Ye Ishq Nahi Aasan #25 He Knew Too!?

Sorry! I broke my promise! But I will compensate…

P.S. Blame the show! After yesterday’s episode, there was a long discussion… I couldn’t finish the update!

Abhay: WHAAAAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Piya: Uhhh… Yes! And there is one more thing you don’t know about Abhiraj!

Abhay: Call me Abhay! Vansh doesn’t know!

Piya: Actually, There are a lot of things that you don’t know!

Abhay: Okay… Tell me then!

Piya: The most important thing you need to know is…

Mere upar Joote chappal na phekna! I am not Captain America! I don’t have a shield!

Just then, the telephone in their room rings.

Abhay goes to pick it up.

Abhay: Good morning call! Now you tell me what I need to know!

Piya: Yes… Actually… 

Just then, Piya’s phone rings. She picks it up.

Piya (whispers): It is Dad!

Abhay nods and goes to freshen up.

In RiAnsh’s Room

Vansh is in deep thought. He realises that his lust for Riddhima’s blood has drastically reduced after she had fainted when she met Abhay. He still craved her blood but not so much to drive him crazy. And now, it is just a tiny part of him, it can’t harm Riddhima… ever! Just then…

Riddhima: What are you thinking?

Vansh: Nothing, just… there’s something weird!

Riddhima: What happened, Vansh?

Vansh: No, no, I am fine… there’s something weird with my bloodlust… I don’t know why, but my craving for your blood reduced a lot after you had fainted the other day!

Riddhima (murmuring): But I know.

Vansh: What!?

Riddhima: It must be because you started learning to control.

Vansh: Maybe but…

Riddhima shuts him up with a peck on his cheeks.

Vansh: What was that!?

Riddhima: To shut you up!

Vansh: No! I mean, I wanted a morning kiss! I am not a kid!

Riddhima: Don’t be greedy!

Vansh: Greedy! Look who’s talking! Do you want me to remind you what you did last night!?

Riddhima: No! No! No! Please don’t talk about it!

Vansh: Achha! Then give me my morning kiss!

Riddhima quickly kisses him and runs to freshen up.

Vansh(to himself): Oh My God!!! How could I forget that!! Riddhima’s powers affected my lust!!!! OH MY GOD!!! She got her powers back! (Tadaaaaaa! Vansh knows too! Now let’s see what happens! Everyone knows about the past)

Just then, he has a vision… In the vision…

Piya: Abhay, I need to tell this to you before it is too late… Abhay, Kapil… I mean Kabir… He…

Abhay: What is it Piya!? You have been trying to say this since the morning! Just get over with it!

Piya: Abhay, Kabir did not die while attacking Radhika… I mean, Riddhima… Kabir was…

Just then, the vision ends!

Vansh: UGH!!! A cliffhanger!!!!!! Why! Why! Why!?

Everybody here hates cliffhangers right!? Well forgive me, I am gonna give a cliffhanger today too!

Please Joote Chappal Aloo Tamatar Sab Apne Paas Rakhna! Mehngai Badh Gayi Hai Na! Why Was It On Me!?


All four of them are on the breakfast table.

Piya: Abhay, Riddhima, Vansh, we need to discuss something!

Riddhima: Speak up! What is it!?

Piya: Riddhima, I know you remember everything! Abhay told me… I knew it since before you both knew…

Riddhima: WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Vansh: Wait! What!? Abhay and Riddhima remember!!!!!!?

Riddhima and Abhay (turning their face to Vansh): YOU KNOW TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

They all stare at each other in shock for a minute and then all of them start laughing.

Abhay: We all knew and nobody told each other!

Riddhima (holding her stomach): Oh My God! Hahahahahaha! My stomach hurts because of laughing!!

Piya: Guys! Guys! On a serious note! There is one more thing…

Abhay: What happened?

Piya: Abhay, I need to tell this to you before it is too late… Abhay, Kapil… I mean Kabir… He…

Abhay: What is it Piya!? You have been trying to say this since the morning! Just get over with it!

Piya: Abhay, Kabir did not die while attacking Radhika… I mean, Riddhima… Kabir was… He was trying to save Riddhima when he died!

Pehle hi bol diya! Don’t throw anything on me!

And whoever is on twitter… Follow @Immj2O

And! And! Don’t forget to tweet ‘RraHel At DilSe’ !!!!!!!!!!!! Being a #RiAnsh and #RraHel fan, I want this to be in the top trend today!!!

OH! By the way! I almost forgot… I finished my SILVER JUBILEE of this ff on the LAST DAY OF 2020!!!!!

Happy New Year In Advance Guys!!!!!!!!!!!

Stay Safe, Happy, Healthy and everything else that is good…


There's "if" in life and there's "fun" in funeral *Moody Person Alert*

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