Fan Fiction

“That Unknown Feeling”- Chapter 36: Turning Tides

Chapter 35: chapter-35

(Recap: Suhani finds out that Yuvraaj remembers nothing from the previous day. Sayyam and Krishna have a small argument. The family finds out that Yuvaan has gotten married to a girl he supposedly loves, while Krishna is devastated upon finding out that Yuvaan never loved her.)

To revisit previous chapters: Previous Episodes
Krishna sat inside the room, tending to all the emotional pain she’d been dealt today. How could’ve Yuvaan done this to her? Didn’t he love her? She sat on the floor, hugging her pillow to herself, wondering what was missing in her that everyone she loved had left her, one after the other. First her parents had left her, and now Yuvaan too? She saw a shadow in front of her and she scrambled to her feet, wiping all the tears off her face and blinking back fresh ones. She set the pillow down and turned around to be met by Sayyam’s dark eyes.


“Don’t…don’t you dare say a word.” Krishna glared up at Sayyam, silencing him almost immediately. “I can handle myself,” she hissed, causing him to step out of the way and look down, as Krishna walked out of the room, determined to get some answers of her own.

Sayyam watched her leave, feeling dejected. He reminded himself that it was because of this girl that he had no one he could speak freely with today. Suhani had made it clear already that she did not want to communicate with him, Bhavna and Sharad most definitely wanted nothing to do with him, and now he was probably beyond redemption in Yuvraaj’s eyes as well.

Something else was nagging at his mind though. How could Baby be here? Surely it was just a coincidence? He stuffed his hands into his pockets and gazed at the mirror, eyeing the scar on the left side of his face.

Sayyam had been in the orphanage since birth, and all the other orphans had always bullied him. They would always find an excuse to get him in trouble, or make sure that he didn’t receive his meal for the day. But no matter what, they would never leave a chance to hurt him; either they would hit him and force him to sleep on the floor or taunt him endlessly, pointing at the scar on his face.

Then, one day, when all the other teens had been tormenting him, she had showed up; warning each one of them that the next time they tried to bother him, she’d make sure they didn’t live to regret it. Since that day, there had been this unspoken bond between them. They always stayed with each other, and as time passed, Sayyam grew more self-dependent; and together, he and Baby were a force to be reckoned with.

Soon though, Baby started to change. Unlike Sayyam, who always kept to himself and disliked commotion, Baby preferred to constantly trouble all their other roommates and stir up trouble wherever she went. Sayyam thought he had abandoned everything for good when he had left the orphanage a year ago; but now, he didn’t know whether to be glad or disturbed that he had encountered Baby again.

Krishna rushed to Yuvaan’s room, determined not to cry and make a show of herself. She knocked on the door and stepped back, trying to calm herself. She had to bite her lip when the girl- presumably Yuvaan’s wife- opened the door.

“Can I speak to Yuvaan?” Krishna tried to smile, despite the tsunami of emotions tossing and turning inside her.

“Of course!” the girl flashed Krishna an artificial smile and extended her hand, “By the way, I’m Baby.”

“Oh,” Krishna’s smile faltered as she shook Baby’s hand. The girl then disappeared behind the door and after a couple seconds Yuvaan stepped out. Krishna told herself that she wouldn’t be affected by his words; she would prove how strong she was.

“Krishna…you wanted to say something?” Yuvaan stood in front of her, acting as if he hadn’t left her completely alone the previous night.

“Why Yuvaan…why did you leave me? I thought you loved me,” Krishna was determined to get answers.

“What do you mean Krishna? There was never any love between us.” Yuvaan scoffed.

“What?” she felt like a deer caught in the headlights.

“I mean, I love Baby” he shook his head in amusement.

Suddenly, Krishna felt betrayed, and she realized that Yuvaan had been playing with her feelings this whole time. She closed her eyes in frustration, realizing what a fool she had been. She was done, she couldn’t- she wouldn’t- take any more of this treatment. She would prove that she didn’t need him; that she was happy without him- no matter how much she would have to pretend. She reopened her eyes and laughed lightly, surprising Yuvaan.

“Actually Yuvaan, I came to thank you,” she looked at Yuvaan with confidence.

“Thank me for what?” he frowned.

“I didn’t realize this until yesterday, but I love Sayyam. He’s always been there for me, always taken care of me. I’m happy with him. So, thank you, for helping me understand this,” Krishna smirked, hoping that Yuvaan was convinced by now.

“Wha-?” Yuvaan was utterly shocked at the turn of events.

Krishna turned to walk away, but backtracked and leaned closer to Yuvaan, “Also, you know what?” she tilted her head mischievously, “He’s very hot,” she winked and walked away, feeling bold for the first time in her life.

Little did they know that someone standing behind a pillar had watched the entire scenario play out.

Hey guys! Here’s the next episode!
Who do you think was watching Yuvaan and Krishna? Tell me down in the comments 😉
Also, in response to some of the previous comments, I don’t want to reveal much yet, but Baby is a grey character. You’ll find out more about her soon 😉
The next chapter will be coming out on Friday.

Until next time,
– Shreya <3


I love to inspire, entertain, and rebel against all things 'normal'

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