Already when you have made kaira’s divorce a big joke, them thinking of eloping and marrying frames them as selfish. God knows what the writer exactly wants to portray through all this. According to kaira’s logic right now, its like ” WANNA TAKE A BREAK, HAVE A KIT KAT ” and ” WANNA REKINDLE LOVE, TAKE A DIVORCE “. f**k, relationships are not a joke dude. Marriage as an institution involves two families and not just two individuals. One day before their divorce they fight like mad people and the next day, they yearn to see each other. Is it some fun going on here??

After a really long time, actually both the families were in their senses. Kaira really needed their dose of reality check. Divorce is not a small thing, first they took divorce going against everyone in the family. Even dadi who was not in good terms with her asked her to think again about her relationship. And nevertheless to mention keerti always wanted them to be together. She knew she was against her husband but even then she put in her share of efforts to bring them closer. Manish and naitik literally jumped in joy when the two ran off from the court once. Knowing everything when you took a decision you must have guts to stay on that decision through thick and thin.

The biggest problem of these two characters is that from the time they have been introduced till date which ever wedding has happened they never let them happen peacefully. Be it yash and rose wedding or naksh and keerti’s wedding or mansi and anmol’s wedding. They create all the hell possible and in the end they will be framed as if they made the marriage occur. For god’s sake show them as two human beings and not celestial beings. Especially naira, she needs a temple to be built for her. The most adamant character indian television has ever witnessed. Even if its her fault she expects an apology in the end. She is the embodiment of problems on the show. But the fact being she herself invites problems for herself and in the end plays the victim card by shedding tears.

And one thing that really needs explanation is naira’s leg. She can’t actually dance and when she does it hurts her. This is what we have seen. But how the hell can she run and climb up people standing in a pyramid on janmashtami and break the pot that is hung up. Now this is what is called LOGIC.

Anyways, no grudges against the actors. They are all perfect with what they are asked to do. Just hope some day YRKKH becomes as logical and good to watch as it was before.



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