeling sleepy gd nt.
Swara-okay gd nt

Next morning
Swara- riya till now you are sleeping. Wake up na we have to go to office. Swara- she thinks herself it was my bday today but tillnow she was sleeping. If she really forget my bday. Okay plz get up go and take your bath we are getting late.
Riya-okay I’m going and she went to washroom
Both came to dining table for breakfast.
Kaka-swara beta today you ….
Riya – she eyes him not to tell or wish
Swara- what happened kaka if you are telling something.
Kaka- he thought it means riya beta has some plans . no no swara beta I’m telling you that today you are really looking beautiful.
Swara- she thought it means kaka also forget OK thanks kaka.
Riya -ya swara it really suits you (swara was wearing a white and violet chdidar with matching accessories )
Swara- thanks riya oky we are completed. Let’s leave.
Riya-ya let’s go.
Both were in the car. Swara was driving.
Swara- riya what was the date today.
Riya- don’t know check it in ur mobile na.
Swara-see I’m driving na. You tell na.
Riya-okay. She checked mobile and tells her date.
Swara- she thinks phir bhi riya didn’t remember my bday. Okay after this I’ll also not going to tell her anything. Hope lucky remembers.
Riya- what are you thinking. Concentrate ondriving till now ididnt married. I didn’t want to die .
Swara-oh really who is that unlucky person . if you are chooses someone.
Riya-?? what he was unlucky how can you swara today illnpt leave you.
Swara- no no when I told you that. I’m tellinghe was lucky to have you don’t worry I’ll find him. Both reached the office but for swaras surprise in the office also noone wished her. So she straight went to her cabin.
After she went riya show thumbsup to staff.
All the day passed but noone wished swara.
Swara- today is my bday but noone wished me. Riya alsoyr . she also forget about it. Lucky also didn’t wished me.
Then it was 7. 30pm lucky called her
Lucky- plz swara help me my car mets with an accident. I’m at beach side plz come quickly
Swara-lucky are you okay na but till then lucky disconnected the call.
Swara rushed to her car and drives off. After sometime she reached that place. But she doesn’t find lucky there. So she tried to call lucky. But suddenly some light fall on her. When she turns she found lucky was standing in a stage which was beautifully decorated with flowers and other things. She didn’t understand anything . she runs to lucky and hugged himtightly.
Swara- lucky are you fine na what happened tell me plz you know from the time iheared about your accident I was very much scared . plz tell me everything is okay na. Lucky -he was happy to see her concern.
Swara- she told him what happened are you okay na.
Lucky was smiling only.
Swara- why are smiling idiot. Tell me something.
Lucky-nothing happened I’m fine.
Thenhe ask her to close her eyes.
Swara-she didn’t understand anything and closed her eyes.
After sometime lucky asked her to open her eyes when she opened her eyes she was shocked . because lucky and other three person were sitting infront of her in a row in the last end lucky was there. All three were holding t-shirts it reads WILL YOU MARRY ME?
Swara- she was stunned for sometime. Then lucky comes to her and then he knee downed and then
Lucky-miss swara Bose you made this flirter to a lover. Before meeting you I never loved anyone. At that time I thought that live doesn’t exist I’m happy to flirting with everyone. Never falls in love. But after meeting with you I realised my mistakes and after doing friendship with you and after spending so many times with you ifall for you swara. I LOVE YOU SWARA IREALLY LOVE YOU.
Swara -she was shocked . but she had tears in her eyes.
Lucky-plz reply me swara my knee was paining.
Swara- she helps him to get up and hugged him and tells him that I LOVE YOU TOO LUCKY. thanks for coming to my life. Because of you only I realised my mistakes. You made me previous swara. Thank you very much.
Lucky-he huged her more tightly and tells her happy bday dear.
Swara-it means you know about my bday na.
Lucky-ofcourse yes. And then……….. Precap- some twist which turns swalak and riyas life .

Till then take care. Bye.


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