Fan Fiction


hi guys thank u so much for ur comment varsha am showing ragini has drunken so that am srry but surly u will know her another face in this episode

my previous link :

so lets begin

sanlak drops swaragini in there house


swara takes ragini without making any noise . at last swara goes to ragini room and make her sleep in the bed. swara comes out just then someone comes near to swara
voice:swara wat r u doing here

dadima:ladoo is ok right sumi and shekar is sleeping
swara:thank god they sleeping dadima . because today ragini drank to much of bear
dadima:wat to do its all because of…

swara:dadima leave it now go and sleep
they both leave two there room

next day morning

swara goes to ragini’s room but she is not

the scene shifts
a car is shown. a girl is driving it it is none other than our ragini. she is wear a top and a short skirt
ragini stops they car near a house. they name board is shown happy home is written in it
ragini smile and goes inside .
a lady is coming
lady:beta hw r u .

ragini:rosey aunty am fine . where are the others
rosey:go inside and see
ragini goes . many children are shown
ragini:hi cutties
children1:rags didi i missed u
ragini:am srry i was so busy
children2:didi come lets play
ragini:s i will come
ragini and children started to play. ragini is enjoying

the scene shifts
one car is coming towards happy home
some one comes out from the car it is our sanskar
rosey see’s him and gets angry

raosey:do u know this my life
sanskar:our company is giving u a big house compared to this house y can’t u vacate this place
and rosey and sanskar keep on agruing
ragini hears it


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