Fan Fiction

Twinj:Immortal struggling love (Chapter 35)

As per the comments I got 14 and all of u selected titanic love story nly,hmm I try my best to entertain u. I use same tei names for characters.
Rose= twinkle

I am feeling little tensed as evey1 knows hw nice this love story is, i try my best plz excuse if u dnt like anything in between. Same story line but some things will differ.
My fingers r trembling excuse me.
Challow happy reading….


Chapter 35:

Love is eternal, sometimes It may loose but it doesn’t mean that love never exists. Love is the law of life, true love is meant for only those who are mean fr it. It can’t be expressed in words as 26 alphabets are very less to explain the most wonderful feel of everyone’s life. It’s love, it’s always love which can’t be expressed but only felt.

Now its the year of 1912, April.
Twinj again here to make thr love possible, as love doesn’t mean nly looks, gifts,proposals, dates n eye etc. It is meant to live thr life fr eo. They have to be with each othr at every ups n downs. Thats love.

♡ Welcome to the Titanic♡
As I saw the pamphlet in my frnds hand, I snatched it from him.
I went through it while my eyes were glittering with eagerness and is as follows

The first ever built queen of ocean THE TITANIC is set on voyage on 10th April to USA.
To this awesome trip we welcome u all, the seats are limited and hurry up soon…..

This thing was more than enough for me to get rid of this slavery in England.
‘What are u thinking kunj’,my friend aman asked me.
‘Buddy it’s an awesome chance,we can leave this place and can hv a life full of freedom in US, what say?? I asked him with excitement
Listening to me he laughed like a maniac.
‘What do u think of ur self ha….haha…..haaa….do u think that we will get the tickets? It’s so costly man’, he replied.
Yes he was right it’s the fact we normal slaves of here can’t afford it, I felt sad for that.
“Let it be,come will go fr a party,’ He said.
I nodded in no as I was sad, after he insisted me a lot n i agreed to go for a party.

It’s a party for a ppl like me, a low class one. I was brought to England when I wasn’t aware of this world. I don’t hw I struck here. From many years I have been working here n my dream is to go to US where I have my own life, out of the hands of slavery, more over US is a rich country and I could be rich if I work thr. Thats what I thought but all my dreams were crashed.

In evening I went to party it was a small pent house more often I say it was a horse shed. It’s Its a party club fr people like me.
We have our shots n were talking about random things.
For a while aman made an excuse n left, I was alone thr.
At that time smething caught my years, it was ppl shouting, I mean encouraging someone.
I made my way to the group of ppl around the table who were cheering up sme person. I saw 2 ppl engroced in hand wrestling. I was intrstd in it but that day my mood was nt right so I rested near by.

Finally they had a final match, they announced that the person who wins the match will be offered the last 2 tickets for queen of ocean.
I was shocked n surprised at the announcement. I was about to go when aman caught me.
‘Buddy what do u think of him, he is well known wrestler, u can’t beat him, let it go,’ He shouted at me.’ I don’t knw why u r so crazy abt that, he added.
‘Aman, just imagine our lives with freedom n money in US, we will be happy, plz don’t stop me, let’s give it a try, I told him before he could say anything I was near the wrestling table.
Aman too followed me as he didn’t has any choice.

I went to the table and sat against the opponent who is like a real wrestler with a huge body and a wild grin in his face. He looked too confident.
I joined his hands, I was not worried abt the ppl nor the opponent, I was still dreaming about my freedom happy life. I was imagining my self in US, Surrounded by hot chicks with a handsome salary.

My chain of thoughts came to an end when aman shouted at me.
I looked at him, he pointed towards the table, ohh my God I am going to lose I felt like my queen of ocean is drowning with all my force and my dreams I made a huge move nd finally I did it as I defeated him.

Aman came running to me n hugged me. I immediately snatched the tickets on the table and kissed them I was the happiest person under the cover of dark sky that night.

Precap: no need of it as u knw what will happen

Sry if I nt each ur expectations I am posting it after a longtime as I was confused hw to start

Do share ur views alol critics are welcomed

Roshini rockstar


Never try to judge me, you will fail miserably....☆☆☆

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