Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 15th January 2025 Written Episode, Written Update on
The Episode starts with Vidya asking Armaan to promise her. She says what Abhira did with me, she did it intentionally, she should get punished for her mistake. Armaan cries seeing her trauma. He says she thinks she got you released from jail and fixed everything, and no one will complain now, she is wrong, I will make her realize her mistake, I promise you, Abhira was getting justice for her brother, I will get justice for you. Abhira is at the temple. She prays. Pandit guides her to complete her mannat. Abhira rushes to the tree. Abhir is in his room. He sees the bracelet and recalls Charu. He messages Charu and thanks her. Kiara gets glad. Manisha asks to study. Kiara says my friend had sent funny memes. Manisha asks her to show. Kiara refuses. Abhira sees Armaan there. He scolds her. Surekha stops him and says Abhira got Vidya back. She defends Abhira. Armaan asks can you fix this. He scolds Abhira for putting Vidya in trauma. He leaves. Ruhi hears Charu, Krish, Aryan, Rohit and Kiara talking. Armaan comes and says Abhira signed the divorce papers first, I can forget that, but I can’t forget what she did with Vidya. Abhira thinks of Armaan and cries. Ruhi comes and sees the divorce papers. She asks Abhira not to keep the papers in the cupboard. She says Armaan knows about your help towards Vidya, even then he is showing attitude, do you think he will come back this time. Armaan sees his ring and removes it in anger. Abhira says I want Armaan’s anger and negativity to go away. Ruhi asks her to accept the situation and move on. Abhira says I know Armaan will come to the college but not talk to me, I will see him once.
Dadi asks Kajal to get Vidya. Kajal says Armaan went to get her. Manisha says Ruhi went to meet Abhira. Vidya takes the food plate and sits on the ground. Dadi says Vidya is still in trauma. Abhira comes to the college and gets to hear the taunts from students. Armaan says I m going to the college. He leaves. Sanjay says Armaan and Abhira’s story can start again. Vidya looks on. Ruhi takes care of Abhir and have a funny banter. He asks where is Daksh, get him to us. She asks him not to argue. They see Charu and all. Charu ignores Abhir. Abhir sees Charu and messages her. Kiara gets the message and smiles. Charu checks her friends’ messages. Kiara replies Abhir and compliments her. Krish sees Sira. Aryan asks did you guys stop talking. Krish says she didn’t become your Bhabhi. Ruhi asks do you both know each other. Sira says no. Armaan comes to the class. Abhira sees him. The girl says Sir has removed his engagement ring. The guy says he is giving clear hint, he won’t return to Abhira now. Abhira gets sad. Armaan tells about the accident case and defends Vidya. He asks them about the other solution to the case. Abhira raises hand. Armaan ignores her.
Armaan scolds Abhira in the class. Abhira gets locked in the library and faints. Armaan comes there.
Update Credit to: Amena
Y abhira is back on armaan … Let her get new lead… This cry boy doesn’t suit abhira .. y everyone taunt girl…
Did abhira forgot wat Arman family did to her family… Don’t show fl weak
the audience loves brainrot content where FL take the crap of her in-laws all the time
These writers need to stop writing the same plots how many times do we have to watch Abhira and Armaan to go through the same old storyline, divorce and separation,then back together again this is getting boring. some of the Poddar are shameless.the writers have ruined there male and female lead in the story.Armaan is a momma boy and cry baby ,Abhira is weak keep begging Armaan and the Poddar for forgiveness.Vidya is a weak and pathetic mom.
the audience loves brainrot content where FL take the crap of her in-laws all the time
Makers please kindly bring the new male lead for abhira because she’s deserve a new male lead and also like l said armaan and the poddar family doesn’t deserve abhira at all its very obvious because upon everything abhira has done for them they still don’t appreciate it which means clearly they don’t deserve her because clearly abhira is the best wife,sister, aunt and sister in law but they take her kindness for granted and now abhira needs to be a very strong fighter to overcome all the wrong done to her and her brother and family.
read something on the lines of Armaan is going to get her law license revoked. If he does that their is no redemption for him. He is so unprofessional for mixing personal and work life together. Abhira is just getting more annoying with very passing day trying to get into Armaan good books. Abhira just needs to do 1 thing which is very simple LEAVE THE IDIOT!!! Let him be a mama’s boy. Abhira was not wrong to fight for her brother let reverse the roles if Manish has accidentally hit Charu or Kiara and left them to die; would the Poddars let him run free. Kaveri would roar if that happened and Vidya would throw hands once again; would they let him go without putting him in prison. Armaan is not a man he is a mama boy who will always choose his mama. His unhealed mother trauma is what will cause all his pain and l hope Abhira is married off to a decent Abhinav like man and has a family with him when he realizes all this!!!!! It is not worth it; if you are going to get married it should be to a man not a mama’s boy!!!!
Indian people really cant move on in life, do they. Abhira and Armaan characters are the same. Suckers for punishment.
totally true
Armaan said he can forgives Abhira for signing the divorce paper first but not for the trauma Vidya is suffering, Abhira is the one who should never forgives Armaan, what Ruhi said is right, Armaan after knowing what Abhira did still he is listeninv to Vidya! Abhira is better off be alone than with such a pathetic family!
This stupid armaan who will always bee seen as a step child by the entire podar family is an ass.he wants abhira to pay for that woman going to jail which she deserved.stupidity talking about that woman’s trauma she’s going.that old hag can come out of that so called trauma shes in but what about abhirs legs.can she fix them?stupid and backwards writers writing stupid and backwards stories.they should be writing better stories with a bhira and family members who has brains giving befitting replies to such stupid questions asked by those useless and annoying podars.they better bring in a new male lead who is hundred time’s better than that useless armaan.sick and tired of watching him being so stupid
I agree get a new man for Abhira and let her move to somewhere else where shd can live happily! Armaan n the Poddars don’t deserve Abhira they only deserve someone who is a puppet and doormat to the family! No logic and common sense this family has when come to their family only they ruled!
Vidiya is traumatized 😂😂😂😂, five days in jail and she is traumatized 🤣🤣🤣. Isn’t being stuck in a wheelchair for an indefinite period of time or even for life traumatic? The Poddars have lost their minds. Abhira if she intended to get this chameleon out of prison she shouldn’t have taken this case to court in the first place. All her drama about Abhir having to get justice was a complete joke now that she got Vidiya out of jail. She should have just taken Armaan and Vidiya’s side once and for all instead of wanting to be Abhir and Vidiya’s vigilante at the same time knowing that the two are not really grateful. In this series all the characters choose their own interest but Abhira wants to be on all sides and that will never work especially with families like the Poddars and the Goenkas. Abhira likes to be punished, when this annoying Armaan had her mind set and wanted to go away from her family with her, she wanted to stay so as not to break their bond despite the betrayal and the obvious hatred of the Poddars for her and even for Armaan. Abhira managed to reunite Armaan with his crazy family but what did she gain in the end? Nothing. Why does she want to be with Armaan when things have already gone so far, he made his choice she made hers she should no longer look for a return to the past they don’t share the same beliefs. The only thing they have in common is their masochistic desire to be mistreated by the people around them. Abhira has lost all her dignity she should stop wanting to be like Armaan a dog in the service of others who runs after a few crumbs of love, where there is no respect there is no love. I really liked Abhira at first but she also ended up being a total ruin. If she needs a new man in her life to realize her own worth, instead of relying on herself to love and care for herself before prioritizing others, this show has no point. Why do women’s lives always have to revolve around men on this show to gain respect or develop herself, she should instead work on herself develop a solid career be fully established before meeting a man who is also financially successful who will loves and values her instead of settling for the first tramp she meets on the side of the road. Akshara took the first tramp she met on the road and stuck her with Abhira, believing that every tramp has the same value.
Wow wow! Armaan is so childish to purposely step on Abhira’s phone! Behaving like a child taking revenge or bullying his friend🤣🤣🤣 he is a lecturer instead of lecturing students for misbehaving with another classmate he did the misbehaving himself! Call himself a lecturer? SMH
And he cannot differentiate personal n professional!
What is Armaan talking about it was an accident? We know very well it was but Vidya did the hit n run, ofc she did not intentionally hit Abhir but she did ran away after hitting him isn’t that so?? Armaan told the students to not gossip about his private n personal life, isn’t he himself took his personal life to treat Abhira instead of his professionalism?
Armaan is really not professional first he ignored Abhira knowing that she was there but just put that she was absent, during Q&A he again ignored Abhira, and then said move on? Can a professional lecturer do that? I wonder what his friend thinks the one that recommended him to be guest lecturer!
I read that writers are going to bring in another man that will be awesome,I’m tired of watching Armaan he is weak a cry baby and a momma boy who act like a child who doesn’t have a mind to stand up for himself.writers please change Vidya she looks shameless. give Abhira a new look and a new man in her life.i always like Abhira until writers started changing her character to be weak.