Categories: The Buddy Project

The Buddy Project 20th December 2013 Written Episode Update

The Buddy Project 20th December 2013 Written Episode, The Buddy Project 20th December 2013 Written Update

The Buddies are at the Adda, discussing how to get Piddi a girlfriend for the NYB. While the boys emphasize on the girl being a typical hot looking, s*xy, fashionable girl just for a night, the girls argue that they should look for a girl with whom Piddi can get in a serious relationship. RV suggests organizing a Swayamvar for Piddi and KD agrees but the girls find it childish and ridiculous. They are in this debate about how to get Piddi a girl, completely ignoring him and he helplessly STTC that his friends are playing catch with his life. The argument heats up and the boys leave from their, saying they will take care of stuff on their own.

When they are gone, Kiya comments that boys only believe in superficial beauty and never bother to gaze in the girl’s eyes

because they are too busy staring at her anatomy. Panchi asks if all is well between her and KD? Kiya replies all is well, he really loves her. He is so nice that sometimes she think she is not worth him. Panchi cheers her up by saying that KD only loves her. Something good will come out of the situation and then no one will dare say Kiya is not worth KD. Kiya asks her what is happening between her and RV? Panchi sighs that she asked for space and RV is giving her that. In fact, he is being too supportive and now she is wondering how did he become so supportive all of a sudden?

RV is ranting to KD that he is tired of being mature! What is maturity anyway? RV is not mature! Panchi is asking for all sorts of things and he is happily obliging but somewhere deep inside, he isn’t truly happy. KD tries to calm him down but RV changes the topic and asks for his idea regarding Piddi’s date. KD says they will go ahead with the Swayamvar idea.

ICC. The girls sit with Piddi and make him list down the qualities he want in a girl. Piddi says there is nothing specific, just that she has to be a girl. Tall, short, fat, fair etc. He won’t discriminate based on these things. She just has to be the girl who can kiss him on the first date! Girls hit him for this but he explains he just wants his new year to start on a good note. Just then, there is a commotion in the canteen. They go to check it out and it’s a huge poster announcing Piddi’s Swayamvar! The girls are shocked. RV announces on the radio that there will be a small competition for the girls and the winner will get to dance with the college’s hero, Piddi! College girls all disappear to register for it. Piddi gets happy that his true friends have already done something and he too disappears. KiyAn decide to investigate it.

A huge crowd of girls is at the venue and Piddi is ecstatic seeing the girls fight for a chance to be with him at NYB. KD is co-ordinating with the girls but they are being all super nasty for the opportunity. KiyAn are seeing this in surprise.

Piddi comes in the class and thanks RanSh for all their efforts.

KD calls in the first girl for the interview and KiyAn sneak through the back door to see it. RV asks the girl what does she like in Piddi? The girl says she doesn’t care for all this, it’s a competition and she likes winning. Besides, no other girl is worthy enough to compete with her. Hearing this the other girls become enraged and they all start fighting with each other. Piddi tries to stop them but ends up getting hit by them. KiyAn laugh seeing all this.

The boys escape from there and Piddi scolds RanSh for getting him insulted like that. KiyAn come there and sarcastically praise RanSh’s efforts of getting a hot girl for Piddi. Panchi informs him that they also found a girl for Piddi but if Piddi is not interested so…Piddi quickly changes party and calls KiyAn his true friends for getting him a girl.

They lead Piddi to the canteen where a nerdy looking, but pretty, girl is waiting for him. KiyAn leave him there and go out.

Anyway, the date is a disaster because the girl is super clingy and super fast. Already talking about spending lifetime together after talking to him for five minutes. Piddi is trapped while KiyAn blissfully discuss just how meant to be the two are!

Piddi escapes from the clingy girl and goes find KiyAn who are being all happy about their success. Piddi begs them to not help him anymore. He’d rather remain single than date with the girl they chose for him!

RaHi and KiSha are in class. The girls suggest they find a Bobby kind of a girl for Piddi. RV excuses himself saying he has to prepare for the party, as he is the DJ! Before going out, he asks Kiya if she could perform at the Bash? Kiya is all ready and asks if that’s possible? RV says he will manage everything and Kiya agrees!

Panchi follows RV out and says she is happy seeing RV change. The way he is taking care of Piddi and Kiya’s happiness, finally it seems he cares for other people’s happiness as well. RV replies but he only truly cares for her happiness. Panchi is surprised and RV controls the situation saying that she always wanted him to care for others so now he is doing so! He quickly goes away from there, cursing his slip. Panchi is confused still. Kiya comes there and asks her what’s wrong but Panchi just looks at RV.

Precap – KD asks RV if he thought about his suggestion. RV replies that he can’t risk his friendship just for one night’s party. What if it’s not worth it at all? KD says but if he won’t take the first step, how will things work out? He can’t wait for her all his life. He should just straight forwardly ask Panchi out. RV is thoughtful at this.

Update Credit to: SpicySugar

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