TV celebs share their Christmas wishlist

The festival season is here and the TV celebs like other millennials, have drawn up their own wish list for their Secret Santa. In a recent chat with Bt, the celebs talked about it and shared their wish list.

Actress SHIVANGI JOSHI shared, “We are living in very challenging times and I think it is very important for us to stay fit and healthy. The pandemic has made me realize the importance of eating clean and ensuring I focus on fitness as a way of life. This Christmas I want my Secret Santa to bring me healthy gifts – some more home workout equipment or smart diet kits! My mother has been my Secret Santa for the longest time and if she’s reading this, I am sincerely hoping she will gift me something sustainable and healthy this year too.”

SOURABH RAAJ JAIN said, “2021 has changed our lives in so many ways and taught us to reboot after that loss. I don’t want to be selfish this festive season. Those of us who are healthy, have food on our table and our families around us, are privileged. I want to bring happiness to people’s lives. This Christmas I want my secret Santa to empower me financially and give me strength so that I can do my bit for the less privileged and spread joy all around me.”

FAISAL KHAN wished for a mask-free life and shared, “Given that 2021 has been such a tough year for us, I think this festive season we need nothing more than good health and prosperity. Our lives seem to have hit a pause mode for almost two years, we need things to get back to normal soon. If my Secret Santa could gift me a life without masks, where I don’t have to worry about my health, my family’s health and can lead a life without fear -I would be happy.”

MOHIT MALLIK said, “I don’t want to sound preachy – but I don’t want any material gifts for myself this year. So whoever my Secret Santa is will not have to break a bank for me. If there was a magic wand that my Secret Santa could gift me – I’d want him/her to give me the power to love more, be gentle, control my anger, to not judge people, and be more kind and compassionate to those around me. My son Ekbir is my real gift this year – he’s given me the gift of generosity and made me a better human being than I was earlier.”

Travel buff RIDDHIMA TIWARI said, “I have had a very tough year like so many of us, and want to be pampered this holiday season. If I could put together my own list for Secret Santa it would be endless, so for now I will settle for an all-expenses-paid trip to Paris. I have wanted to see the Eiffel Tower for a very long time! I doubt anyone else apart from my husband can be my Secret Santa, in case he is feeling generous, he can also gift me a solitaire this Christmas, it’s not too late! I could then defer my Paris trip since I am busy shooting for my show.”

SHIVYA PATHANIA said, “Given the crazy schedule I currently have at work, I doubt there will be time to even play a Secret Santa game with my friends or family this year. However, if my friends or family are looking for suggestions on what they want to gift me this Christmas here’s what I need -I could do with a spa session, a nice meal at a leading eatery, some smart outfits, and accessories -basically the works. And if no one I know wants to pamper me, then I am not going to let that dampen my festive mood. I will be my own (not so) Secret Santa and indulge myself!”

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Namaste, I am a Blogger and a Voice Artist. Born with a flair to play with words, I invigorate feelings through thoughts, woven with words for the world to imbibe.

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