Fan Fiction

SwaSan: Hidden Beast – Part 7 by Duaa & Sanji

Hidden Beast

Part 7

* Maheshwari Office *

Sanskar was sitting on his chair and was reading a file and narrating some details to Swara while she was typing it on Laptop ..

Sanskar was looking at Swara with sparkling eyes .. Which are able to show that how much he had fallen for her .. But his mind is not allowing him to accept it! He was looking at Swara while Swara was feeling disgusting with his gaze ..

Swara looks at Sanskar .. Sanskar turned his face towards the file .. Swara looks at the portrait behind Sanskar with mirror work and find Kavita coming towards the cabin!

Swara smirked in her mind and looks at Sanskar ..

Swara : Sir!? What more shall i add in this contract!?

Sanskar : umm .. Woh i think you should ..

Before Sanskar can complete Swara move towards Sanskar and picks the file and start reading it .. Sanskar was feeling happy with this much closeness .. Swara was feeling disgusting but she had to do this ..

Mean while Kavita turns towards the cabin and Saw Swara and Sanskar .. They seems so close .. Kavita fumes in anger and storms inside the cabin with Rage ..

Kavita enters the Cabin Sanskar looks towards her while Swara move away from Sanskar!

Sanskar looks at Kavita dangerously ..

Sanskar (dangerously) : Ms. Kavita! What kind of a behavior is this!? There are some ethics .. I want you to follow them .. First get an appointment from my PA and then come to meet me .. So now .. L.E.A.V.E!

Kavita looks at Swara who was blinking her eyes .. This made her more furious and she angrily left the cabin ..

Swara complete her work and left the cabin ..


Yash was driving his car as if he was trying to reach some where as soon as possible!

He stops his car near a Farm House which is located at an isolated place .. Yash open the car diggy and take a bag and he took the bag inside!

Yash was greeted by a mid aged servant ..

Yash: Kaka! Do you know where is he!?

Kaka: haan beta .. He is on terrace ..

Yash: Kaka did he had his breakfast!?

Kaka: No beta .. But i made him drank the milk .. And also give him his medicine!

Yash: Thanks Kaka!

Yash rushed towards the terrace and saw him .. He was standing at the edge of the terrace!
Yash puts his hand on his shoulder ..

Man: Her Mom is craving to see her .. I lied to her that she is out of station due to her job .. Her mom is a heart patient she won’t be able to take this shock ..

The guy wipes his tears and turn toward to the sky ..

Man: She left me Yash! Just because she think that she is not worth of me .. Since the day she accepted my proposal i had a right on her life .. How can she end it!!! Haan .. I hate you Purvi .. You left me .. I hate you ..

Yash: Arjun! Sun naa yaar ..

Arjun was crying badly .. He was sitting on his knees while Yash was trying to console him ..

Yash: Arjun! Stop yaar .. Don’t cry .. We are here naa we will punish the culprit .. Will Purvi be happy if you will behave like this ..

Arjun: 6 hrs .. Yash till 6 hrs she fight with herself! Then she slit her wrist .. Yash her face was white .. The whole floor of her room was red with her blood .. She locked herself in the room .. When i entered house i found that her room is locked .. I .. I saw some blood near the door .. I .. I was afraid .. Yash she .. She was lying in a pool of blood .. I saw her in that condition .. Yash when i took her to the hospital doctors told that she .. She had lost the bettle of life .. My purvi is dead .. Those doctors were unable to save her .. Yash i find that letter .. Yash he killed her Yash .. Yash i have no one except her .. My mom and dad left me when i was just 15 .. She was there with me all the time .. You’ve seen us naa in College! How she took care of me like a mother .. How she stand with me like a friend! Yash no one was there for me .. Only Purvi was there .. I will die without her Yash .. I will die ..

Arjun was crying Yash was holding him .. Yash’s eyes were also moist!

Yash: Sanskar Maheshwari will pay for his misdeeds. Don’t worry yaar Arjun! Swara will take care of Sanskar and he will pay .. He had ruined our life .. Because of him shona is in Coma! I .. I see her daily in that condition .. Seeing your REASON OF EXISTENCE in such condition .. (Points towards heart) it hurts here! Its like dying every second!!

Arjun: Yash!! What if that bustard hurt Swara too! What if he did the same with Swara!

Yash panics: No No!! I won’t let anything happen to Swara .. She is like my sister! I can’t let anyone hurt her!

Arjun: Yash! I just want to meet Swara!

Yash: Okay Arjun! I will call Swara and will decide a meet up .. Cause its quite risky for her to meet ..

Arjun nods ..


* Maheshwari Office *

Laksh entered the office and find Swara working on her laptop .. Swara’s hair were tied in a bun .. The deep back of her top was showing her milky back .. Laksh smirks while looking at Swara ..

Laksh move towards Swara .. Swara was unaware of Laksh’s presence!

Laksh comes near her and smells Swara’s hair while closing his eyes .. Laksh open his eyes which were full of Lust .. Laksh was about to touch Swara’s bare back ..

A hand stops Laksh and drags him ..

Swara felt someone’s presence she turned and find no one ..
Swara shakes her head and start doing her work!

Laksh is dragged to a Cabin ..

Laksh shakes his head in frustration: Wht the –

Before Laksh could complete he was punched straight on his face ..

Laksh (touching his bruise) : Sanskar!

Sanskar: I had told you Laksh .. STAY. AWAY. FROM. SWARA.

Laksh: Just shut it Sanskar! Swara is such a hotty .. How can i stay away from such a hotty .. And moreover that how can you stay away from such a beauty!

Sanskar looks at Laksh with anger, frustration in his eyes ..

Laksh: What!? Don’t look at me like this .. I’m just telling you that you are changed and this change is not good .. You knw i was thinking that soon I’ll be coming for your rescue .. You would have shared the bed with Swara! But yehan toh kuch aur he chal raha hy .. Tell me Sanskar what’s the matter!?

Sanskar was speechless .. He didn’t know what to say and what not! Cause Laksh was right .. Sanskar is attracted towards Swara and according to him, his feelings are not more then Lust .. Sanskar was confused because his Mind wants him to bring that Girl to his bed soon but his Heart wasn’t allowing him to go ahead with it ..

His heart and Mind were fighting .. He was in a great dilemma he look towards Laksh ..

Sanskar: Laksh! I don’t knw what is happening around me .. (He looks at the bruise on Laksh’s face) and do the aid of your injury man .. I was just lil frustrated!

Laksh (touch the bruise and hides his anger behind a fake smile) : Don’t worry buddy! And as far as Swara is concerned i think you should have fun with her soon .. Cause because of that Girl you are unable to have fun .. And you’ve also thrown Rosy out of this office because of Swara! This girl is getting on your nerves man! Do something asap ..

Sanskar think for a while and then smirks : Dude I’m thinking to taste Swara today .. Her milky back .. Her Pink pouty lips …her milky white legs .. Her body .. And soon I’ll be rocking on her .. What say!!

Laksh smirks: Haha! Dreaming for tonight hunh!?

Sanskar: Obvio Man! Cause today i won’t be sleeping naa neither will allow Swara to sleep!
Laksh smirks (in his mind) : Ahaa!! Swara Bose! Today you will see the hell .. This Beast will make you face the hell .. I must say Sanskar is an easy man! But i still wish to be the first to touch your body .! But never mind i do have my own plans ..

Laksh bids bye to Sanskar and left the cabin ..
Laksh comes out and find Swara talking with someone on phone he looks at him with lustful eyes ..

Laksh tilts his neck and looks at her whole body ..

Meanwhile Swara turns and find Laksh staring her .. She feel uncomfortable amd disgusted! She confidently walk towards Laksh ..

Swara: Mr. Taneja!?

Laksh smirks: Yes Ms. Bose!?

Swara: I think you are a lawyer! Right!?

Laksh: Yes I’m a Lawyer! Do you wanna fight a case against some one?

Swara: Actually Yes .. There is a cheap disgusting man .. Ogling over me .. Trying to lure me .. I wanna file a case against him .! But there is a problem! (Laksh givees a confused look) how will you fight against yourself Mr. Taneja!?

Laksh smirk: well well well .. I must say you are really beauty with brains .. Swara!


Swara sternly: Ms. Bose .. Call me Ms. Bose .. Mr. Taneja ..

Laksh: Ahha! Attitude not bad hunh!! Well i wanna tell you something its really important (whispers) You will face a real fun tonight Swara! Ops Ms. Bose.

Saying this Laksh left the office with a smirk on his face .. Swara was confused that what he mean .. She was thinking about what Laksh means meanwhile She received a call from Yash ..

She cuts the call and move towards Sanskar’s cabin ..

Swara Knocks the cabin and entered the cabin ..

Swara: Sir!?

Sanskar looks at Swara with lust in his eyes but soon that lust change with the most strong emotion named as ‘LOVE’ but Sanskar was still unaware of this ..

Swara was feeling disgusted with this ..

Sanskar: Swara!

Swara: Yes Sir!

Sanskar: Swara we have to leave for a conference in a while ..

Swara: But Sir!

Sanskar: What ‘But’ Swara!??

Swara: Actually Sir i have to rush to my house its quite personal matter ..

Sanskar: I don’t care .. I Just want you to come with me .. Do you get that!!

Swara simply nods!

Swara and Sanskar both left towards the meeting!

* Conference Hall *

Swara and Sanskar reached the meeting hall .. Team of foreign delegates and Industrialist were present there for an important Contract ..

Swara and Sanskar move towards the table reserved for Maheshwari Industries ..

Swara was looking around the hall and she find Yash sitting on the table beside them with Joe ..
Swara smiles looking at Yash which was noticed by Sanskar, he looks at the direction and find Yash smiling while seeing Swara ..

Sanskar fumes in anger but in actual it was jealousy ..

Sanskar (gritting his teeth) : Swara!! Why the hell are you smiling!?

Swara looks at Sanskar with a confused face .. Then she realized that she was smiling looking at Yash which was noticed by Sanskar and now he is hell angry ..

Swara looks down and whispers: Sorry Sir!

Sanskar feel a layer of Guilt in his heart but he shush away that feeling and concentrate on the meeting!

Swara’s hand were closed in a fist she was crumbling the table cloth in her anger ..

Yash who was looking at the table where Swara seated was worried for her ..

The conference started a team of Foreign delegates were there and were giving a presentation of there idea of an electric plant for industrial sector!

Swara was looking at the presentation though she was in that office for revenge but she was doing a fair work ..

Swara’s whole concentration was on the presentation while Sanskar was looking at Swara with Lust in his eyes .. But the feeling of Lust was over powered by the feeling of Love of which Sanskar is unaware of it ..

Yash was looking at Sanskar and was disturbed .. He wasn’t feeling good .. Yash was feeling like something bad gonna happen he calls his security head ..

Yash: James! I want a tight security around Swara! Do you get that .. And make sure she won’t come to know about it ..

James: Don’t worry Sir .. We’ll take care of Maa’am!

Yash : Now get back to work ..

James nods his head and left .. Yash keeps on looking at Swara he calls Joe ..

Yash: Listen Joe! I want you to take care of Swara personally! I’m feeling something bad gonna happen! Just take care of her ..

Joe: Yes Sir! I will take care of her .. You don’t worry!

Yash was still looking at Swara .. He was worried for her .. For Yash swara is his Sister and he do care for him .. He can’t let anyone harm her ..

Sanskar was looking at Swara and meanwhile he send a message to a number with a smirk on his face ..

Sanskar (monologue) : Swara Bose whenever i try to be with anyone your face comes in between now no one will come in between you and me! Now I’ll be the first one to touch your untouched body .. To enter in you .. To caress the beautiful moulds of yours .. Lets enjoy tonight!

Swara was busy in the presentation while Sanskar is looking at her with lust in his eyes .. Meanwhile Yash was hell worried for swara ..


Presentation ends and all the companies forward their quotations and were giving brief plans for the project!

Yash move towards the stage and start giving the plans of projects he was confident and was giving an amazing presentation .. Foreign delegates were seen impressed by Yash ..

Yash completes his presentation and move towards his table .. Now the turn was of Maheshwari Industries .. Sanskar move towards the stage and was giving a presentation but .. He wasn’t able to give it properly because he can notice Yash’s gaze on Swara and Swara is taking the glances of Yash in between ..

Sanskar was hell frustrated now ..

Sanskar (frustrated) : Ms. Bose come here (swara gets up from her chair and move towards the stage) handle this Presentation!

Saying this Sanskar left the stage and move towards the table .. The foreign delegates were angry with this behavior cause they were the one who can make them and can break them ..

Sahai (one of the Foreign delegate) : What kind of behavior is this Mr. Maheshwari!? Is this a way to behave!?

Mr. Sinha (one of the industrialist) : Mr. Sahai this man only knows how to behave at night in bed .. (Mocked) And he only knows the use of bed ..

Swara was smirking seeing Sanskar insulted! Yash was also enjoying it ..

Sahai: Mr. Maheshwari if you can’t handle this presentation then why the hell you came here!? For wasting our time!?

Sinha: Mr. Sahai its good not to work with him you don’t know about his nature .. He is a blo*dy womanizer ..

Sanskar was hell angry now .. He wants to smash their faces ..

Sanskar: Sinhaa!! Stay in your limits!

Saying this Sanskar angrily move towards Sinha .. But swara comes in between and stops him and then move towards the stage and handles the presentation well ..
Presentation ended well .. Foreign delegates were seen impressed but the behavior of Sanskar wasn’t professional!

Sahai: Thank You Gentleman! You all had tried the best .. Each and every presentation was amazing! But its said naa The best always wins .. So here also the Best will Win .. The two presentations which were the best among all was of Singhania Industries and Maheshwari Industries! But the unprofessional behavior of Mr. Maheshwari leads him to loose the deal .. And the deal goes to Mr. Yash Sighania ..

Sanskar gets irked with it so he gives ‘Not. interested.’ look and left the hall signaling Swara also too come with him ..

Sanskar moves ahead and finds that swara is still didn’t came out .. He turns and find that Swara is happily clapping for Yash ..

And Yash is also smiling looking at Swara .. This was enough for Sanskar .! He move towards Swara holds her hand drags her out from their .. Making Yash worried for Swara ..

Yash wants to go behind Swara But the formalities of the deal and many industrialist who were congratulating him didn’t let him go behind Swara ..

Yash was worried and was looking at the direction where Sanskar is dragging Swara out while she was struggling!


* Outside the Conference Hall *

Sanskar dragged Swara and pinned her to the car ..

Sanskar: Seems like you and that Singhania are very close!?

Swara gives a confused look!

Sanskar: Your stupid looks won’t work on me .. Understand! Tell me why the hell you and that Singhania were smiling looking at each other ..

Swara doesn’t speak ..

Sanskar (shouts) : speak up dammit!!!

Swara shivers with fear and a drop of tear falls from her eyes ..

Sanskar losses the grip and move back ..

Sanskar: I’ll be back you stay here!

Saying this Sanskar left the place ..

Swara started crying ..

Swara: What is happening! This man disgust me to the core .. And now .. Now he wants to rule me .. Wht should i do .. Shona .. Please come back naa Siso!! I miss you ..

Swara wipes her tears and was waiting for Sanskar while some men wearing mask comes out from a car and gives swara chloroform due to which she faints ..

They carried her to the car and drove off from there ..


* Unknown Godown *

Swara was tied with the chair and was unconscious .. A man comes and pour a glass of water on Swara which bring her into her conscience ..

Swara: Where am i!? Who are you!? Who kidnapped me!? Tell me something!!

Goon: Listen Girl .. Be thankful that you are not killed! So shut your mouth ..

Swara: Killed!? What is happening!? Who asked you to bring me here han!! Tell me!??

Goon: Ohh really! You really wants to knw!?

Saying this the goon remove his shirt .. And move towards swara ..

The goon’s hand move towards Swara’s neck he remove the hairs from their and he licks her skin ..

Goon smirks: Now you understand why we brought you here!?

Swara was shivering due to fear: Who .. Who send you!?

The goon bring his hand near Swara’s cleavage and starts rubbing his thumb overthere .. He was about to place his mouth ..

Swara scream: Stop it!!! Why are you doing this!? Please let me go don’t do this with me please!!

Goon smirks : Listen! If you will ask any kind of question you have to go through such torture better you shut ur mouth ot else we will shut it in our way ..

Swara: I won’t!! Just tell me who send you!

Goon smirks and holds Swara’s hair and started giving open mouth kisses on her neck .. Swara was numb .. The goon moves back ..

Goon: you are really irresistible! Now ask .. Do you have anyother question!?

Tears were flowing from Swara’s eyes .. But she didn’t speak anything!

Goon: Aray Wah! Now no questions!.okay then .. And haan don’t shout neither try to run from here otherwise you will see the worst!

Swara was numb .. Goon smirks looking at her and then comes near and traces his thumb i
On her lips .. Swara gulps in fear ..

Goon: if you would have asked one.more question naa i would’ve sucked these lips ..

Saying this the goon left the place .. Swara started crying .. Her hands were tied she was feeling disgusting ..

Swara (crying) : please somebody save me! Yash help me! Aahh this touch disgust me .. What should i do now!?? How will I save myself! They will kill my soul ..

Saying this Swara started crying badly ..

* City Hospital *

Yash was sitting beside Saanchi and was weeping ..

Yash: Sorry Shona!! I couldn’t save Swara!! I don’t know where that beast had taken her .. But don’t worry Shona .. I’ll bring Swara back .. I won’t let anything bad happen with her .. I promise Shona .. I promise!

Saying this Yash left the hospital room ..

As Yash left the room Saanchi’s fingers moved ..

————— The End —————

Hey Guyz…. Done with another part… So Sorry guyz for this much delay… Actually your fav #SaDu are in big mess… The strenth of #SaDu i mean aapki pyaari #Duaa Ji ka entrance exam hai so she is very busy in studying… And The will power of #SaDu i mean aapki pyaari #Sanji devi ki toh exam chal raha hai… wo itni busy hai ki kuch batane ka bhi mouka nahi mila use… So we hope ki aap log Samjhenge and aise hi pyaar dete rahenge… Aab jaldi se yeh part parho and acche acche comments karo… Rotten tomatoes are also accepted… And one more thing… Humare liye pray karo taki hamara exam accha jaye kyun agar exam accha nahi huya toh humhe to gharse lath marke nikal denge gharwale… Phir #Hidden_Beast ka next part baas Sapne me hi ayega…


#Duaa & #Sanji


I Write What i feel is Right ??

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