Fan Fiction

Twinj:Immortal struggling love Chapter 55

I know I am hell late but I thought of stopping it as I had less cmnts. But many of u txtd me so I wrote. Here’s the last link:

Previous Episode

Chapter 55:

Twinkles pov:
Aftr seeing the arrangements and fun over there even i wanted to go to fair, I asked my father bt he declined saying it’s not upto our standards to go to such places but there’s nting wrong in hving fun.
By servants at my place I learnt that fair has started and the next day thr will be competitions.
I remember kunj saying about it, even from past 3 days I can’t even meet him. Atleast he would hv helped me to go thr but I knw it’s risky I can’t take help frm him.
Somehow I need to go thr, I started thinking for a way to get out of the place.

Finally somehow I managed to get out of the palace wn it was dark. I along with my maid went to fair. It was so different as I thought.
With lights all over the roads and music n ppl around it was like a different world.
Many games were there I played in all of them n watched the games of others competing for cash prizes.
‘Di, come soon singing is going on, you hv to see the most great talent of our place, Kunj. He sings very well,’ my maid dragged me to the place where it was full crowded.
There he was standing, my eyes felt a satisfaction aft looking at him. He held the Mike and started singing. He was amazing I was spell bound at his art of singing.

Before the results announced my main dragged me away from the place as it was quite late.

Next day morning,
I went in search of him but he wasn’t at work. I started kinda missing him. I saw some one in place of him.
‘Good morning princess,’ He greeted me as soon as he saw me in trembling voice.
I smiled at asked him,’where is kunj?’ He was quite shocked at my question.
‘He is out of station and I am his friend uv,’ He answered.
I just smiled again and left without any further enquiries.

*end of twinkles pov*

Kunj ‘s pov:
I was shocked to hear that she was searching for me. When uv told me abt it i was on cloud nine I can’t help it out bt i was flying on the edges of sky.

Next day I ran to work without delaying anymore and the most awaited thing was waiting for me. It was not twinkle but smething eternal.

Good morning I greeted her as she came towards the chariot.
She didnt even respond and sat in.
‘To the shore..,’ she ordered.
I silently made the way towards the destination not uttering a single word. Some where my heart ached at the silence but my mind consoled me saying it’s quote common with rich people. They need us wn thy want that’s it after the work is done we are nothing In front of them.

After reaching the destination she asked me to take her to the an island near by where the orchids were found. I just nodded in silence and hired a small boat.
I wanted to ask her why she looked out for me but my mind stopped me as I don’t hv any rights to question her.
All the time she was quite enjoying her ride and the eternal beauty of the nature with her glittering eyes and lovely heart. Breeze was soo cool and there was a silent threnody of waves.

‘Aaahhh…,’ she made a noise as I trembled a little.
‘Princess, are u ok??’ I was concerned.
‘Something got into my eyes…,’ she said rubbing her eyes.
I held her hand not to rub her eyes it was the first time I touched her.
I too away her hands from her eyes and gave a hot cloth massage to her eyes by blowing.
She was pressing her lips continously.

As I removed my hand she said,’ still it’s there…,’ I nodded and held her head and opened her eyes to blow. As I blew harder the thing came out and she blinked her eyes continously like a baby to adjust her sight.
‘Thank you,’ she said as I smiled.

I was about to move back realising the proximity btwn us bt she held my arm..


To be continued.
It depends on ur cmnts frndss… I can’t help in further. As frm past 2 years I am writting in tei and wrote enough ffs till now which u all loved.
Only u ppl can make me write further.

P.S: as u ppl knw it’s abt 7 janam of twinj n war btwn love n fate… I want to finish this ff bt need ur support also frnds…so pls do share ur views

Urs lovingly

Thanks to presha, twinkle agarwal,tammanah for making me write


Never try to judge me, you will fail miserably....☆☆☆

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