Unearth Your Love (Episode -17).. Ishq Mein Marjawan 2 #Thriller #IMMJ2


The Episode starts in a room where Vansh and Sejal having a conversation.

Sejal(worried):Bhai… Nothing will happen to her na…?

Vansh: Don’t forget that Vansh is still alive. Nothing will happen to her. The day I’ll leave this world,that day you have to worry for her.

Sejal: What’s my next work…?

Vansh: I’ll tell your next work when the time comes.

Sejal: You’re unpredictable…

Vansh smirks

Sejal:Bhai..I have to go now. Riddhima will be looking for me..

Vansh:Don’t worry,I’ll drop you..

Sejal:Are you coming to drop me or to see her…(laughs).

Vansh hits on her head softly..

Vansh: And remember one thing replace the room freshener with old ones… because our play is working,no need to make her more stressed..And our intention is not to harm her,.. Sometimes it’s right to do correct things from wrong ways!!.. let’s go..

Scene:Sehgal Mansion..-Riddhima’s room.

Riddhima is having medicines which was replaced by Sejal,just then Sejal and Vansh enters her room. Riddhima looks at him.

Riddhima (surprised): Vansh, you’re here..?

Vansh(with a sad face):Yeah,I heard that you’re having a headache.I thought to increase your headache. That’s why I’m here(laughs)..

Riddhima hits him..Vansh shows her a oil jar..

Riddhima:What is this..?

Vansh: Actually,daadi sent this to you as you’re having a headache​.She said that it will reduce headache.I think it will help you.Hmm…you sit here I will do head massage to you.

Vansh massages riddhima’s head…

Riddhima:I think you’re expert in it..To How many people you did this(laughs)

Vansh hits her on her head…

Riddhima:Ouch!! you’re hurting me…

Vansh:No,I’m massaging..(smiles).

Sejal looks them…

Sejal(uttering outside thinking she is talking inside):Hmmm. I have to agree one thing. You’re the pain and also you’re the medicine to her… Amazing Bhai…

Riddhima and Vansh looks at her

Riddhima (laughs):Sejal,What you’re saying..?..Are you ok..?

Sejal and Vansh worries..

Adi comes there before Sejal says that and hears her.

Adi:Sejal,I have to talk to you..Will you come with me…

Adi grabs sejal’s hand and takes her out…

Adi:Are you out of your mind..?What if Riddhima takes your words seriously..? What’s wrong with you Sejal..?

Flashback starts

Vansh,Sejal,Adi, Ranveer,Angre gathers in a place and discuss about something about Riddhima then divides their work…

Vansh:Guys,I had divided our work,we have to work according to the plan..

Everyone keeps their hands on Vansh’s hand

Flashback ends..

Adi:I praise you Sejal,you done your work perfectly..but you have control you tongue infront of Riddhima..ok..

Sejal:Sorry,adi I was not in senses…sorry..

Adi hugs her,when she is about go he pulls her and Whispers

Adi:I love you Sejal (smiles)..

Sejal downs her head and leaves from there in shy..

Scene: Riddhima’s room

Riddhima:You have a magic in your hands…kudos!!(smiles)..

Vansh: That’s it I thought you will praise me more…

Riddhima:OMG^infinite…Don ka chabhi…

Riddhima runs Vansh chases her.. infront of everyone….

Vansh(unintentionally):Aisha,stop it yaar..


Vansh and everyone is shell shocked..

Scene:In a room..

Unknown:Yeah,She was aisha…

Another person:Who is she..?

Unknown:Vansh’s ex-girlfriend…Whom I killed brutally before 3 years.

Another:Do you know her..?

Unknown:No..I don’t know her and I also didn’t saw her when I shot her.But I assure you I will kill Riddhima too.

Another:How you will kill her..?

Unknown: Wait and Watch..

Precap:Kabir enters Sehgal Mansion as Ranveer’s friend.


Passion on poetry... obsessed with writing,wanna be a thriller novelist

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