Fan Fiction

The Written Love To You-Part 5

Hey there….I am really sorry as I couldn’t write more…I tried but the system rejected my story…so I shorten it….

Lets Begin…

At that moment Nirmala interrupted them.
Nirmala: I am so sorry..Tia..but Karan and Naina have to complete an important rasam…
She called out Naina who is in deep thinking…
Nirmala: Naina…Hello Naina
Naina still did not respond…so Nirmala slowly went to Karan and ask him what happen to Naina..
Nirmala: What happen to your beloved wife???

Karan gave a blurred look…
He slowly went to Naina and touch her shoulder while calling out her name loudly.
Naina: Hah…I am here…Why…What happen…did the sky fall down life is falling into pieces…
Naina did not respond still…
Karan: What’s wrong with you..always day dream…dreamer…
Khyati: Enough…faster go..Meghnal and Kunal went to their room already..what are you waiting for…huh…
Naina: Oh..ok…can I ask for what??
Khyati: Your first night…
Naina and Karan: WHAT… FIRST NIGHT!!!
Khayati(While showing the way of Karan ‘s room): Relax…Do not worry about anything…
Naina(In her heart):What shall I do…I am scared….Nevermind I shall try asking Meghna didi…but maybe she is busy…hmmm…why don’t I just try
She quickly took out her phone…

Naina quickly messaged her sister…
Naina: Didi…what must I do….I am feeling very scared..
Meghnal(after a few minutes):No worries….relax…bye…do not disturb me…i am busy…
Naina(while walking slowly with Karan):Why do I have to do this…Nevermind…Its Karan only what…
Karan(In his mind):What have I done in life…
They reached the door of Karan ‘s room….
Khyati: Good luck guys…
Karan and Naina looked at each and other….



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