Fan Fiction

Yuvani os my love to the end epic- 2

The party was finally end and everyone went to their room yuvraj toke me to the gust room
Yuvi- hope you will be fine here
Suhani- ya yuvraj I will
Yuvi- OK and if u need any thing i am there in the next room OK
Suhani- yaa fine yuvraj ☺
Yuvi- yaa okk get fresh and call me i will take u up to the terrace we will talk for a while if u don’t mind
Suhani- yaa it’s fine I will call u
Yuvi left and Suhani closed the door
The day was so beautiful I didn’t even though this day will turn up so Awsome I meet her after so many years may be God Is giving me one more chance to change my mistakes, Suhani I promise I will never hurt u again and never let anyone hurt u
End of pov
Suhani’s pov
As I came out i saw Yuvi standing in front of my bedroom and smiling
End of pov
Suhani- what happened yuvraj y are u smiling
Yuvi notice her
Yuvi -no noo nothing I was just.. come we will go
Suhani- yaa OK
They went to the terrace sharad was all ready there
Sharad- come guys sit
Yuvi and Suhani went and set
Sharad- Suhani so how is everything going
Suhani- everything is going smoothly just have to manage both offices
Yuvi- both means?
Suhani -my law office and interior office
Sharad- you are looking after both
Suhani – yaa I studied law as well as interior too
Yuvi- what? How don’t we know
Suhani – how would u know u were…..
There was dead silence
Sharad- su..Suh…Suhani so u loss weight u look dame..h…
Yuvi pinched sharad without Suhani’s notice
Sharad- Aaaaaaaa
Suhani- what happened
sharad- nothing mosquito he pinched….I mean he..
Suhani- OK I got it
Yuvi- but seriously Suhani u have changed
Suhani – humm may be but from inside I am still same?
Yuvi- haahaa okk ?
Suhani- so what u guys are doing
Sharad- u know my father was business man now me and guru
Yuvraj -I am also a business man now he and goes
Suhani- Sharad what happened to him y did he went
Sharad – Suhani he have struggled a lot he was leaving in a normally in one room house okk I will tell u what happened after u went that day…
Somaya- yuvi I love u lot let’s forget every thing let’s go somewhere to have something
Yuvi – okk guys are u coming with us
Bhavna- No I am not interested
Krishna – me too
Anuj menka sharad -me too u guys carry on
Somya -okk fine
They leaved
Bhavana -Yuvraj didn’t do right with Suhani
Sharad -actually I don’t know what’s is wrong with guru let’s leave
Flashback end
Sharad -they dated each other for a year buy i know Suhani, that day yuvi what ever told u it was not from his heart. they were dating each other but yuvi he was not that interest he didn’t want to hurt Somya so he did what she told but one day every thing changed
Somaya -yuvi take me to ur house na I want to see our house it must be so big na. for our relationship 1year has been completed and I still don’t know our house let’s go
Yuvi- Somaya it’s not that big as ur thinking
Somaya -oooo stop kidding let good
Yuvi -okk as u tell
They both went to yuvi’s home that was in a chaul
Somaya -at which places u broth me yuvi he takes her to his house pratima was cooking and surbha was playing video games
Pratima – aree yuvi u came who is she
Yuvi -ma somaya
Pratima -oo come inside beta
Somaya went out without replying
Yuvi ran behind her
Yuvi -somaya wait what happened
Somaya -you cheated on me yuvi I hate u
Yuvi- what? When did I cheat u?
Sharad came
Sharad-what happened guys
Somaya – sharad do you know that yuvi leaves here
Sharad- yaa so what
Somaya- so u also cheated me sharad
Yuvi- one second what I cheated it’s my house what’s wrong with u how is that a cheat
Somaya -u never told me u leave in a slum
Yuvi-shut up it’s not a slum okk and it’s my house
Somaya – ur a poor person I don’t want to date u and if u want me u have to get a big house for me okk
Yuvi – hello I am not going to die without u you can leave
Somaya- okk by the way I am not affordable for you it’s best ur find out a cheap girl like Suhani
Yuvi- Somaya! !!!! How dare u called Suhani cheap do u know what? ur cheap! not her it will be good if you leave right now
Somya -how dare u Yuvraj I will show u who is Somaya wait and watch u ek kudi ki insan
She leaves
Yuvi fell there crying sharad toked him in
Flashback end
Sharad- Somaya was never the one of yuvi’s type thanks God she went away from his life but she married Krishna. he did a lot for others from that time and he forgot to leave life, like he us to be and from when u have came back Suhani he have started to smile again like he use to do.
A tear drop comes from her eyes she gets hurt may be he had hurt her a lot but she can’t see him getting hurt
Sharad continues-Suhani will u help me to get him back please
Suhani -yeah sharad I am always there for u and yuvi I will help u but sharad how he use to take her on dates if he didn’t had money
Sharad -he used to do night shift in McDonald’s and KFC for her need without telling any one
Suhani- he struggled a lot
Sharad – yaa that’s why I am pleasing u can u stay here and help me for 4 days please I need ur help please
Suhani -okk but on 4th night I will leave sharad okk
Sharad – okk fine on 4th day it’s yuvi’s birthday after that u can leave
Suhani -OK fine she leaves telling good night to sharad
Sharad – I think somewhere yuvi love’s u suhani and I hope his love will make u stay her for life time with him
Precap- more Flashback

Sorry guys it’s my boards exam and I don’t get lost of time here is a episode for u guys I will try to post next episode as early as possible


"The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart."

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