Yeh Jhuki Jhuki Si Nazar 3rd June 2022 Written Episode Update: Brij learns about his cancer

Yeh Jhuki Jhuki Si Nazar 3rd June 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Brij teaching the kids. Anju asks him to have juice first. Palki says the parents paid the fees. He asks her to give it to Anju. He starts teaching. Anju keeps the money. Palki says he looks so happy, Diya called and said Armaan ordered medicines, what medicines are that. Anju says vitamins medicines, we shall pay for that. Diya receives the medicines. Madhu says Armaan is wasting time on Brij’s medicines. Sudha says its time, Diya and her family need help. Madhu says don’t teach this to me, you have more experience than me, you handled everything after your husband died. Sudha says yes. Madhu says you never asked everything. Sudha says I don’t find this wrong. Bhavna shows Palki’s pics. She asks how does Palki get the makeup and new clothes when she has no

money. Madhu says maybe Diya gives them money, why doesn’t she pay for her dad’s medicines. Sudha doesn’t listen. Brij teaches the kids and asks what did they learn. Anju recalls Rocky’s words. Palki asks the kids to write an essay on my dad, my hero. She tells about Brij. They smile. Doctor comes home to pick his son and meets Brij. He says I m glad seeing you teach the kids and have such courage, you will soon get rid of the blood cancer. Brij and Palki get shocked. She says you maybe mistaken. Doctor says no, I have already told this to Anju. He leaves. Brij and Palki ask Anju did she know this, is this true. Anju says yes, it’s the truth. Brij sits in shock. Palki asks how can you hide this. Anju says I didn’t know what to do, where to go. She asks Brij not to worry, she will make him fine.

He faints down in shock. Diya is on work call. She cooks the food. She checks the list of things you do. She says its almost complete, I have to see dad’s incomplete wishes, I will work on this from today. Water falls on his diary. His name gets wiped off. Diya tries to clean it. She cries and hugs the diary. Anju and Palki try to wake up Brij. Palki calls for an ambulance. She calls Diya. Diya leaves her phone in the kitchen. Diya goes and serves the food to everyone. She asks Saloni to sit and have food well. Saloni says we shall have the food together. Sudha asks Diya to sit. Saloni likes the food. Madhu says Sudha also cooks really well. Sudha thanks Madhu. Diya asks Sudha to teach her making the paneer dish. Sudha says sure, but a mum’s dish will always taste different, where is Armaan. Krish comes and asks for Armaan, did they talk to him. Sudha asks him to sit and have the food. Armaan reaches Mathurs with the doctor. He asks Palki not to cry. Doctor checks Brij and gives the injection. He asks them not to worry, Brij will be stable. Anju cries and thanks him. She asks Palki did you talk to Diya. Palki says yes, I had called her. Armaan calls Diya and tells everything. Diya worries.

Anju calls Rocky and goes to meet him. Diya thinks where did mummy go. Diya and Palki look at Anju.

Update Credit to: Amena


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