Breaking the Silence – part 20
“It was so beautiful and assuring to feel yourself in the security of someone,” though these were some lines she read a while back but in this moment it felt like that only. Love poems and love songs were written in one such moment she believed now if she had doubted ever.
It was just a new feeling to gaze someone mindlessly, with no reasons, and with them not aware of it she smiled inwardly. If someone asked her if she liked sunsets or sunrises then it was always the both but she loved rising early only to witness the slight lilac sky which turned into a bright white as day grew old. And here again she loved rising early, a little before him to stare him silently.
She left the bed as the sun peeked through the blinds and washing her face as she came inside she thought to capture this moment in the words. Thinking to give her a little moment she sat on the chair across the dressing table and a memory visited her back.
“If you would be this silent and this much ignorant to people around you ,how will you manage afterwards?” her mother again told her.
And it was not her fault that she had to tell her daughter this again and again but she was just her own mind,
As a plump girl she never cared for the attentions she never got. It was always her, her books, her comics, her drawing books and sometimes the serenity nature provided her.
“Ma ,why you keep scaring me?” she said turning towards her from the screen.
“I am not scaring you but telling you to be a little interested in the surroundings too,” her mother said taking out the rich peach color suit of hers. “And that means you are going to Ridhi’s engagement today with us.” And she put the suit before her on the bed.
“Mum,I really don’t want to go.” She was troubled now; those gatherings took away her breath. She was always a little conscious of her weight and lack of makeup skills.
“You are not going to say a word, and what weight!! Well, my girl looks pretty this way only. Don’t think about those things.” Her mother was like all other mothers out there whose daughter was the prettiest in the world.
She exhaled deeply as her mother already started checking how the color looked on her…her mother always came with a new dress for her,More than her it was her mother who cared for her looks and she was thankful for that.
“Diiiiiii,” a sharp shrill bloomed the room.
“And for the makeup, we have got the best magician in world.” Her mother pinched the cheeks of the girl entering in the room.
“thank you for the praises Badi ma.” Aditi winked to her and she rolled her eyes on that.
“As long as you don’t turn me into some zombie.” She mumbled under breath thumping on the chair closing the screen.
“don’t take too much time girls !” her mother ordered leaving the room.
“Sooooooo ?” Aditi kept her hands on her waist.
“What so Aditi?” she too sang along.
“Nothing, didn’t hear what Badi ma said – Don’t take much time.” She suddenly maintained her posture and here she felt something fishy but not thinking too much she went to change.
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“No one is gonna say you are the same Dr Krishna ……Aditi declared as she clapped her palms dramatically.
“hummmm……. you are really a master my sister, give me classes already.” She said actually awed by her work.
“I will but first promise me you will do something for me.”
“yeah ?”
“You are going to persuade mummy for my guitar classes .
“Okay, I will try.” She said knowing all the invalid reasons and lies she was now going to tell her aunt for this wish to complete.
“Then we are good to go my lovely sister.” She chirped taking out her hand for her dramatically and one fun-lover and other sober left the room walking together.
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“Why you wore the heels when you are not comfortable?” screeched the man right before them to his wife.
With a low voice the woman who seemed aghast replied, “I thought this way I can match your height.”
“And now with this limping, you are making a joke of me ….he told her again in a low voice.
A cold air rushed to her, she suddenly felt scared…she was imagining the hurt and embarrassment the lady was going through and she pretended she didn’t hear a thing.
It wasn’t that the lady was too short but she knew every woman wanted to look good for her husband, in the eyes of her husband. And what these sharp words did to her; she knew by her face wholly.
All the time that she was there consciously or unconsciously her attention went to that one lady and she knew the lady wasn’t in her best through the ceremony not because every time she walked she limped but because of the looks her husband kept giving her for the every step she took.
It was one such incident which made her a little more conscious about her, a little more nervous in front of strangers despite all the best qualities she had.
And suddenly her thoughts came back to reality when he stirred and looking at her smiled with those sleepy eyes. “Good morning…. what is the time?” he asked shifting on his back.
“15 minutes to 6, you can sleep a little more.” she too smiled
“Well, yeah you are right.” he said “Why don’t you join me? He smiled shifting on his hand to her sitting form.
And with no more words she did too, too overwhelmed with the memory or wanted to feed this early morning craving….yeah craving, for a warm hug whether in the temperature terms or with the feelings way.
Encircling her in one of his arms he closed his eyes and she tried listening the little Lab Dubs which were loud now in the quiet morning, “you are joining the hospital from next Wednesday?”
“So less wifey time….haan?”
“We should go for little vacation every six months…what say?”
“As you say.”
“I am recalling one such thing you had once mentioned.”
“What was that?”
“It was something like about our future family?”
“Really…what was it, I don’t remember any such thing?”
“Really, you don’t remember….. then leave it.”
“Ok. then leave it.”
“You really don’t want to know, I was imagining you will insist me to say.”
“Well, if you want, say.”
“You never bother anybody, it looks you are …….you keep going with the way things go.”
“Maybe yes, I do .” and she hugged him a little more inhaling his masculine scent to brush away any bad memory cause she knew she was wrong if she compared him with anybody.
“You shouldn’t feel that way if you feel.” And he kissed her hairs. It assured her many things which were better unsaid, which were better covered.
After a while when he went to washroom she took out the little diary from the side drawer and words whispered “People said Heaven existed in Beautiful Places but Heaven was Every That place You Felt Heavenly.”
Hey guys next part updated, I hope you all like it. will be waiting for your response.
Also I feel if one doesn’t like something about the partner they should disclose it to them in their personal moments, not publicly cause then they are being utterly rude.
Not only couples if you don’t like something about your close friends or you feel they should work upon it ,tell them in person and please be a little polite cause when you point out some mistake the other is already feeling embarrassed , a little good behavior can help them.
Also also also, it is like a little request but plz guys do check out this recent shot of mine, it will be pleasure to me if you do.
Link –
With love Morusya.
Wow so nice and wonderful update. Yeah what u said is right. Waiting for next update
thank you so much Sravya you liked it…..will try coming soon.
Such a nice update dear…
Loved it.
Will be waiting for the next.
But the link of ur one shot is not working dear.
the link is working Muniya !!! i tried it and it worked as i posted . for you i again did. the same copy and search google trick or if you just type Entering The Spell, it is the only story google will show you first ? i hope you find it.?.
and thank you so much for liking the update, i will try my best to come soon. love you<3
Yea Morusya..
I got it…nice story.
Nice. Update dear waiting for the next one . Plz post soon.
Aaaaaaa….thankyou girl , i will trt coming soon .
Do you remember when u initiated BTS, u intended to complete it in 2 or 3 shots, but see today what u did, u add ‘0’ behind that 2, n completed 20 parts …may u do the same with anothe no. ‘3’…BTS has become so fav. of mine that i do not want u to give it final touch, ever….
In today’s part that early mrng dawn scene, was very nice, whenever u portraits, nature description, it more beutifies updates and also ur ides of giving sth different along with storyline, makes me your fan….,??
and yes, we should never point out someone’s flaws in publicly, its better to hint them personally. . …..and congrats for completion of 20…..??
hey palak….dont you make me remember those 2 or 3 shots lines 🙂 i dont know how i came on this, on the 20th part . i hope its all the love this ff is getting from you guys that it just keeps going on and on.
Final touch…hun,now that you mentioned it, i m planning it like really i am planning.
and you liked the scenes then i am happy, its my idea of being romantic and feeling romantic 😉 and yes that SOMETHING was needed ,most of the times people embarrass their loved ones in the most cruel way and i hate that.
thank you so much for all the words girl, you really fills me with a new zeal to write and weakens my will to give them the final touch 🙂
and a 0 accompanying 3 !!! lets see what i have decided for them 🙂 love you girl ❤❤❤❤