Fan Fiction

A Vampire & His Hidden kingdom (Episode 5)

At pragya’s cart..
P,tanu look at that tree.its shining with gold colour.
T,ha shall we go there & check it out.
(They jumped out from the cart and ran to that tree,)
Guard,princess be carefull.go slowly.if not pixies will get scared na..

Pragya’s mouth open like a blackhole
P, eyes are very lucky to see them.jumping jalapeno jack rabbits..we are in wonderworl.woow.

T,pragu lets go slowly yaar.i am very tired i cant run bearing this heavy frock.

P,then u wait here.i ll come soon
(Pragya ran)
T,omg this idiot na.wait im comming.

Abhi’s cart.

A,i am damn sure fuggy and wolfy wldnt come with us. They may with that pixies.
N,haha i am really sad about their gaurads and maids.they have to look after two new born babies.
A,hahahaha.. maid what is that,guard what is this,maid how this happens,can we eat it.. uffff poor maids & guards.

Near the tree

Pragya went to tree .
P,hi every one!
One pixie came near pragya’s face..and observes her well.
Pixie,friends… she is our prince’s beloved princess.comeon.. welcome her..(shouts)
Millions of pixies came and surrounded pragya and pragya disappeared due to the gold colour emmited by their fethers..
Pixies together makes one sounds.. welcome sweet princess…

Pragya bent her head and say thanx..then lil by little pixies move on to the tree.then few pixies make her wear a tiara made by lil thousands of flowers.

Pragya accepted it with love..
One pixie came and sit on pragya’s sholder.
Px,princess when U have free time pls come and visit our home.we gave thousands of trees like this & million billions of pixies.and we all will come to ur wedding.

T,but how we visit u with this size

Px,oh itz simple princess.we will do it with our magic.

T,pragu guard is calling us.we are late all ready.
P,ok i am comming..
Friends..i ll come again okey. Thanx for every thing bye..

Pranu left to the cart and they again to move.@ last all three carts reached to the royal garden.

A,dadi where is that dragon.
Q,beta frist relax your mind..
A,dadi i am already relaxed na
Q,then take this.
Queen gave a scepter to abhi.. abhi took it to his both hands with much respect.
Q,now streach it to sky and ask your dragon to come

Abhi streached scepter to the sky and and wished his dragon to come.. red colour gem of the scepter emmited bright light to ths sky and it reach sky passing clouds even an @ last that light spread all over the sky like a blast..

Q,now dragon and every one will know about their prince
Pragya cut off queen..
P,not only him dadi.they know me too.i met pixies on the way.the knew me.
Q,ha beti.they all know you too..

Nikhil streached his hands towards the sky.every one looked at sky.
Beyond the clouds huge something is comming towards them.

Q,he is comming.

A huge unblevble creature came & land on the is hundread times larger than them.
P,dadi can it blow fire.
Q,why not.he can.but only if his master ask..

A,what should i do now dadi.

Q,go and talk with him.But dont froget.he only needs your kindness.

Abhi reaches to dragon lil by lit.pranu & nikhil were hell shocked.
Abhi also felt bit nervs

A,hi how are you.i am going to be ur master.nice to meet. Chi…abhi.just like a r a to be king ur attitude… (talking to him self)

Q,beta frist name him.then talk.

A,uff ok let me think.

Q,beta name will br the pride of dragon & his destiny will follow that name.itz just like a think well before naming.

A,helllooo Shruikan..hope you’ll like that name.
After abhi call his name.. dragon screams(for respicting) and it cames to abhi and bv..
A,oh no need to bv my boy(touching dragon’s head)
P,(shouting)he likes u abhi.woow.
T,whatz the meaning of shruikan sounds perfect.
A, A black dragon with deep blue eyes and strong & unbreakble heart.
Q,i am proud of u are the legitimate hair to the crown.but now u prove your knowladge also suit for that.dont u like to have a ride with ur dragon..
A,why not dadi..fuggi come with me.
Q,no beta this us your frist time have to go the to be king ur heart and dragon’s heart have to get com each only happens in the you must have your frist ride alone.

P,dadi then what about my heart.abhi’s heart must combine only to me.not his shru.(paut)

A,arey sweety my heart is only yours.shru is a dragon na.lets go for a walk after i come.

P,hmm.ok.have a safe ride.

Abhi get on to dragon and patted on dragon.
A,lets go boy.
Show me our kingdom.

Shru fly to sky in jet speed with abhi…

Abhi is about to fall but he manage to hang on shru.

Carefull prince.hold me tightly.

A,who is that.i came alone na.this time no flowers even.and now i am above the one can talk to me even using a phone.

Shru,itz me prince.your duty to protect you.thatz why i asked to queen said our hearts are combined we can commiunicate using our heart.

A,wow wonderful shru..i feel u r tired now.we fly more than hour.lets have rest on that cliff..

In royal garden

Q,nikhil beta you will be the frist knight of abhi and commander to his army.. get ready to have ur post on the coranation day

N,thanx my my plshr to know that.

Precap purab bulbul aliya sarala ma and her sissy’s daughter ishithas arrivel to MIRZU

silent readers… thanx for reading my ff.

Thanx for ur love u too honey & thanx for liking my ff
Thanx AF for commenting on my ff.. it makes me feel my ff is good..becouse such a great writter commented. Thanx u lot.
Thanx abhigya for commenting.keeo supporting.
thanx rosy for reading my ff and for commentng.keep supporting.
Thanx prathi for liking my imaginations.
Di thanx darling..i got ur rose.. pls accept my rose too.. love u too sis.
My lil princess.. how shld i call u..very strict na.i ll obey ur words.promise u r really a amazing cute girl.i love the way you love.. keep smiling princess.
anjali thanx for commenting.ishitha will come to the story from next epi & then ishra also going to play there loveble roles here.
Krish no need to be sorry yaar.thanx for commenting and supporting me.
Thanx sugan for suporting..
Mukund raj..hope u’ll support me in future too.

Thank kavitha for commenting.. keep -ve roles & fantasy only.
thanx nirmal keep supporting.
thanx angitha.i’ve add unicorns for u in last epi
hey durga.. thanx for commenting,supporting abd reading my u sis♥.
My dear loving choti.. thanx for commenting u loads sweet heart.i ve posted my new of the goddess.itz only in my tu account due to some error.riya had commented on that.i must thank her for that.after finishing this i ll cntnue it.

Thanx again for supporting.


~Dreamers are the SAVIORS of the world~

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