Fan Fiction


hi guys thanks for ur comment . i did not see any comment when i saw this episode i came to update because .only two days i can update .tuesday night am going to rajasthan and gujarat for 15 days . because of my marriage they have arranged a cousins trip so i will not able to update .

my previous link :

so let begin

the episode begings in ragsan room

ragini is sitting in the bed and watching dora and buji in the tv
sanskar comes there
sanskar:ragini i want to watch tv give me the remote
ragini:u forgotted something
ragini:go to the cupboard and take the paper which u signed
sanskar:goes and takes it
the paper is shown
a time table is there
it is written monday u used bath first in bath room ur time is 6 to 7 it is continueing like that one day ragini will bath first and next sanskar like that it goes
like that even tv also there is time if ragini watches one hour sanskar will watch one hour . like there is many items like even for bed one sanskar will sleep in bed and next day ragini will sleep in bed . like that for many things it is there
so today is ragini’s turn
sanskar:plz ragini don’t play with me plz na plz today india vs pakistan so plzgive me the remote
ragini:no i can’t
sudenly ragini remembers something and goes to bath room
ragini comes out wear jean and t shirt
ragini:sanskar today u watch tv tomarrow and day after tomorow i will take ur chance’s ok
sanskar:ragini wear r u going
ragini:just for a walk .
sanskar :can i come with
ragini:no need
ragini goes out
ragini has cover her face with scarf and ragini is having a camera with her
ragini goes to pub
inside the pud she meets the person
person:ragini we are going out today to mind
ragini:wear ur blue tooth
ragini and that person goes out .
ragini: rohan ok now were should go
rohan is that preson
rohan:ragini listen i we are going to a party now
rohan:there only we are going to see a1
ragini:a1 my god ok
they reach there

rohan:ragini keep the camera in the car itself
rohan comes and give’s a change to ragini he ask ragini to were it
ragini:nice idea rohan we camera in chain
rohan:not only that here is the glass
ragini wears it
ragini:so through this glass u can see wat am seeing and u can hear me even i can see wat ur seeing for that i should touch left side of the frame
rohan:s ragini lets go . ragini if there is any problem i will say abort u should leave the place ok
ragini:ok rohan
ragini and rohan goes inside the party and many people are there. ragini and rohan are in different direction
ragini moves in the crowd
ragini:rohan can u here me
rohan:i can here and i can also see u and wat ur seeing also . there is no need to talk loud ok i can here if u speck silently also
ragini:wat should i do
rohan:take the juice glass
ragini takes
rohan:i think now u can see a1
ragini:offcourse i can see
rohan:go near him pour juice . u should do by mistake they should belive
ragini:now see my acting
ragini she acts as if she and pours the juice on a guy
ragini:oh am srry sir
guy:my god leave it .
rohan is speaking to ragini but nobody can here it
rohan:ask him can i help u
ragini:can i help u sir
guys:its ok i will do it
rohan:sir plz na ask like this
ragini:sir plz sir tell me help u because i only did na
guy:ok come
ragini take him to rest room while washing . ragini sparys him and that guys faints
ragini:i did it rohan come na fast
rohan comes there and they take the guy by a the fire exit

in car

rohan:good work ragini
ragini:ok hw lets inform them
ragini calls someone
ragini: boss we did it
boss:good job well done bring him to me
ragini:rohan its allready late let me go and u take him
ragini removes the chain and the glass and gives to rohan
ragini and rohan hug each other and goes from there

ragini:thank god i think am not late let me go now

ragini comes to mm . all are sitting in the dinning table but ap is not in the mood to eat because of morning incident

ragini comes there
sanskar:ragini come we will eat
ragini:am not in mood devil
ragini’s to the room
sanskar follows her

ragini came out from bath after changing her dress she is wearing night dress
when ragini came out she saw sanskar having food
sanskar drags ragini and makes her sit in the bed and feeds her
ragini gets emotional (because nobody was friendly with her before
ragini:(in mind) don’t show me too much of affection its not good because i will not be with forever . i can die at any time because my work is like that. hw can i tell u that am working in a agency . bt oneday u will know it . i can’t be with u at all and am not at all perfect to be ur wife
ragini has tears in her eyes
sanskar see’s
sanskae:ragini wat happened
ragini: this food has capsicum . i hate capsicum so that only

the episode ends

precap:???(don’t know guys )

guys ragini is working under a agency sceretly . don’t worry guys i will end this agency part and all soon after that ragsan romance

guys the glass and the ragini and rohan part was from the movie mission impossible part 5
srry for copying


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