Fan Fiction

Will you be without me? Chapter 27

What to do now?

Pragya was now confused does she really need to try more to find out who is the person cheated Abhi or just ignore about it! After a lot of thoughts, Pragya decided to ignore about it for now as what now matters is the happiness that both of them are getting from their love.

Abhi’s family returned from Delhi and were noticing the changes in Abhi. They realised that he was in happy mood at all times and is always humming love songs..Dadi found all this strange as he don’t have the habit of humming to songs. And he was also always using the phone and smiling while using it too. The worst part was kissing his phone after using it which was something Abhi never do before!

Dadi ” Abhi how many times will u kiss ur phone after using it? It doesn’t look nice!” Abhi ” Oh Dadi! Phone is the best invention by human and I am appreciating it Dadi as it is helping me a lot!” Dadi ” Keep your appreciation to yourself u are kissing the phone as if u are kissing ur girlfriend!” Abhi ” Haan Dadi! Its my girlfriend that I am giving kisses to! Do u have any problem in that?” Dadi ” Huh? Are u telling the truth? ” Abhi ” Dont ask me anything and yes I am in love but I cant tell who it is now!” Dadi was glad to hear that Abhi was in love but she wondered why he dont want to tell who it is?

Dadi thought if he dont want to reveal who it is then it is my duty to find who it is…whoever it is I am the one most happy to get a bahu for this house! As for Abhi, he knew that Dadi will be now on a mission to find out who he love but before that he have to finish some goals in his life. Until that he decided that he must make sure that Dadi cannot find out that Pragya is the one that he loves….As for Pragya, she was busy in work thats when Abhi called her, ” Pumpy! For the next few days it is better for us not to talk or meet frequently…dont ask me why if u have full faith in me! Just agree to what I am saying and I will be also using a new number to contact u…Ok bye for now as I have some work and later we shall talk!” Pragya was stunned by whatever Abhi spoke to her there was not even a moment that she could talk back as Abhi never gave a pause just now when he spoke. Why is he behaving like this now? Is he angry on me or what? What to do now?

What are the unfinished goals of Abhi that make him not to reveal the person he loves? For that u all have to wait for the upcoming updates…

I know its short again but I am very tired today so cant really type tat much…


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