Categories: Teri Meri Doriyaan

Teri Meri Doriyaan 28th September 2023 Written Episode Update: Brars Accuse Sahiba Of Sabotaging The Event

Teri Meri Doriyaan 28th September 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Sahiba walks on stage with a garland to felicitate Angad. Manveer gets jealous seeing Sahiba and thinks what is she doing here. Angad stands speechless. Senior Brars feel happy seeing Sahiba. Rumi spreads smoke and snatches garland from Sahiba. He then holds her hand. Sahiba asks him to leave her hand, who is he. Rumi says it’s him. Savi shouts to leave her hand. Angad rushes to her help concerned. Sahiba says she can’t see anything. Angad cleans her eyes. Sahiba says someone held her and called her by name. Angad notices her hand bruised and thinks who he must be. He notices face covered Rumi and says he is the one who was standing near Sahiba. Rumi runs. Angad runs behind him. Reporters throng Sahiba. Inder shoos them away. Manveer accuses Sahiba of sabotaging

the event to ruin Angad’s happiness. Seerat says they were here to celebrate Angad’s happiness, but Sahiba made him run behind someone. Sahiba says Seerat should have stopped Angad then, she didn’t know it’s Angad’s function or else wouldn’t have come here.

Angad follows Rumi and throws a pot on him. Rumi falls down. Angad shouts how dare he is to hold Sahiba’s hand and tries to unmask him. Rumi resists. Angad beats him and asks why is he disguised. Rumi picks a sharp object and attacks Angad. Angad gets injured. Japjyoth asks Sahiba if she is fine and who was the man who held her hand. Sahiba says she doesn’t know. Even organizer asks Brar family to accompany him in to avoid media. Japjyoth takes Sahiba along. Angad counterattacks Rumi. Rumi kicks him down and escapes in a bike. Veer reaches with bodyguards and asks Angad who was that man. Angad sys he doesn’t know.

Japjyoth comforts Sahiba. Organizer asks manager Sanjeev to take care of Brar family. Hansraj enjoys sandwich and asks staff to bring more. His wife asks him to stop eating sandwich or else he will bear scolding. Hansraj jokes with her. Seerat and Manveer yell at Sahiba. Japjyoth warns him to shut their mouth. Sanjeev apologizes Brars and says he didn’t know Sahiba is a Brar family DIL or else they wouldn’t have let this happen. Manveer yells Brar DIL my foot and asks Sahiba to leave from there. Sahiba walks towards the door when Angad returns and tongue lashes event organizer for allowing a man manhandle his wife in their event. Organizer apologizes Angad and says they don’t know who that man was. Angad says that man came with the band. Inder asks if that man is still not caught.

Seerat yells that Sahiba turned Angad’s event into her event and is gaining attention. Angad warns her to shut her mouth for some time and let them speak. He already tells Sahiba that her life is in danger after last event, but she didn’t listen to him. Sahiba asks if she shouldn’t come out of the hostel then and asks him to return to his family or else they will blame her. Angad says he is not bothered about anyone and continues to question her.

Precap: Angad asks Sahiba if she is repenting after leaving the house. Sahiba says one repents for their mistakes, she left that house and will never return. She notices blood on his shirt. Rumi cuts chandelier rope and it falls on Angad.

Update Credit to: MA

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