Today one of my new friend said me to post another article and she is waiting for my new article and i said her that i had a topic in mind and will post the article soon but my heart doesn’t allow me to write article on that topic and post that for now. So i pray to God to give me idea of any topic and the topic i thought to convey as a regular post i found that to be the best for the article then i tkank God. So here’s my little try to make this world better.
Starting with the name of God The most beneficent The most merciful.
God made this world a beautiful place which has a vast diversity in itself. Some where here are forests then there are seas,rivers, mountains and deserts as well. He made humans as well. He didn’t made anyone bad by nature. He made all of us a neutral person and then said to choose between good or bad. And all above He doesn’t made anyone totally bad although a person is very very very bad but still he will must have a good quality too. The only thing do is to find the good quality and didn’t consider someone bad till then u doesn’t find his/her good quality and if you can’t find the one be away from him/her.(It was just a thing i came into my heart/mind so i wrote it). Now comes to the main topic. My main topic is
why the goodness God has given to everybody has decreased so much and not only this happened but humans badness is increased to it’s peak and still increasing. Everyone has his/her own beliefs and point of views but is any belief or point of view says that God made humans so that a human for his own interests kill or beat other humans. Is any single religion orders or allows human to hurt or kill other humans while they are innocent or to try to get our own rights has became a crime and if it’s yes then when did it happen. According to my knowledge God allows to fight but when other attack on you. My question is why humans on the basis of humanity can’t live peacefully. Why human wishes has dominated human in such a way that he doesn’t step back from killing humans and humanity? Why people had forgotten that God didn’t created them to kill other innocent people including children, teenagers,youth or adults for their self interest. To me people are created to help others and to take care of each other then why they forgot humanity.
Although wishes dominates but if a person can’t overcome his wishes for God and His creation then he can’t obey anyone and becomes a sinner to God by killing His harming and killing His creation and humanity and for such people God has a painful and punishment in His court as He does justice to the people who can’t get justice by the world.
I know it’s a vast range topic but the only socialising site on which i am present is TU and i have not interest in fan fictions but only in realities so posted this article here. And it’s the most prominent reality which is hurting or should i say killing peoples and humanity the most. Although it’s just an article but it hurts very much while being writing. Think how much it hurt to live such a life. This article is nothing but a question and mirror to present world.
(Now i have to give it a category so in which category i should put it Episodic analysis,fan fiction or humour there’s no perfect category for such an article because before march 2018 TU never had such a unique author so i will put it in humour category as it has a relation with humour i mean it’s opposite to humour with the other 2 it has no relation).
So with this over serious article Ooshi would like to take a leave from her readers thanks for reading it,liking or disliking it,but don’t forget to comment although u like it or not plz. share your views with me as your views are my mirror.
Take care yourself and others around you.
Keep smiling because much tears makes life difficult but not forget to spread smiles around you too.
Am i right to call myself the words i used in above line? My heart said me to give myself these names so i did it.
Don’t forget to suggest me should i keep posting serious articles or not. And i will be very happy if anyone of you suggest me a topic to write a serious article. Will wait for your comments and both of your suggestions and also for the answer about calling myself unique/rare although my one is also Unique Crazy
Good Bye
Be in God’s protection

y the people who liked and dislike didn’t comment while i said to comment ?tell me there’s still i baby in me who want to know y her readers who liked and dislike the article didn’t commented ☹️i want answer tell me
i m really crying because of the people who like and dislike but didn’t commented so others must comment otherwise i will weep and u will get sins plz. comment
Awesome appi ……This is something different …..loved the concept …..Waiting for more work from u ….lots of love ? ?
happy u replied Dear it means a lot to me
It was too worthy to read dear! I am loving your serious articles! God bless you! I agree with the names! You are a rare friend and am glad to have you. Would you like to express your views on Silence speaks? It is the topic roaming in my mind and I want to read something beautiful on it. Will you?
first of all happy to read the comment and ur wish is my command next article will be on this topic with the permission of God
i feel really blessed by having sisters like u and Niyati Be Blessed Love u from the depth of heart ❤️ and thankful to God for such lovely sisters
We both me & Hemi also lucky to have a sister like you ….Hemi say right ,.Appi your article is worth reading & who don’t read this , they lost a beautiful piece of writing …..Lots of love ? ?
Right niyati di! We trio are lucky sisters!
Loved it Di! ❤️
Sorry for being late! Was a bit busy as it’s the weekend..please forgive me..
I loved the idea a lot and I am extremely happy that you told me about this article or else, I would have missed such an awesome article!
Will be waiting for your next article!
Loads of love!
no need of sorry u r my sis and u r here it’s more important take care
Just loved it.The way u described….is really appreciatable.
Hope to read more of ur work in future.
Keep writing dear.???
happy u commented it means a lot to me
i m greatful to all the lovely people who commented
if someone efforts to do something then it’s good but when someone appreciates his/her efforts it matters the most and i want just ur point of view
and happy u all liked it and appreciated it my readers and the people who comment r very important to me even if they didn’t agree to my POV be blessed