Fan Fiction

(I posted this earlier but i think TU deleted it also the previous shot was shot 3 not 2)

Thanks everyone who commented on the previous part. I won’t end my writing for my regular readers and commenters.

Twinkle had changed into her night maxi and Kunj walked into the room already changed. He closed the door and Twinkle became scared as she remembered what happened the night before. Kunj came towards her, she kept walking backwards as she was scared and was breathing heavily. Kunj felt bad and ashamed of his behaviour. I won’t do anything to you Twinkle! I just want to talk to you. Twinkle stopped and spoke. Yes! Lets sit down on the balcony. They both went to the balcony and sat down!

Kunj= I know that you were forced to marry me, but we have to move on in life now. I know that you are Alisha sister but now you are my wife. Chinki told me the relationship you had with your family and I am sorry for that. I have deleted Alisha and all her memories from my life to start a new life with you…… Twinkle looked at Kunj and was shocked that he deleted his FIRST LOVE memories just to start a new life for her…. Will you be my friend Twinkle? Kunj further asked. Twinkle looked at Kunj and smiled she nodded her head. Yes I will she replied. Great Kunj said happily. Lets celebrate our friendship with an ice-cream. Come lets go. He said excitedly. But I how can I come out in these clothes??? Twinkle said as she was in her night maxi. You look good anyway you won’t have to come out of the car. Twinkle took a shawl and wrapped it around her and went with Kunj. They both enjoyed talking to each other and discovering things about each other and days passed like that but Twinkle was still scared of Kunj closeness.

7 days later
Bebe, Usha and Chinki were happy to see Twinkle and Kunj friendship growing. Bebe and Usha were going back to the village today. Usha= Kunj look after your sister and wife. Kunj nodded his head and smiled. Bebe= Kunj now that your married find a good guy for your sister. Chinki face dropped and she looked at Twinkle who looked back at her. Bebe and Usha left with Kunj to the train station. Chinki= Twinki what am I going to do? How will I tell Bhai about Abhay? Twinkle= calm down Chinki and tell Kunj the truth, he will understand. Chinki= Are you sure? Twinkle= Yes I am sure he will understand, if you want shall I tell Kunj? Chinki nodded her head and then went to study for her exams. Kunj came back after some time and saw Twinkle in the kitchen and went to her. Kunj= Can I have a glass of water please? Twinkle smiled and filled up a glass of cold water and gave it to Kunj. When she gave him the glass their hands touched and it gave them a shock. They both then looked into each other’s eye but Twinkle had broken the short eye-lock. Twinkle= tomorrow I am going out to meet Bhai and Di. Kunj= Ok what time? Twinkle= At 10 in the morning. The rest of the day was spent with Kunj preparing for his meetings (Kunj works from home as his business is developing) and Chinki and Twinkle revising for their exam.

Next Day
Twinkle was waiting for Yuvraj and Maya to come and meet her. She was 10 miniutes early as she was excited to meet them. They came and hugged their younger sister and sat down. UV= Twinkle how is everyone at your in-laws? Twinkle= they are all good, how is everyone at home? UV= Everyone is well. They shared some talks but then the real politics of her siblings came out. UV= Twinkle we know how your relationship with Maa has been like and now that your married when Alisha comes back we don’t know how her reaction would be like. Twinkle was confused and didn’t know what Yuvraj meant. Maya= Twinkle these are a few documents that say that all your shares that Papa divided into me you, Uv and Alisha is all going to be divided for me and UV and you don’t have any relationship with the Taneja anymore. Twinkle was shocked and tears came out of her eyes. Twinkle= No relationship with the Taneja anymore?????? UV= Yes you heard it right now please sign the documents as we are getting late to meet the lawyer. Twinkle read the documents and signed them with lots of pain. Maya= Thank You take care! Maya and UV left a shattered Twinkle behind. Chinki along with Abhay her boyfriend came to the café and saw Twinkle. Twinkle saw them and wiped her face and spoke= Chinki I am going home I will meet you later go to college. Chinki= Are you not coming today? Twinkle= NO I am not feeling to well see you later she said and went.

She came home with tears in her eyes and ran upstairs crying! Kunj who was busy in his skype meeting saw her crying and was worried! Twinkle was crying unconditional and remembered all the incidents that had happened in her life.
+ she lost her father at the age of 5
+ how her mother never cared for her after her fathers death
+ how she was always treated differently compared to her siblings
+ how she was forced to get married to Kunj because of Alisha
+ how her mother told her she hates her
+ how she lost her virginity
+ how her siblings broke ties with her just for money
+ how her brother said that her mother would choose Alisha who ran away and forgive her and never talk to her
+ most importantly how she was no longer a part of the Taneja family
She cried and cursed her fate. “ Babaji why have I always been treated differently, and only been used for. I know that now I am married to Kunj and don’t have any relationships with the Taneja anymore but it hurts me. What if Alisha Di comes back and Kunj forgives her and moves on with her. I will be left alone in this cruel world she cried.” She wiped her tears and saw a bottle of medicine and took it. She opened the bottle and starred at it.
Kunj whose meeting ended rushed upstairs and saw that Twinkle was about to put all the medicine in her mouth he was shocked and quickly ran and took the bottle from her. Are you mad Twinkle? He screamed what were you trying to do? KILL MYSELF Twinkle said confidentially I tried to take the bottle from Kunj but failed. Stop Twinkle Kunj screamed. He placed took the bottle and put the lid on it and put it to the side. He then held Twinkle shoulders and spoke to her calmly= Why are you doing this Twinkle? She didn’t say anything but cried. After a few minutes she composed herself and spoke I hate my life kunj, I hate it. I thought that if not Maa I alteast have Yuvraj Bhai and Maya Di by me but I wrong. They also just used me for money. Today they broke ties from me too. They said I was no longer a part of the Taneja family she cried. I have nobody. Kunj looked at her and his heart pierced how could her siblings do that to her he thought. He could never imagine doing something like that to Chinki just for money. He wiped her tears. Don’t say that Twinkle you have me he said. Twinkle nodded her head in a no. I have nobody, Tomorrow if Alisha Di comes back and apologizes to you Kunj you will forgive her as she was your first love. What will happen about me? I know Kunj that I am just your wife but I am more of a burden. But just to show the world and Alisha Di especially you have moved on in life you want a baby so you will need my body. For a girl her respect her dignity is everything but you took that away from me even though I told you not too she cried again. Kunj looked at the petite young girl who was his wife and could see her in that condition it gave him a lot of pain. Twinkle you are not a burden you are my wife and it’s a husbands responsibility to care for the wifes needs he said too a twinkle who was crying. he wrapped his arms around her and she tried to come out of his embrace but ended up crying on his chest making his white shirt all wet and transparent . Kunj then heard her stop crying and saw that she had fainted. He immediately made her lay down on the bed and called the doctor. The doctor arrived and checked Twinkle and Kunj was by her side all the time.

DR= Mr Sarna your wife is going through a lot of stress at the moment and it is not good for her. I would also suggest to do a pregnancy test she might be pregnant.
Kunj was shocked when he heard the word pregnant. As much as he wanted to show Alisha he had moved on in life he didn’t want to give Twinkle more pain. The doctor left and prescribed some medication. Kunj was sat beside Twinkle the whole time. He held her hand and kissed it. He prayed that she wasn’t pregnant. Chinki who saw Twinkle was concerned for her but she was happy to see her Bhai caring for his wife.

Later On
Twinkle had woken up and saw that Kunj was sat down next to her. Her head was aching but Kunj gave her water. Kunj took Twinkle hand and placed it on his head= You have my swear that from now on you won’t attempt to do what you tried to do earlier. Twinkle was shocked as Kunj gave her his swear. She nodded her head and avoided eye-contact= Sorry for whatever I said. Kunj= don’t be I am happy that you are all ok now, I need to talk to you and Chinki about something important but first you need to do a few test the doctor said. Twinkle nodded her head. The next day Twinkle along with Kunj went to the doctor and done a few tests without letting Twinkle know it was a pregnancy test .Luckily the pregnancy test was negative.


I hope you enjoyed this! In the upcoming shots you will see Twinj coming closer.
Hope you enjoyed it please comment both negative and positive

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