Categories: Udaariyaan

Udaariyaan 23rd August 2023 Written Episode Update: Aasma decides to find the past

Udaariyaan 23rd August 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Aasma doing the aarti. Ashok and Biji come home and see the decorations. Everyone wishes Biji and hugs her. Deepak also wishes her on her birthday. Aasma thinks everything will get fine. Everyone gives gifts to Biji. Ekam and family come. Deepak looks on. He says you invited them. Aasma says yes. He asks why. She says Ekam is Ashok’s good friend. Deepak recalls Harleen’s words. He says don’t meet that family. Aasma says I don’t understand what’s happening, a lady met me today and got angry on me. He asks who was that lady. She says relax, she was scolding me and calling me Deepak’s daughter, another lady was calling her Baby. Deepak says you don’t go close to people. She says I think you know her, why don’t you tell me anything. He says please understand. Armaan’s

mum asks what were you doing with Deepak’s daughter, tell me the truth, what’s your relation with her. Armaan says she collided with me and asked if I got hurt, I asked her to go and do her work, you think I will marry any random girl. He thinks Alia is there in my life. Alia scolds Suraj. He says I will take you to Canada.

Armaan’s friend Jaggi sees them and says who is with Alia. Alia asks Suraj not to touch her again. She goes. Armaan says I don’t have any relation with anyone. Bua will approve my would be wife. He gets a call. He asks what, Alia is with someone else, Jaggi if this is false, then I will forget you are my childhood friend. Bua says swear on me. Armaan says I have to go. He goes. Bua gets angry and throws things. Aasma asks Alia to have samosa. Alia says thanks for taking my side, sorry, I was in anger, I m not going to say this, Ekam loves me a lot, I don’t need any outsider to convince him, thanks. She goes. Aasma says no one talks well. Ekam sees Alia. Aasma dances with everyone. Biji prays. Deepak prays for Aasma. He says Aasma longs for their love. Alia thinks why was Armaan so angry, did he learn anything, no. Armaan comes and takes her somewhere. He asks with whom were you there, tell me, who was he. She asks what are you saying. He says Jaggi called me and told me that you were with some guy. She says he was my college friend. He asks why did you hold his hand. He shouts. She says I didn’t hold anyone’s hand. He says say the truth.

She says I love you a lot, don’t you trust me, I won’t do anything that’s not right for us. She hugs him and cries. He says I trust you, you are my life, I can’t live without you. They hug. Alia comes back home. Alia hugs Aasma and says I have no doubt, I will get him. Alia leaves with the family. Preeto says Aasma made all the arrangements. Biji scolds Aasma and goes. Aasma cries. She thinks what’s the bitter truth that’s stopping Biji from accepting dad and me. She says no one is telling me anything. Minty consoles her. Aasma says tell me something, how will I fix things. Minty says Baby is Sukhi’s sister, Deepak did something that the enmity isn’t ending, I can’t tell you anything else. She goes. Aasma says its time for the secret to come out. She goes to Sukhi’s house. Suraj calls Alia somewhere. He asks when do you want to marry. Alia says I paid you money, wait for the signal. He says you are waiting for your family’s signal, I can’t wait for you for a long time, so hurry up. He holds her. Aasma enters the house. Suraj asks is our marriage final. Armaan comes and beats Suraj. He says Alia, you cheated me.

Precap: Arman and Aaila are taking injured Suraj to doctor. Aalia says Arman if anyone sees you with him there will be a big problem. Arman says you should have thought of consequences before.

Update Credit to: Amena


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