Fan Fiction

RagSan they are Destined – 4

Guys no proof read…. Thanks for your lovely comments and liking the story

Recap: Episode 3

Ragini was busy arranging her rack when she got a call from Sanskar. Riya and Kushi were surprised as it’s the first time he called back within a week gap.

“Hi Ragini, how are you???”, questioned Sanskar

“Hi Sanskar, I am Kushi and Ragini is sleeping, she was not feeling well”, answered Kushi

“Oh!!! What happened??? Is she fine??”, questioned Sanskar

“She has fever but she would be fine soon… should I say something to her”, exclaimed Kushi

“Nothing serious, let her take rest, I would call her back”, exclaimed Sanskar and then he cut the call

“Why didn’t you answer the call Ragini”, questioned Riya

“A week back I spoke to him and I don’t have anything to talk with him now”, answered Ragini.
“What if he wanted to say something” , questioned Riya

“I am not in a mood to talk to him and pls don’t stretch the topic more”, exclaimed Ragini.

“Ragini we know you are upset after looking at Swara’s pic”, exclaimed Kushi

“No dear, I am not, I am really happy for him as I don’t expect anything in return from him”, exclaimed Ragini

“How can’t you expect when you love him so much, don’t you want him to love you back”, questioned Riya

“No I don’t want him to love me back”, replied Ragini

Riya and Kushi were choked “ then why did you love him dear???”

“Love happens it would never ask your permission and the same happened with me too. Another mistake I did is I was not able to control my feelings and he understood, which I never wanted him to know”, exclaimed Ragini.

“But why???” exclaimed Riya and Kushi

“I love my family too”, replied Ragini

“What’s the relation dear??? Everyone does love their family”, exclaimed Riya

“If you really love your family how could you go against them???”, questioned Ragini

“How would anyone know if you don’t tell them??”, questioned back Riya

“Did I ever said to you that I love Sanskar??”, Ragini again questioned back

“Not at all, we are your friends it’s easy for us to know that what is going in your mind though you tell us or not”, answered Riya

“If you can easily find out then how did you think that a mother cannot find out about her child!!!”, exclaimed Ragini

“So aunty knows that you love Sanskar!!!”, exclaimed Kushi and Riya

Ragini nodded Yes, “She was the first person to identify that I fell in love with Sanskar before I actually realised. She was the one who actually told me that I started to love him.”

Riya exclaimed, “Really Ragini!!!! Aunty knows about you!!! How could that happen???”

Ragini smiled and said, “She is Mom yaar, God made her as he can’t be along with us everywhere and every time… She is our first teacher, philosopher, guide, role model, best friend and what not???? She would always think about her child first in whatever she does.. Every child’s first love is Mom…”

Kushi exclaimed, “true dear nothing can be hidden from Moms. Now tell us how did she react???”

Ragini exclaimed, “hmmm… she did not react at all but I felt that she was hiding something from me… After we got shifted to Ahmedabad, I used to study a lot for IIT exam even in that busy schedule I always tried to take out some time and called Sanskar. It was my daily routine, I used to be upset if he was not responding and I used to scold him in front of mamma”

Riya exclaimed, “It raised a doubt in her mind??”

Ragini said “May be or may not be. One day she asked me why I was not calling to Krish”

Sumi (Ragini’s Mom) exclaimed “ Ragu beta why are you disturbing Sanskar always, even he was preparing for some exams right”

Ragini exclaimed “No mamma he has written his exam and now he is free but see na still that idiot is not responding”

Sumi exclaimed “If you want to talk to someone call up Krish, you did not call him from long time”

Ragini exclaimed “Not today mamma some other day I would call him, but now I want to talk to that idiot only”

Sumi questioned “Why are you so insane to talk to him, I never saw you like this…”

Ragini replied “He is my friend mamma…so I am”

Sumi interrupted, “Even Krish is your friend dear!!! Ragini as a mom I don’t want to say that you have fallen in love with Sanskar, but it’s my responsibility that I should let my kid know about it”

Ragini exclaimed, “Mamma what are you saying??? He never treated me like that”

Sumi exclaimed, “No Ragu beta I am not saying about him but telling about you. I can easily find love for him in your eyes”

Ragini exclaimed, “Mamma I don’t know if it is love or not but all I know is I love to spend time with him but that’s not love”

Sumi exclaimed, “Try to keep yourself away from him till the time you go to Kolkata for your exam and then prove me that I am wrong dear… even I don’t want you to fall in love with him. I don’t have any problem with him and you people are too young. One more thing I would say you is think about your family, the society around us. He is not from our community all that I can say, hope you have understood”

Ragini exclaimed, “Don’t worry mamma, when I don’t love him why should you think long way. I would definitely prove you that it’s just friendship are you ready for the bet” and smiled.

Sumi exclaimed, “I pray that you should only win”

Kushi exclaimed, “so what happened after that”

Riya exclaimed, “Aunty was right, she lost the best as Kolkata trip changed the meaning of her friendship”

Ragini’s eyes were welled up “Yes Riya, mamma and you are right, I fell in love but was not able to realise. The 10 days was not less than any hell for me. Mamma observed everything but still she kept quiet, she never told anything to me.”

Kushi exclaimed, “You started to feel the distance that was building up between you and Sanskar!!!”

Ragini exclaimed, “I was able to understand but not was not ready to accept because i wanted to prove mamma that she was wrong but the day when I went to Kolkata I became restless and I knew if i am going to miss to meet him this time it would not be possible to meet him again as we have different plans about our studies but he made up at the last moment. I was not able to control myself and hugged him and got into the train and only after that I realised that I love Sanskar”

Riya exclaimed, “Did you tell it to aunty??”

Ragini exclaimed, “She understood everything just looking at my face”

Sumi questioned, “Were you able to prove your mamma wrong??”

Ragini cried and hugged her “I was wrong, I love him mamma”

Sumi exclaimed, “Ragu beta I know I have know right to say to forget Sanskar but all I want to say is we are bound to society and you have an younger sister, one mistake of us should not ruin others happiness. I would never force you to do anything”

Ragini replied, “Mamma I know that no one would be ever be happy if I am going to marry Sanskar. Papa, Dadaji, Dadi Maa they are not going to accept. You people are more important to me than Sanskar. He would remain as a sweetest memory of my life. I promise you mamma that I would never ever propose Sanskar. It’s an agreement between you and me that I will never keep your head down and in turn you should always protect me as a shield if someone forces me for marriage without my approval”

Precap: Was Ragini really able to keep her promise!!!! What did Sanskar do????(Another agreement ???)


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