Tere Bina Jiya Jaye Na 28th March 2022 Written Episode Update: Krisha gets to know about weapon business in the hotel

Tere Bina Jiya Jaye Na 28th March 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

Scene 1
Krisha follows the Arab foreigners and they enter Vikrant’s room. Krisha tries to hear what is going on inside. Vikrant is selling weapons to the foreigners. Krisha says Dev doesn’t know what is going on here, if it goes to the police then Dev’s respect will be maligned. Vikrant says I have hidden the weapons in this hotel, I have access to all the places in this hotel as Kuch got Dev’s sign on these papers. Vikrant says if there is any problem then Dev will be in trouble and not us. Krisha hears all that and thinks I have to find out where the weapons are.

Naina is having a party in the house. Jaya comes there and says you should have shame as Daksh died only 13 days ago. Naina says he died but we can’t stop living. Jaya says you and your

mother are living here because of me so stop it. Naina says you can show attitude to us but you can’t control Krisha? She is going to the office without your permission, you will soon follow her orders, if you can’t stop her then don’t try to stop us. She leaves. Jaya thinks no one dared to insult me like this, this is happening because of Krisha.

Krisha and Aarav dress up like Arab foreigners. Dev comes there so Krisha acts like talking in Arabic.

Krisha and Aarav come to Vikrant’s room. Aarav asks where has he hidden the weapons? Vikrant says I don’t deal with anybody, he shoos them away. Krisha says I have an idea.

Jaya is checking holi CCTV footage. Raghav comes there and asks what is going on? Jaya says I want to find out who tried to burn Daksh’s photo. She thinks I have to get proof against Krisha. Raghav thinks if she watches the video then she will find out that I was the one who put Daksh’s photo in Holika. He breaks a vase. and tempers with USB while Jaya goes to check the vase. she calls a servant to clean it. She checks CCTV again but the video is distorted now. The security head says I don’t have a copy of this video. Aarav has a copy of it.

Krisha calls Vikrant as a Shaikh. He asks why do you want to put blame on Devraj? Vikrant says I have nothing against him but I have to put blame on someone, you just need to give money and then we will leave. He ends the call. Aarav sees Jaya’s calls and leaves to meet her. Krisha rushes to Dev’s room and tries to talk to him but he is busy on a call. Dev scolds her and says you are disturbing me, stay out of my office. He calls security and asks them to escort her out. Krisha thinks he won’t listen to me but I can’t lose. Krisha sends a voice note to him that a man Vikrant is dealing with weapons in the hotel, you have to do something about him. She gets a message from Vikran that your message didn’t reach Dev, if you try to stop us then we can do anything against Dev. Krisha thinks I have to stop them from transferring weapons but I need to stay in the office till then. I have to make sure that he hires me as a secretary.

Krisha comes to Dev and says I am ready for the job. She gives him coffee and tells him about his appointments for the day. I have done all the tasks you gave me so you have no reason to not hire me now.

The episode ends.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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