Categories: Titli

Titli 26th September 2023 Written Episode Update: Garv saves a boy

Titli 26th September 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Megha trying to befriend Garv. She says Titli is lucky to get you, you saved me from goons, I m also lucky, why do you save others. He says its good to help. She asks do you do this because you couldn’t save your brother. He recalls Chiku. He asks who told this. She says Titli told me. Maina hugs Chiku’s clothes and cries. She says I had to use you to save Garv’s future, I will make Garv away from Titli. Garv says Titli would have told you, its okay. Megha says I can understand, you couldn’t do anything to save your brother. She tries to anger him. She asks do you think it was your mistake, you could have saved him, but couldn’t. He gets angry.

She says now the arrow has hit the target. Titli and Koel distribute the sweets. Koel says I find Megha clever. Titli says

no, she is a therapist. She gives Chiku’s clothes to a boy in charity. Megha makes a boy wear Chiku’s shirt. Garv comes there. Maina looks on. Garv gets shocked and recalls Chiku. Manikant is on the way. Chiku is in some market. Manikant sees him and says Chiku…

Chiku steals some bananas. Manikant goes to him. The vendor runs to catch him. Chiku runs. Manikant pays the money and runs after Chiku. Titli asks what happened, Garv, are you fine. Garv says yes. Megha says this boy looks so cute. Garv angrily throws the boxes. Everyone is shocked.

Maina blames Titli for getting Chiku’s clothes. Koel says I kept the clothes in a box, who got it out. Garv scolds Titli. Maina thinks I had to use my son because of Titli, to save my Garv. Titli says I didn’t do this. Koel and Hiren try to defend Titli. The boy gets scared of Garv. He says please don’t beat me, I will return your tshirt, I m sorry. Garv asks him to stop. The boy runs inside the house. Garv follows him. The boy sees a lizard on the pillar and slips. He hangs down the railing. The boy falls down. Garv recalls Chiku and shouts. He catches the boy in his arms. The boy thanks and hugs him.

Everyone cries happily. Garv hugs the boy and cries. He says so sorry Titli, I spoke to Megha and I got more upset, I got much angry. Megha worries and thinks Garv will tell Titli that I told about Chiku. Titli asks what did Megha say. He says she was talking about Chiku. Megha worries. Titli comes and asks why are you doing this. Garv says you think you are doing right. Megha says yes, its true, I m helping Garv, I won’t help Titli. She scolds Titli.

She says he is a man and some men are like that, you should be happy to get a husband like Garv, he protects you. She shows Ankit’s pic. She asks what do you know about me, what do you remember me and my family, tell me, nothing, my dad was a loser. She cries and says my mum left my dad and ran away with her BF, if he was like Garv then he would have controlled his wife and I would have got my mum and dad’s love, it got ruined, my dad had no courage, Garv has courage, he is a real man. Titli says wrong, relationships are kept well, not bound, the couple has to do this together.

Titli says Megha, my family isn’t perfect, we don’t need anyone to solve our problems, you can go. Megha says I won’t go, I will stay here.

Update Credit to: Amena


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