Fan Fiction




Recap: ragini in sanskaar’s house…

Next day, Ramu arranges the breakfast on the table. Sanskaar comes nad greets him.

Sanskaar: where is she??

Ragini: I’m here…..

She comes and sits on the table…. She was still in her yesterday’s clothes.

Sanskaar ( making faces ) : didn’t u take bath???

Ragini: no need to make those faces…. I don’t hv clothes that’s y….

Sanskaar: y?? R they also stolen…

Ragini ( fake crying ): r u making fun of me??? Is this the value of Bharat???

Sanskaar: arre nhi nhi… I’m sorry…. Okay… Today only we’ll go for shopping okay??!!

Ragini: but how can I take ur money???

Sanskaar: its okay…

Ragini: no still….

Sanskaar: okay fine… When u hv return it to me….

Ragini: but how will I earn money..???

Sanskaar: Then its okay don’t return…

Ragini: but I can’t take anyone’s ehsaan….

Sanskaar ( now really irritated ): Then do whtever u want to do…

Ragini: okay then we’ll go shopping today…

Sanskaar nods his head in disbelief and continues his breakfast silently, knowing it’s useless to talk with her let alone argue…. ..

Ragini eats making noise irritating him more. He bangs the table and goes from there…. Ragini smiles….

After sometime they reach the mall from where they will shop for ragini….

Sanskaar: just go n shop i’ll pay the bill….

Ragini: u also come na…

Sanskaar: wht will I do??

Ragini: help me na… Please….

She makes puppy face and he just couldn’t deny her. He compiles and they go to several shops for trying dresses.

Ragini: there are no Indian dresses here….

Sanskaar: its okay… U take anything….

Ragini ( showing him a short dress.): How’s it??

Sanskaar: try it n see i’f u r comfortable??

Ragini nods and goes to changing room. She wears the dress… She smirks!!

Ragini: now its time for the first step!!!!!

Ragini peeps out from the door and calls sanskaar.

Ragini: sanskaar!!

Sanskaar: yes?? Is it fine??

Ragini: no pls come n help me….

Sanskaar: I??

Ragini: of course… I’m talking to u only na…

Sanskaar: but??

Ragini: look it’s stuck.. Please…

She again makes puppy eyes. Sanskaar sighs and wents in.

Ragini is in a very s*xy black short dress and the zip of her dress is stuck such that she can’t remove the dress or wear it. ..

Ragini: pls zip it properly…

Sanskaar gulps. Ragini moves her hair ahead! Her s*xy back is now visible to him. Ragini smirks seeing him through mirror.

Sanskaar looks at her through mirror and she blushes. Sanskaar wets his lips with his tongue, feeling nervous. His fluttering fingers move towards her bare back. They both are having an eye lock through mirror. Finally his fingers touch her back and both feels shiver. Ragini closes her eyes. He too gets turn on. He tries to pull up the zip but it was stuck. He comes close to her and tries harder to move it up or down.

Sanskaar: its…. Its not going up. ..

Ragini ( opening her eyes ): now??

Sanskaar thinks…

Sanskaar ( takes. A deep breath ): look jo main abhi karne wala hun don’t take it wrong okay??

She nods cutely. Sanskaar bends down and he goes closer to her back and with his teeth he tries to pull up the zip… His lips touch her back, giving her 1000 volts shock!!! She clenched her fist and closed her eyes tightly. Sanskaar finally manages to pull up the zip and gets up and pulls up the zip properly.

He looks at her who’s eyes r still closed and she’s shivering. Sanskaar keeps his hands on her shoulder. Her lips were moving. He made her turn towards him. They were so close to each other that they could easily hear their heartbeats…. Sanskaar was just lost in her face….. Ragini slowly opens her eyes and was shocked to see him so close to her.

Ragini ( whispers ): sans… Sanskaar…..

He comes back to reality and moves back.

Sanskaar: its done…. I’m waiting outside…

Ragini nods and he goes from there…. As soon as he came out he breath heavily…

Sanskaar: wht the hell r u doing man??? Just stay away from her….. Huh……

He waits for her… After sometime she comes back after changing…..

They roam in the mall for few more hours and after shopping and having their lunch they both come back to his house….

Sanskaar goes to his room while ragini comes in her. She keeps the bags on the bed and lies on the bed. She moves her fingers in her hair and takes deep breathe as she recalls her closeness with sanskaar in the changing room. She sits up with a jerk and closes her eyes tightly.

” no…. Y god.. Y u hv to do this to me??? ( she cries ) no… Now I can’t fall weak… I’ll not let his closeness affect me…. ( she wipes her tears and again lays down and soon falls asleep as she was tired…….

Sanskaar was also in same condition. He thinks abt their first meeting, her eyes, her cute antics, she in his arms , her lips. Her s*xy back….

” oh common sanskaar how can u think like that abt a girl?? She’s my responsibility and once I make her reach India then…….. We might hv same paths but we dont hv same destination… So stay away from her……… ”

He thinks with a determined face and goes to his office…..

Like this days were passing and slowly slowly sanskaar was getting attracted towards her…… It was again a normal morning for sanskaar but it wasn’t usual for Ragini as it was a Sunday!!!

Ragini: soo whts the plan for today?,

Sanskaar: wht plan??

Ragini: arre today is Sunday so??

Sanskaar: So wht c?? Say it clearly na… I don’t hv much time….

Ragini: bhadak kyun rahe ho???)( she asked cutely he melts.)

Sanskaar: nhi actually I hv to go to office??

Ragini: wht seriously?? Which idiot will go to office on Sunday??

Sanskaar clears his throat to make her realise wht she just said. Ragini realizes and bites his tongue.

Ragini: can’t v go out??

Sanskaar: y not?? U go??

Ragini: alone??

Sanskaar: take ramu kaka with u??

Ragini ; r u seriously saying this or my ear drums are playing drums???

She chuckles at her sentence.

Sanskaar: yes u go with him I don’t hv to time to waste….

Ragini: arre pls na come na….

She again makes puppy eyes.

Sanskaar: but…

Ragini: pls… Request…

Sanskaar: okay fine….. Go n get ready….

Ragini: yeyyy…. Thank u so much….

She hugs him tightly and places a kiss on his cheeks and goes to her room leaving a numb sanskaar there.

He places his hand on his cheek where she kissed. No matter wht he says he knew he was getting attracted to her…. He blushed and brushed his hair.

After sometime ragini came in shorts and a tee with her hair open. She has worn shoes.

Sanskaar: come lets go……

Ragini: wait… Will u go like this?,

She moves her hands. Sanskaar looks at himself. he was wearing his formal clothes.

Sanskaar: y whts wrong in this??

Ragini: oh common…. U r going to chill and not in any office meeting… So go n wear something casual….

Sanskaar: but I hv only these clothes….

Ragini: wht r u serious!???

Sanskaar: yeah…

He shrugs. She pinches herself and realizes its real!! Sanskaar just looks on confused.

Ragini: u mean that u don’t hv something like jeans or tee or anything like that??

He nods no.

Ragini ( slapping her forehead ): Then I don’t… U need to shop for urself….

Sanskaar: but I’m okay in this… N I’m not in a mood to shop now…

Ragini: okay fine… But u’ll not come with me like this……

Sanskaar: Then???

Ragini ( winks ): come…..

She drags him to his room and removes his blazer.

Sanskaar ( confused and worried ): wht do u think u r doing???

Ragini: arre wait na…

She removes his waist coat and loosens his tie…. She then looks at him from top to bottom with her finger on her chin. She holds his shoulders and turns him right and left. Sanskaar looks on confused with a pout.

Sanskaar: may I know wht r u doing??? Look I’m not that type of guy…

Ragini: oh shut up guy k bache….

Sanskaar pouts. She opens his cuffs and rolls up his sleeves above his elbows and opens first 2 buttons of his shirt. She then pulls out his shirt from his pants leaving him numb.

Ragini: hmm…. Better…… ( sanskaar sighs ) nooo wait….

Sanskaar: now wht???

Ragini: arre hv some patience man….

She makes him sit on the bed and stands in front of him… He looks up at her. She was really close to him. … He breathes in and out.

Ragini shuffles his hair suddenly making sanskaar go ” whtttttttttt??? “

Sanskaar: wht the???

He stands up.. Ragini stumbles as he suddenly stands .. She holds his arm to support herself and he places his hand on her waist and brings her closer. They both are really close to each other. They can hear their breathing.

Ragini looks up at him only to find his gaze stuck on her. Both have a deep eye lock. Ragini’s black orbs wanted answers to her many questions while Sanskaar’s chocolate brown orbs wanted to share many things.

Both were in same position from last 10 mins…. Sanskaar moves his hand upwards on her back bringing her more closer. Ragini’s hands automatically moved towards his neck…. He tilted her head by holding her neck. She closed her eyes as he moved forward…..

They were now few mm away when the door bell rang bringing them back to their senses. Ragini looked here and there n went feom there saying she’ll see….. Sanskaar stood there with tears in his eyes.

Sanskaar ( monologue ) : how can u do this sanskaar??? U can’t do this…… u don’t hv any right to destroy any innocent’s life….. No….. Stay away from her…..

Ragini came there clearing her throat bringing him out of his thoughts. He quickly wiped his tears and smiled nervously. There was an awkward silence..

Sanskaar: who was there??

Ragini: ra… Ramu kaka…

Sanskaar: okay… Chalo let’s go…

Ragini: but… Lets Complete wht we were doing??

Sanskaar ( shocked ): wht c??

Ragini: come sit… I’ll do ur hair…

Sanskaar ( nods, monologue ): wht were u even thinking??

Ragini makes him sit and blow dries his hair and his stiff hair were now on his forehead making him look so cute!!!

Ragini: Chalo its done now…. See how handsome u r looking now??

She made him look at his reflection in the mirror!! Sanskaar looked at a new sanskaar bas there was need for smile which shld come from heart. He looked at ragini…. She was smiling and first time after so many years he finally smiled from his heart!!!

Sanskaar ( monologue ): today I’ll take u on a trip to heaven ragini………


Hey guys! !! ! How are you all! !! ! ?? ?? Pls pls pls. .. Don’t beat me for being so slow and late ???

I can just say sorry ???!!




Acha chalo abb batao update kaisa tha??? I hope I didn’t hurt anybody’s sentiments ?? if yes, then I’m really sorry!! ????

I’ll be waiting for your reviews!!! Next update will be on Sunday…. Pakka!! ????

Till then stay happy and spread positivity!! ??

Keep reading?

With love



" Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose......... " Wattpad id - Richie19_ Do follow..

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