Unearth Your Love (Episode -12).. Ishq Mein Marjawan 2 #Thriller #IMMJ2


The Episode starts in Vansh’s room

Vansh(thinking): What I have to present to Riddhima as a gift…..this is her first birthday with me… I have to present a adorable gift to Riddhima just like her(smirks)..

Just then siya enters his room…looks at Vansh smirking..

Siya:Bhai..why are you smiling in yourself…?

Vansh:Siya,I’m just thinking about a gift…?

Siya:For Bhabhi…


Scene:Sehgal Mansion

Avinash:Riddhu,guess What I’ll gift you on this birthday…?


Avinash closes her eyes and takes her out ….Riddhima got surprised by seeing the gift…

Riddhima: wow,dad It’s amazing…Ferrari (jumps)…

Avinash:yeah,this is a small gift from my side to my princess.. (Smiles)..

Ranveer:What you’re going to gift me…

Riddhima: Ohh.hello this my birthday not yours..so,you have to gift me if you want to..

Ranveer:(shows her a box which consists of rakhies):how is this..?

Riddhima (with teary eyes):It’s beautiful…you stored it from our childhood..?

Ranveer:Yeah,I wanted to show you that you will always be my little princess.. (Smiles)

They both shares a hug…

Adi takes her inside her room with blindfolded…removes her blindfold..the room is full of toys..adi presents her a large teddy bear which is more taller than Riddhima…

Riddhima: wow,bhai ..thank you ..

Adi:happy birthday choti(hugs her)..

It’s 7:30pm

Chachi brings Riddhima’s favourite boondi ladoos and makes her eat..

Riddhima: Chachi,these sweets are as sweet as you(smiles)..

Chachi wishes her a happy birthday… Later sejal gifts her a watch and wishes her…

Riddhima’s phone rings

Chachi:Who is this Don ka chabhi…?

Riddhima laughs and lifts the call..

Riddhima: Yeah,Vansh

Chachi shocks Don ka chabhi is Vansh..

Vansh:Hello,come out of your mansion…

Riddhima: Why..?

Vansh: First you come I’ll explain you later..

Riddhima: Yeah..coming..

Riddhima goes out of the mansion and looks for vansh…Vansh comes and pulls her closer to him and makes her sit in his car…he stars driving

Riddhima: Where we are going…?

Vansh:Don’t ask me where we are going…?

Riddhima: OK..tell me from where we will come…?

Vansh looks at her …..and blindfolds her…

Vansh: Riddhima, you talks much…

Riddhima smiles

There arrives at a place full of darkness..

Riddhima: Vansh,Where I am

Vansh: With me…

Riddhima: I know that…but where we are…?

Vansh puts his finger on her lips…

Vansh:shut your mouth…

He gets a jar whiah is full of fire flies and open it…then he removes blindfold….

Riddhima looks on….she sees fire flies

Riddhima: yayyyy(loudly)…..Vansh,it’s adorable….I always wanted to see fire flies….(hugs him)this is the best gift……

Vansh:I’m hungry now…

Riddhima: Do you want to eat this fire flies(laughs)..

Vansh(sarcastically): I’m not a chimpu to eat fire flies…

Riddhima hits him softly…

Vansh: let’s have dinner together in a restaurant…

Riddhima: OK…

They both heads to a restaurant after finishing dinner…vansh drops Riddhima at her house..

Scene:In a room

Unknown: I never let that Riddhima and Vansh live happily…

Unknown 2:What you want to do..?

Unknown: Wait and watch…

Precap:Vansh wants to protect Riddhima from someone.


Passion on poetry... obsessed with writing,wanna be a thriller novelist

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