Thanks alot for all your support and love …i didn’t expect such a support from you all guys…i knew all are thinking about chiku now…so let’s move on to story without a delay…
Pragya enters the room and sits on the bed hugging her teady bear..abhi who enters the room smiles at pragya..but she didn’t look at him .abhi slowly roam around the room and look at his chashmish…how cute she is while at the peak of anger…i wish I must be that teady beat.. then she will hug me…and smiles..pragya who sees this turn her face..abhi sits on chair and started to look at the books kept on table..he slowly take book one by one and turn pages..
When abhi started to open a new book …suddenly she came there and snatch that book.
Pr;don’t take my personal belongings without my permission…
Abhi smilingly..what is the need of that now as I have all the right for taking that all the things belonging to you till now is mine too…
Pr;no..not at all..
Ab:when I take other books you didn’t deny me..why you stop me as I tried to open it…which means something secret in it..
Pr;secret…there is no secret..nothing like tensed tone..
Ab;don’t try to lie to me chashmish..he comes forward and tried to snatch the book.pragya tried her level best to protect it from going to abhis hand..
Pragya place that book on bed and lies above it.. so that abhi couldn’t get it..abhi who lies over her to make her turn and he suceed in that pragya is over was this time both look at each other’s eyes and get lost in it ..suddenly they came to sense by hearing a loud voice..abhigya turns their face in that was none other than our chiku…
Chi: what’s all this what s going on here…
Abhi and pragya gets up from bed
Chi;hey rockstar what you think about me..i knew you will be here..i thought not to disturb my darling.. that’s why I just check your I didn’t see there…then I confirmed that you will be here ..i told you many times not to play with her .
Pragya look at abhi..and control her laughter seeing abhi getting lectures from a small boy..
Pr;chiku …he is always like this.. .didnt miss a chance to disturb you knew he is trying to snatch my diary..
Chiku gave a death glare to abhi..
Ab;no chiku..she is lying..
Chik:i don’t want to hear anything from you rockstar…i knew my darling pretty well..she willnot tell any lie..hey rockstar don’t you have any manners to be with a girls room at this time..
Ab;she is not a girl for me..she is my wife..
Chi;don’t you dare to speak that word to me..
Ab;hey chotabhem..mind your language..she is mine..and I will take her with me soon..he smiles at chiku and started to leave.. before leaving ..he tell something to pragya…by coming close to her ears..
Ab;I will show you my revenge for this Mrs.abhishek prem mehra..and leaves…chiku close the door In front of abhi in heavyvoice…
Chi; look darling I told you n.a. he is too you have sen that with yours eyes n.a… what a stubborn man he he really a rockstar..
Pr;I too have doubt in that chiku..
Abhi who hidingly hear this conversation..
Ab;you too have doubt in that.. don’t worry dear..till now you didn’t see abhi the rockstar..but don’t worry from tomorrow onwards rockstar will come with a bang..and leaves..
Chi:darling..dont be so close with him…i don’t knew if iam I’m able to save you from him every please take care of yourself.. pragya smiles and kisses on his forehead..
Pr;so good night chiku..tomorrow you have class n.a…
Chi:darling..dont be like my Maa.. always telling about classes.. do you knew how boring it is..with assignment…project..test..imposition..i really hate this..but I’m happy that after 2 days my vacation is going to start. So goodnight darling..
Good night chiku…pragya close the door..and come to close she was pretty sure that there will be abhi waiting at window.. eyeing on what all things are happening in this room..she knew very well that abhi is really jealous with chiku..but she likes that jealousy..because at that time he is too cute and innocent..
Yes she is right her abhi is there with boiling jealous..pragya smiles..and close the window…
Iam stopping here as it’s really bad to disturb someone in sleep…
I knew its small..but soon come up with long one..

superbb yarr………………….plz try to update long one & regularly
Lovely n u always rocking honey, love u lot yaaaa
Superb di and pls update ur another ff ” my love for u kkb ” because I’m eagerly awaiting for it. Im sorry if my words hurt u
Lovely update dii…awwww chiku baby ummmahh …Abhi’s jealous soo cute dii…
Eagerly waiting for Rockstar entry??.
Love you soooooo much dii…take care..
Super chotti….. Abhi and chiku scence really super…
awesome one.. so.cute..funny too
Nice episode dear.cute scenes….I loved it
Very nice episode di.. I loved it….and u rocked it… I was smiling all the while reading this episode…I love to see abhi’s jealousy di.. and also waiting for rockstar’s entry di. I mean entry of abhi the rock star…waiting for the next episode you so much di
waaaaaw love it dear,plzzzz u should post frequently lovvvvvvve u loads
Lovable update dii… really loved abhigya scenes very much…abhi’s cute jealousy is superb…. waiting for the next one dii…. pls update soon….
Chiku… Chiku… In love with this guy so sweet and cute