Tere Ishq Mein Ghayal 8th March 2023 Written Episode Update: Anand becomes a wolf

Tere Ishq Mein Ghayal 8th March 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

Scene 1
Veer says you will suffer this. Armaan holds him. Chandrika says Armaan. She says people in this city are innocent. This demon needs to go. Armaan says Chandrika. Veer says I won’t let you both harm Kaviya. Armaan asks Veer what are you hiding? Chandrika says there’s only one way to save Kaviya that night. To save her I had to save everyone. Armaan says all wolves are alive here. She says yes they will all come out. Veer says I want my Kaviya. I don’t care about anyone else. Armaan holds him. Veer says Kaviya is there. Veer says how can you keep her away from me. Armaan says those wolves would come out. There are 27 of them. If they come out they will ruin this city. Veer says I can do anything for Kaviya. These humans have harmed us for years. They will kill

us the moment they find out about us. Veer says Chandriak, please. Kaviya is my love. Chandrika makes a fire star. Veer says Kaviya is detained for 100 years. Chandrika is about to burn the locket. Veer says no, please. Eisha comes there. She says, Mehak. Armaan stops her. She says, Mehak. She throws the locket in the air and it blasts. Veer looks at Mehak in anger. Veer bites Mehak. She screams. Eisha runs to her. Armaan rushes to Mehak. Mehak falls. Eisha cries. Armaan holds Mehak. He says Veer I will not leave you. Armaan bites himself and gives his blood to Mehak. Mehak opens their eyes.

Scene 2
Malini comes home. Sameer is outside. She says I forgot my car keys. Sameer says it’s cool. She says something never changes. She says should you come in? Vihaan. He says some other day. Sameer says nice to meet you. Sameer leaves. Malini says to Vihaan you found your dad’s box? He says yes and founds this too. It has a photo of Malini with Anand. She says yeah so what’s so surprising? Vihaan looks at something surprised. Laksh comes to Cherry. Does she say what ar you doing here? He says your window was open. So I thought it was for me. She says not funny. Laksh says I was lying in the college. I didn’t want to creep you out. She says I already had a bad day. Don’t start it now. Laksh says I like you as a friend but I never saw you that way. But that moment was very beautiful when I hugged you. I was thinking about you. I was with you that night because I didn’t want to leave you alone. She says sympathy? He says I know how painful it is to be alone. Maa left us and now Sarah. But you’re not alone. I am with you.

Veer comes home in angger. Armaan says what is wrong with you? Kaviya didn’t love us. She controlled our minds. She never was loyal to anyone. Veer says Kaviya never controlled my mind. I knew everything. Armaan is shocked. Veer says I knew everything. My heart was controlled by her love. I loved her with all my heart. Nothing is left for me here. I am leaving. Eisha hugs Mehak. Mehak says what is happening here? Veer attacked me, his face. What is happening? Who is he? Armaan comes there and says don’t be scared Mehaj. Eisha says I will explain everything. Mehak sits in the car. Eisha says will Mehak? Armaan says no. I gave her an antidote. Eisha says I’ve to tell her everything. I trust her. I need someone to talk to you. Armaan says I know. She says thank you for saving Mehak. I am sorry I asked you to go away from you. Armaan says there’s enough harm done to people. I should go away from this place and you. Eisha says no. This city is your home. Don’t do this. Armaan says this is better for everyone. Eisha says don’t leave me. He says you said I will harm people around you. I want you to be safe. Eisha says please don’t go. Armaan leaves. Eisha cries. Eisha says you will leave me like everyone? He leaves.

Scene 3
Malini sees a photo with Anand. She says why do you keep coming in front of me? She tears the photo. Cherry and Laksh drink together. Veer sits in the jungle in anger. Armaan is home. Veer screams. Mehak asks Eisha what’s going on. Eisha tells her the entire story. Anand comes to Malini’s house. She says what are you doing here? He says I missed you, I was out of the city. She says I found your mail. He says what email? She says you know. You can’t come inside. She says get lost. Malini locks the door. Anand walks on the road. A girl says to Anand I am Mira. Welcome back. He bites her, he’s a wolf.

Vihaan reads his dad’s diary. Eisha looks at him. Malini says to Eisha I am happy Vihaan is focusing on things. She says in my life old things are coming back. Anand came home last night. Eisha says don’t let him in. His vibe was off. Veer says I am leaving. Armaan says you know no one. Veer says we will go together. Armaan says I am going nowhere with you. Maya comes outside. She asks if is Veer home. Veer comes. He says what happened? She says I wanted to talk. Maya says to Veer I don’t want most people to know. Another girl is killed. Veer says but Tina is dad. Maya says what if she made another person a wolf? Maya says everyone is scared. This wasn’t the end, it feels like the beginning. Show us away.

Scene 4
Laksh and Cherry discuss the movie they saw last night. She says you called my movie boring. Eisha and Mehak look at each other. Mehak says I am happy for Cherry. She deserves a nice guy, not that demon Veer. She says thank God Armaan saved me. Eisha says Armaan is gone. Eisha says I can’t force him to stay. Mehak says you don’t have a future with him anymore. A board falls. Eisha says did you do this? Mehak says no. Maya says to Veer if you find anything please tell me. Veer wonders who did it. Armaan says you killed another person? Veer says if I did I won’t have left her there. There is another word here. Armana says who could it be? Veer says not my problem. Armaan says I can’t leave this city for people to die. Laksh’s friends ask him what is going on between him and Cherry. Malini and Vihaan read the stories from his dad’s box. Cherry calls someone and says there’s someone inside the room. The compass shows it here. Veer comes there. Cherry says you could do it yourself. Veer says I am a wolf. How will I find another wolf from the same compass? It will point at me. Cherry says okay I am going home now. You’ve wasted my day. He says sit in your car and go home. Forget what you did. She goes home. Veer goes inside.

Maya tells Mahesh we don’t know much. Teams are looking for him but we don’t know yet. Mahesh says there must be some clue. We have to be careful. Maya says everyone should be in crowds. Kids shouldn’t be alone. Vihaan sees a drawing by a guy. He says Mahir I don’t know you paint? He says I doodle. Mahir says don’t do this small talk. Vihaan says it’s something that is common between us. He says oh yes Sarah was also common between. Make a group of her ex-boyfriends. Vihaan shoves him and says why do you bring her name? What’s your problem? Mahesh and Sameer stop them. Mahesh says come with me. Sameer says where are you taking then? Mahesh says to talk. Mahesh says to fight and take out your anger. Mahir says I don’t wanna fight with him, dad. He says to fight like a man. Fight and solve this matter. Sameer says what’s happening here? Mahesh says solving their problem. Sameer says how? Sameer says to look at your age and actions. He says you can’t talk to me like this professor. I can take your jo in a moment. Sameer says then I would have a lot of time to solve our problems like this. Mahesh says to be very careful. Sameer says you too. They leave. Sameer asks Vihaan are you okay? He says yes.

Armaan tells Eisha bout the new wolf. He says it’s someone new. Veer is trying to find him. You’ve to be careful. Eisha says I thought you came to say bye. He says not this early.

Episode ends

Precap-Armaan coems to Eisha. Eisha says I love you. They hug. Armaan says I love you. Stay here. I’ve something for you. Eisha sees Kaviya’s photo. She’s shocked. Eisha says Kaviya is my look alike. Armaan stills love her. Armaan comes back. Eisha is gone. He sees Kaviya’s photo. Eisha has taken off the bracelet.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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