Previous episode link:
I gave reply to each and every comment in previous two episodes and I am really sorry for adding varun and vaishali’s Mobile conversation which was really foolish. I am sorry if it hurted is a lenghty update for you guys. Enjoy reading and please accept the mobile conversation as it is fiction.
Almost a week passed where sanskar didn’t talk to swara because he considered himself as the reason for spoiling her life while swara starved to listen ‘ I forgave you’ from his mouth..all the time, she tried to show her concern to him just to prove that she was really feeling sorry for her act and he mistook it. Ragini called sanskar.
Ragini: hello sanskar.
Sanskar: Hi..
She felt the dull voice of his.
Ragini: what happened?
Sanskar: I am fine.
Ragini: no you are not!
Sanskar: will you stop irritating me and say the reason for your call?
Ragini: hey young man! Don’t be angry. Actually papa has invited you and didi for dinner tonight.
Sanskar: okay. We will be there by 8:30.
She disconnected the call. He sat down beside the bed in depression actually he need someone to share his feelings but not with ragini this time.
Same evening
Swara and sanskar reached gadodia Manison on bike as both of their cars were in garage for servicing.
Shomi hugged swara and blessed sanskar.
Swara: so what did you cook for your princess?
Shekar: what! Cook?? Didn’t your mom mention about the plan?
Swara gave him a puzzled look.
Shekar: you must prepare the dinner and serve us.
Swara’s jaw touched the ground while everyone bursted out laughing.
Ragini: don’t sorry didi. He is just teasing you. The dinner is ready .
Swara sighed in relief.
Swara: have killed me saying this.
Everyone sat and started having dinner. Shomi served them with paneer curry.
Swara: thank-you ma..thank-you so much for preparing my favourite curry. You know what it is sanakar’s favourite dish even.
Sanskar smiled but his heart sank down to vaishali cause she too loves paneer.
After finishing the dinner, they started their journey to the MANISON but it started raining in middle. Soon both of them reached a place and stood under a bustop but because of the intensity of rain, they both got wet by the time they reached. Sanskar observed swara trying to cover herself as her white kurthi became wet exposing her body. He then looked around and saw some men staring at her. Swara stopped shivering when she felt something warm around her body and saw sanskar covering her with his black blazer. That moment, she felt protective in his company.
Swara: thank-you sanskar.
Sanskar: its just my duty to protect you.
They reached the Manison after the rain stopped. They both went to their bed after changing the clothes.
Next morning
Ragini: hello didi!! Where is jiju?
Swara: he is upstaris!
She went to upstaris and opened the door of the room.
Ragini: good morning sanskar
sanskar: hmm
Ragini: hmm..what hmm. Something is worrying you.
Sanskar: no ragini. You are misunderstanding me.
Ragini smiled and took his face in her hands.
Ragini: so you say that your sister is misunderstanding you who always stood for you.
With that one word, SANSKAR’S emotions overflew from his heart.
Sanskar: yes..not something but everything is worrying me ragini..everything is.
She was able to feel the pain in his voice, that pain which she had when laksh left her.
Ragini: sanskar!!
Their conversation was disturbed by a voice.
Servant: swara mam has sent me to ask you both about what you would like to have..either tea or coffee.
Ragini: tea
He left the room.
Sanskar: she is the reason behind my restlessness and worry.
Ragini sighed.
Ragini: may be my sister is trying to get into the relationship.
Sanskar: that’s what ragini..she is trying to accept this unwanted relationship because if me.
Ragini looked puzzled.
Sanskar: yes..the girl who never had a habit of sleeping in the temperature above 16 is now maintaing it at 22. She is ironing my clothes and doing all those things which a wife does. You know what a days, she is not even removing her mangal sutra before taking bath.
Ragini: but why she will do all these things that to unwillingly?
Sanskar turned side as his eyes couldn’t meet her. He then said in a low, guilt and shivering voice.
Sanskar: because..I did a mistake of taking our relation forward. We got…..intimate.
Swara who came to there to serve tea was shocked listening him. She immediately hide herself behind the door of their room outside.
Swara: intimate…when? and finally with whom?
Sanskar: yes ragini. I forced her..
Ragini: but when did this happen?
Sanskar: a week ago. I came home drunk and ..
Swara: with me!???oh God! So you are thinking that we both got into the relation and so I have started behaving as a typical wife!!
She smiled to herself for his dream and went inside the room.
Swara: sorry to disturb as you both are involved in some deep conversation I guess..but please drink tea otherwise your minds will stop working.
She placed the tray on the study table and looked at sanskar who was facing other side. She then leaved them alone
Sanskar: also..she just..
His words were interrupted by ragini’s laughter. She laughed so much that her stomach started aching.
Ragini: oh God! innocent you are.
Sanskar frowned.
Sansksr: do you think it as a joke.
Ragini: then what! Do you seriously believe that something has happened between you.
Sanskar: hmm.
Ragini: no way sanskar. As a girl, I can say that no girl in this world will allow a man to touch her aganist her wish, even if someone forces her, she will never sit silent and accept him just because she is his wife.. And when it comes to my sister, God! She will never do that. So stop hallucinating
Sanskar: hallucination!
Ragini went near the table and lifted one of the tea cups.
Ragini: then what! You know her better than me ..right.
Her taunt stabbed his heart while she sipped the tea from cup.
Ragini: but I have doubt sanskar.
Sanskar turned to her and raised his eyebrow as if questioning her. Ragini kept the tea cup on the table again and turned towards him.
Ragini: according to me, you must feel happy sanskar because she is your hate. If something has really happened between you then it will affect her as she is girl!
In the next minute, she found herself pinned to the wall by sanskar facing her and felt his tightened grip on her shoulder. His eyes were red and the heat in his gaze is cooking her alive.
Sanskar: how dare you say like that ragini. She is your sister. Remember that first and I have said you many a times that I don’t hate swara but her behaviour. I am not any animal to enjoy seeing a helpless girl . I just never had the dare to dream such things for any girl and its impossible when it comes to swara. I don’t want her to be the victim. So never say like that and please feel pity for your sister…If not atleast as a girl.
Ragini’s eyes welled up which made him feel more guilt because it was the first time that he talk to a girl so rudely.
Ragini: I can understand you sanskar and I am sorry for…my words.
Sanskar: I am sorry ragini. I have lost my senses listening..
Ragini: its okay sanskar. Your Lucky’s girl is not so bad to enjoy someone’s …
A lump stuck in her throat. She silently moved away from him and turned back to sanskar whose back is facing her and smiled satisfactorily as if she got the know what she wanted to.
Same evening
Swara went to terrace to water plants and she sat there seeing the beauty of the moon as it was a full moon day. The stars, the moon and the clouds were playing hide and seek with each other similar to her thoughts. cool air was helping the three to win the game but she didn’t had anyone to get out from the confusion that her feelings are creating in her heart.
She repeatedly kept thinking about laksh’s words about their relation, Sanskar’s words( varun) about emotions.
In office, sanskar was trying his best to work on laptop but ragini’s words are echoing in his ears. Their conversation is distracting him. His face became free of expressions when a cool breeze touched his face through the window.
Sanskar: swara…why am I feeling bad for her? I know that I did wrong with her but still she is trying to accept me..accept this relation. Was I thinking and considering all her deeds in negative way till now..
“Yes.. Yes sanskar. If you really feel like she has ego and pride then she wouldn’t have so eaisly accepted this. She is good at heart..never misunderstand her. Give her the life that she is trying to live. Become her husband” said the optimist inside him.
His eyes welled up as he was still believing that swara is behaving in normal after his betrayal. He wanted someone to console him and was sure that only vaishali can do it. He immediately unlocked his phone but..
Sanskar: no sanskar.. You cannot talk about this to her. You can never let swara down in her eyes.
He immediately withdrew his idea of calling but his mobile vibrated and sujatha’s name flashed on it.
Sujatha: when will come to home sanskar?
Sanskar: almost started ma! Bye.
He disconnected the call.
Ragini smiled seeing moon through the window of her room. She felt like laksh was smiling to her. She then turned back to sleep but her gaze froze at laksh’s picture.
Ragini: see laksh! What your girl is doing to unite your brother with his wife…a sad smile came in her face.
She then moved to the study table and took swara’s earrings in her hand.
Ragini: plan 1was successful but I should implement plan 2 to make it more word…only one word my dear hate birds and it will shatter your hearts and I bet you will break out!!
She clutched the ear rings hard and looked up. Her eyes looked determined.
Swara is still staring the moon. Her heart is as light as a cotton ball as love is dominating rest of the emotions towards sanskar.
” we will never hate a person but his deeds and behaviour towards us”.. These words of sanskar echoed in her ears.
Swara: true. You were true sanskar. Even I don’t hate you because you are really a good caring person from heart which you have proved already but I just feel irritated when try to hurt me or insult me before others. Everyone are blessed with a good heart but with small amounts of ego and you always hurted it by your deeds. After all I am also a human being sanskar.
For some strange reason, she is not feeling angry on him.
Swara: just avoid that one thing will see the real me..real swara maheswari who had and will always bother for you.
She went down and got fresh. She then turned on the music system and ‘shayarana’ was playing it. Surprisingly she felt every words of it was describing her feelings and increased the volume.
Sujatha greeted sanskar when he came home.
Sanskar: I am feeling hungry ma! Please serve the dinner.
Sujatha: but haven’t got fresh.
Sanskar: for today ..I can’t.
Sujatha smiled and served him food. He looked around and found empty.
Sanskar: where are others members of the family?
Sujatha: they all went for shopping..anjali’s birthday is near right!
Sanskar nodded in yes and was about to bite the roti when he heard the volume from his room.
Sujatha: I think swara is …
Sanskar: its okay ma. Leave about her.
Jheeni hai bheeni hai khushboo teri hai
Main mehak rahi hoon
Jheeni hai bheeni hai khushboo teri hai
Main mehak rahi hoon
Swara started dancing like a mad girl by swinging her head according to the beat. The hairs were colliding with her face for every move just as her emotions are colliding with heart.
Khatti hai, meethi hai, boliyan teri hain
Main chehak rahi hoon
Tu chahat purani shararat nayi hai
Yaqeen toh dila de, tu hai ya nahi hai
Aaye haaye.. zubaan bhi phisalne lagi
She turned around and fell on the bed. Then she came on the top of bed and again started jumping. She was unable to tolerate herself when her heart was totally filled with sanskar and in that excitement, she started singing in a very loud voice as if she is competing with the volume of the music system.
Swara: Hui hui main toh hui shayrana hui
Hui hui main toh hui shayrana hui
Gungunane lagi aashiqana hui
Hui hui main toh hui shayrana hui
Oo.. aa.. shayarana huyi!
There at downstaris, sujatha closed her eyes while sanskar lost his control. For a moment he forgot all his guilt and affection on her but headed towards their room just to quarellel with her.
Swara stopped jumping on the bed when she saw sanskar standing at the entrance of the room leaning towards the door with his right hand on his waist and crossed legs .
Sanskar raised his eyebrow seeing swara on bed. She immediately got down from the bed and pouted.
Sanskar: better.
Swara gulped but sanskar fumed with anger seeing the bedroom. she almost made it a mess.
Sanskar: what are you thinking about yourself? This is house swara not a pub where you can sing as you wish.
Swara lowered her head.
Sanskar: see how did you make our bedroom. Will anyone…why anyone will you sleep here?
She looked around and sanskar was not wrong this time
Sanskar: I must scold myself for letting you do this.
That one sentence broke the limitations of her hate and she fumed with anger.
Swara: stop it! What are you thinking of yourself….hmm…you will say that and this on me and I will accept it smiling . no way.
Sanskar for some reason felt happy listening her words.
Sanskar: then object it swara…will you? No.. Because you very well knew that I am correct this time
Swara: this is my room even and I can do anything . so please excuse me and leave this room as I have lots of work to do .
Sanskar: you will never change!!
His voice is replete with hate once again.
Swara: so you do…
Her voice had the same heat and intensity.
Sujatha: oh God! Whenever I feel the both are patching up, they prove me wrong by quarreling like this.
Actually that wasn’t a matter to fight but still they did and after that, both felt very relived from the pain and restlessness that they have been undergoing through week days. For some reason, both hearts became light as cotton and sanskar ate with satisfaction while swara sleeped peacefully.
Strange relationship!!!
Next morning
Swara: bhabhi! Please let me do.
Her voice is clearly pleading parineta.
Parineta: no way swara! You will burn it.
Swara:( pouted) bhabhi. I have prepared food thrice.. Please allow me to bake the cake.
Parineta: cooking is different and handling a microwave is different swara. Dont irritate me.
Sujatha: let her try parineta. How will she able to learn if we won’t allow her to do?
Parineta nodded in yes unwillingly and both of them left kitchen while swara started preparing the mixture for cake. Then she kept in the oven and adjusted the temperature.
Sanskar, who was watching all this from first, went to the kitchen after swara leaving it and changed the temperature. He then giggled.
Sanskar: this is the punishment for making our room messy yesterday.
Ragini: hello bhabhi. Anything special?
Parineta: your sister is preparing cake.
Ragini: yummy.. I am gonna take major share if it.
Everyone smiled while parineta felt something wrong when she sniffed harder.
Parineta: omg!from where is this smell coming?
Swara: I don’t know bhabhi.
Parineta: cake…oh my god…cake!!
She ran to the kitchen followed by swara while sanskar smirked.
Parineta opened the oven and the cake was completely burnt.
Parineta: I said you already that you will burn it.
Swara: but bhabhi!!! I did every thing according to the procedure.
Sanskar started overacting.
Sanskar: if you don’t know how to do then don’t but please never act like this and burn all the things.
She saw him winking at her.
Swara: bhabhi..sanskar has done this.
Parineta didn’t even listen to her as she was busy in cleaning the oven.
Sanskar came near swara and wishpered.
Sanskar: tit for tat..never dare to fight with me again.
Swara stamped her foot to the floor.
Swara: ma!
Sanskar also stamped his foot but in a teasing way.
Sanskar: ma!
Annapurna: what happened swara?
Swara: ask your son…see how innocently he is coming.
Sanskar: your daughter in law has burnt the cake and you are glaring at me in anger? Partiality..
Ragini started laughing.
Ragini: why do you do such things do when you know that you can’t even handle them didi.
Sanskar: exactly…he went and sat beside ragini….I am with her this time.
Swara: not this time but always.
Sanskar: you have any problem?
Swara and sanskar stared at each other with blank expression.
Ragini: I have a solution for this.
They both turned to her and she observed the eagerness in their faces. She felt that moment perfect to implement her second plan..that word which will shatter them and finally spoke out after drinking a glass of water in one gulp.
Ragini: DIVORCE!!!
To be continued…
You must read next update dear.thank-you.
awesome…superb…just fantastic
Thank-you newbie.
Oh my god !sree i just loved it,when are u going to update next part? Eagerly waiting for their responce to ragini, want to know how they ll react after listening divorce?
Will upload in half an hour dear. I hope you like it also.
woooooooooowww………its great and honestly sree the phone convo wasnt foolish at all in fact i loooooved it a looooot….it was different….plzzzzzzz post next part soon…..eagerly waiting for swasan patch up and romance…….keep it up
I have already said that I am bad at writing romantic scenes and so please don’t expect it. Thanks for your comments.
As always yaar…u are awesome..
Thanks dolly.
The part when ragz remembered laksh was sooooooo what to say adorable felt really sad for ragini. If u can plzzzzz bring laksh back.
That’s so good of you dear that you have observed that minor part. I am sorry as I cannot bring back laksh.
Well it is said ki jab ghee seedha haath se nahi aati hai toh ungli Tedi karni padti hai nd ragz is doing d same thing well,miss limitless love I’m loving ur fanfic soo if possible please update d next part today can’t wait for it ……
Exactly..ragini is doing the same. I will upload the next part with in half an hour dear and am glad to know that you were a reader of Limitless fiction.
What!!!???? Bind blowing….Didn’t expect it…..hahahahaha…Superb!!
The exclamation marks itself shows your excitement dear and I will surely update next episode today itself.
got a new word ‘FANTABULOUS” ………….in luv with ur ff dear ……..thank u for this fast and looon update ……-with luv , jwala
Oh God……I didn’t find any word till now to say thank-you dear. I accept my defeat and you won. Don’t say thanks as I hate listening it from my friends.
ohh pls dont seperate them
They won’t.
Great! u r an amazing writer, you knw! Now Rags will do everything perfect! Thats cool.. Eagerly waiting for next update as to see their reaction on listening the word “Divorce”…
Yes she will make everything perfect.thank-you for your lovely words.had upadyed the next episode.
Superb rags tooooooooooooooo good
Siri amazing dear…hats of to u …..ur last was also awesome nd dis one two…ippudu nuvvu anukuntavu chala roojula taravata comment chestunnanu ani kada..ya chala roojula taravata comment chestunna kani nee ff ni rooju chaduvutunnanu comment cheyaledu ante bcoz I am having xams andhuke chala busy ga unna chala rare ga comment chestunna….but I must say superbbbbbbb….so back to back hits anamata….keep it up….
Avunaa but seriously nee comment chsi chala happy ga anipinchindi dear. Exams baga rayi and I don’t feel bad that you didn’t comment because I know that you will read. Hits..serious ga na? Personally naaku ee fiction nacchindi Limitless love kante. By the way Nuvvu em chaduvutunnav?
Dhamaka π
Wow superb Dr..again u nailed it..I love ragini.Sree don’t feel bad already accepted that phone conv, u r always rocking sis I just loved ur Ff .
I didn’t feel bad that you said infact I was feeling bad that I hurted you. Another sister for me. Love you sister. You know what..I have two cousins but none loves me atleast as you do.I really thank TELLY UPDATES FOR giving such lovely sisters and sisterhood which I dreamt of having. Sorry..became a bit emotional.
It’s was as usual amazing ……but I have a question is ragini trying to separate them or bring them Back together or she is trying to take swara’s place in the family or in sanskars life ??? Plsss clarify my doubt . And plsss don’t separate swasan and I think that they won’t agree Bcz it was laksh’s last wish before he died
Oh God! Did I potray ragini’s charecter like that?? I guess no. My next update will clear your doubt. Keep reading.
Sree plz update d nxt part soon……
Plz plz eagerly waiting…
Will upload in half an hour dear.
Amazing..jus waiting fr nxt luv ur ff
Thanks for loving my fiction dear. Will upload the next part in half an hour.
Very nice
Thank-you akku. Really felt happy seeing your comment after many episodes.
Omg superb epi sree… i did nt expext the twist @ end… bt i love it.. aftr reading the last line i ws laughing myself.. 1. They wil agree 2.disagree… any hw in both decision they r ginna unite.. im waiting eagerly to watch their reaction…
Laughing..seriously?? Even I am laughing now. Yes in both the situations they will unite. What do you think about their decision reagrding their charecters??
Super epi sree…finally they’ll realize their love but pls let sanky know about vaishali/swara soon
It will happen dear. Wait for one more update.
DIVORCΓ… seriously!
noooo….this can’t happen..they will realize their love somehow…. don’t seperate them..
Sorry to say but I was literally laughing seeing your comment. It really shows how much you love swasan. Yes they will realize.
wat an idea Dr ..hehe they both were unable to stay separate for three days …but this is the correct weapon to open their tightly fixed hearts ..superb Dr π π π π π
Sree!! Its amazing yrr!!!!!
Literally fabulous!!!!!
Keep going!!! ?????
Waiting for the next part!!!! ? βΊ
Nice episode and you know what i am a silent reader but your ff changed me
Fabulous …. Divirce will unite swasan ..