Fan Fiction


Bismillah, hi it’s me Mica, i’m back with second part, sorry for delay, sorry for part 1 that didn’t enjoyable to read, wish you enjoy this part

part 1 :

RECAP : Swasan became facebook friend, Swara realized her feeling

Character Scetch :
Sanskar Maheswary/ Varun Khanna : 17 years old, High School Student, very smart flirty boy.
Swara Hartanto/ Shona Harun :19 years old, college student, innocent, bubbly and silly girl

“Are you sure ?” the first question snapped from Raya’s mouth after listening Swara’s story. Swara nodded her head.They sit opposite each other,in the corner of Paradise Restaurant, enjoyed their respective food.
“whoo hooo, the great Swara Hartanto has crush to her online friend ” Raya shouted and giggled while Swara glared to her, made her eyes more bigger than ever.

“Shhhsshhshs!do you want make scandal here ?” Swara in fake anger.
“hahaha, it’s more than scandal! you have crush to your on-li-ne friend, Owl!”
Raya hold her stomach couldn’t stop laughing.
“Ha, i know !” Swara pout. “It’s not just online, he is a kid, same age as my young brother. uugghh pathetic me!” She hit her forehead.

Raya stop her laugh tried the best to hide it seeing her best friend’s state.
“come on! it’s not a big deal nowadays! on his age, 17 years old isn’t he ? seem he can make you a baby!” Raya chuckled.
“What do you mean ?” Swara asked casually, drinking her juice.
“You know that! having s*x of course!” Raya raised her eyebrow teasingly.
Swara spitted out the juice, coughed.

“You!!! shameless! pervert! uugghh!!” she cursed and threw a piece of fried potatoes to Raya. Her face turned red tomatoes in blush.
“Ahahahah! look at your red face, Owl! you are so cute!” Raya shook her head.
Somehow she felt happy that her innocent best friend had feeling to a boy, finally, but a facebook’s friend! seriously? hmmm…She smiled to Swara who cursed her happily while cleaned the lil mess on her side of table with tissue.

Raya checked her phone to see a message occurred just now. She texted a reply and said, “Well we have to take a leave, Tony is waiting for me at pub now!”
Swara shocked and stopped her chew, “So soon ? my food doesn’t finish yet!” she said in disappointment tone.

“Sorryy! but i have an appointment with Tony earlier, moreover you call me so sudden!” Raya sprayed hand sanitizer on her palm. Swara couldn’t argue more but waved to waitress and took her purse to search her credit card and cash.

“Oh, or you can go with me to pub! what say ?” Raya gave an idea.
“Whaattt ? noo way! the guard’s pub so racist on me, huh! ” Swara gave Raya annoyed face. Raya chuckled to hear Swara’s statement.
“Of course they did! look at you! wearing veil,head to toe covered gown! they think you should go to mosque instead astray yourself to pub.” Raya’s head pointed to Swara’s dress. Swara made a face.

“can i take your car?” Raya jerked her chair and stood up.
“where is your car ?” Swara took back her credit card from waitress.
“Papa took away my keys, he was angry as i refused to handle a project.”it’s Raya’s turn to pout.
“I know, uncle is the best.” Swara chuckled.”Take me home first!” she threw the car keys to Raya. They went out from there.


“When will you back to London ?” Swara began a conversation soon as their car started spinning it’s wheel. Bruno Mars’s voice made a sweet noise from the radio.
“The day after tomorrow, why ?” Raya hummed the song along with Bruno.
“Well i just glad that you try to be serious this time.” Swara shrugged.
“Oh madam! don’t dream to much about me and serious life! hahaha!” Raya burst out laughing. “What to say! my parent is so rich, and i will marry to another rich family, so i prefer to enjoy my life, you should follow my path, you know!”

“Huh! what? Never!” swara irritated.

“Serious, why don’t you accept Aditya’s love ? He is really love you.” Raya in serious tone.
“I don’t want to be your sister in law, you are so creepy, you know that!” swara smirked.

“Whaattt! he is just a cousin, He is close being your big brother’s best friend than being my cousin.” Raya protested.

“Well, he is not my type. I don’t feel something to him” Swara shrugged. “I know that he is handsome, success,kind heart, smart, but he is too old for me, More over he is too preserved, boooring!”
“Too old ?” Raya surprised. “Ya ya ya, 4 years older too old!, Oh! no doubt that your type is younger than you,filthy, poor and flirty boy.”
“Huh! don’t say he is filthy, it’s only his situation ” Swara narrowed her eyes.
“With lil bit make over, you know that he is soo cute, and his s*xy lips, omgggg!” Swara on imagining state, spark on her eyes.

She was back to sense as Raya applied the brake.
“What are you doing!” She yelled and shocked to see Raya’s laugh on her.
“What ?”Swara couldn’t help but annoyed to Raya.
“Oh God! Owl! look at you! if only i didn’t hear it by my own ear, i will have a doubt about this.” Raya suppressed her laugh. “I remember my innocent owl asked about what is the french kiss 2 month ago and now she is imagining to do french kiss with a boy ? what a great progress!”
“Is that so ? woohh wo i just..” Swara closed her eyes, her face turned to red.
She cursed herself and of course Varun to gave her such effect with his talk about kiss.

“Relax dear! it’s OK!but don’t forget, Varun is flirty boy! i don’t want you to be sad.” Raya said as she realizing the spark on swara’s eyes.
“I know that! chill! may my feeling is an attraction to his smartness, it will fade away soon, you know my craziness to smart guy rite ? don’t you remember my craziness to Mark Zuccerberg those time, do you ? “Swara smiled, tried to hide her worried to hear Raya’s truthfulness.

“Aha, i remember that! then your craziness about Sheldon Cooper, forgot that he is only fictional character on a serial, goosshh you are really crazy!”
Raya shook her head, but her mind told something else.
“how can i feel relax about this Swara ? the spark on your eyes telling me a different thing than just a craziness of someone’s smartness, God please help her!” Raya’s said to herself under her breath.

“waaa,,, Firework!” Swara turned on the radio’s sound lil bit louder, then the both sister with traveler pant sang together along with Katy Perry.

“Here we are!” Raya stopped the car in front of Swara’s house gate.

“OK! pinch to Tony, don’t worry i’ll manage to keep a distance to that smart boy.” Swara smiled. She took her bag and hopped out from the car.
Raya leaned her body to Swara’s side and said. ” Not so soon, i have plan to flirt and tease him tomorrow night while spending my last night here with you!”

“Uughh! whatever! don’t forget to full the petrol of my car!” Swara gave her tounge.
“As if i care about that! bye!” Raya started the engine.
“Bye! take care! silly!” Swara waved her hand, walked to go inside her house in deep though about the way keeping a distance to Varun, how to threw away the butterfly on her stomach before it’s too full. She obviously knew that she HASN’T A CHANCE that Varun has the same feeling as hers.


In Calcutta, noon, Sanskar’s condition wasn’t much better than Swara. He lost on his deep thought and daydream, Ajay and Gopal giggled to see his state. He startled and jerked as his both friends threw away a paperball on him. He gave them annoyed look.

“Come on dud! stop thinking about that aunty! please repair my laptop!” Ajay said.
“Shut up!if you coming to my room only to mess with me, better you get a lost!”
Sanskar pissed off, but then he realized something. “Wait! you call my cute Shona as aunty? how could you!” He stood and tried to beat Ajay, but he was already run made Sanskar run after to catch him. Both messed his room by Tom & Jerry never end activity.

“Bass, bass!” Ajay halted, bend down held his knee as panting elephant. sanskar didn’t let the opportunity to catch him and beat him merciless, his mouth blabbered “How dare you call her aunty, she is the most cute, innocent, sweet girl i ever meet!”.Ajay made a cuddle position to prevent his body from more pain.After sometime, sanskar stopped his beat, sit beside Ajay, breath heavily.

“You are sadist, i told only rite na ? so what if i call her aunty ?She is older than you!” Ajay rubbed his shoulder, hissed in pain.
“Dare no to start again” Sanskar kicked his leg, threw a dagger gaze to him.

Gopal, the outsider of their fight, suddenly interfere, “Sanskar is rite. She is nice and funny too.” Sanskar surptised with his statement.
“Heee !! you know her ? ” Domyoji Tsukasa’s silly face printed so pretty on Sanskar’s shocked face.
“Wo..woh..i am farmland game player, of course i know her.” Gopal stammered.
“I saw her in few groups and we are fb friend too.” He grinned, hide his nervous state.Sanskar was somehow suspicious to hear his statement.

“OK! i agree with you both, but show me her picture first!” Ajay in challenge tone, then he sat in front of Sanskar’s laptop. Sanskar and Gopal gathered and sat beside him.

“Get a rid of your hand from my lappy!” sanskar hit Ajay’s hand once he tried to touch the keyboard. He went to Shona’s account to search her picture, even thought he knew that she removed all of her pictures already but he couldn’t help to pray that there was a piece left. Scrolled up, scrolled down and nada, nothing. Sanskar scratched his back hair and grinned widely to Ajay.

“So ? where is this ? no picture ?” Ajay complained. “It’s not fair at all for me, you beat me but can’t give me prove.”
“So, don’t complain if i call her aunty, aunty, aunty.” Ajay added mockingly and laughing.

It’s hurt sanskar’s ego,it’s about his pride, his love.”Ok! i’ll prove it! i’ll ask her to give me her picture, i’ll show you the cutest person in this world, huh!”.He swore to himself, determined to get Shona’s picture no matter what.

“Deal!now better you fixed my lappy.” Ajay meekly,handed his laptop to Sanskar.

Sanskar was busy to repair ajay’s lappy,when he heard his mom, Sujatha shouted from kitchen.”Sanskaaarrr! can you bring water from uncle Rohit place ? we have no water left, i need it to cook!”

“Ok Mom!” Sanskar stood up and walked to door, he turned to his friends only to see his friends headed his lappy, “I told you not to touch this lappy, it’s bua’s lappy you know!” he run to the laptop and took it abruptly from them. They both couldn’t help but pouted their ugly lips.

“Why don’t you buy laptop yourself ?” Gopal asked.

“You know that i have no money to buy or maybe Ajay will pay more to make me able to buy laptop.” Sanskar grinned to Ajay, meanwhile ajay just give him his tongue in return. “Oh! i have to go guyz, wait!” sanskar hit his forehead. He left to help his mother.


At night, as per Raya’s plan, she went to Swara’s house to spend her last nite at Jakarta with Swara. they shared the king size bed of Swara’s room, lied on their stomach, headed their respective laptop. Raya started running her plan, created a group chat on her fb account for the trio, Raya, Shona and Varun.

Raya : Knock knock !

Varun :whoo hoo, who is this ?

Raya :It’s me, Ray..
the ray of sun to give you so much fun.. ahem ahem…??

Varun :So tempting answer 😀 knock knock!

Raya :who is this ?

Varun :It’s me dear, Harry
Harry potter, to mix everything hotter, ha!

Raya :whooaaaa.. God know that i am already hot 😀 😀

Shona :Huh! how silly you both, playing a kid game 🙂 🙂

Varun :hahaha! come on Shona dear, don’t be soo boring join us, who is this ?

Shona :nope! i won’t 😛

Varun :oh please ! join and answer me, who is this ?

Raya kicked Swara’s leg slightly, signaled her to join them in puppy eyes, she couldn’t deny at least.

Shona :OK!it’s me Zack, zack of tomatoes from sacramento, happyyy ?

Varun :tomatoes ? No doubt! can i bite your tomato chubby’s cheek ? *wink

Swara’s mouth opened widely, her jaw dropped, she was kinda get a bomb for her wrong answer,she cursed herself and murmured “uugghhh, what happen to me ,how can he be soo shameless.”
Raya took a glance on her in amusement for her silly action, she shook her head chuckled.

shona :shameless fellow!

varun :only for you dear! ❤ ❤
so what’s up guyz ? 2 angels chat me ?anything in need ? new stuff? plugin error ?

Raya :no no no, it’s only, tomorrow i will back to London so, i am spending my night with Shona and we decided to have fun with you wait! are you free now ?

Shona :It’s not WE, it’s you Raya!
don’t drag me ! wwweeewwww 😛 😀

Varun :Anything for beautiful ladies
God, imagining that i’m joining you and we watching blue movie 😀 😀

Raya :whooaaa! blue movie ? fabulous! fabulous! *thumb up

Shona :Varuuuuunnn.. omg! omg! how can you say that yuck ? we are elder than you, you know that! respect please!!! gooosshhhhhh ??

Varun :hahaha, chill Shona babe!
Raya.. can you tell me the level of her red cheek now ? *wink

Raya :ROFL, well she is at level 9 of red tomatoes on embarrassing

Swara frowned, she gave death glare to Raya and kicked her leg hard, irritated, made Raya gave her -what the hell look- in return then continued her out laugh.

Shona : uughhh you both! better i play candy crush..carry on! huh!

Swara obviously knew that whenever they both together, she will be their prey automatically, never ending to pull her leg. Somehow she felt jealousy for their togetherness, but she tried to accept that as a coaching to swept away her feeling to Varun, She took a smart move by escape, played candy crush, no matter how Varun and Raya summon her name or lured her to back to chat.

For sometimes, they busy with their respective works, Raya and Varun in their chit chat, meanwhile Swara tried to focus on her candycrush yet couldn’t stop herself to snooping their chat. Heil facebook, that there was history for any activity.

Varun :Shonaaa…stop snooping and peeking, come back please does she still angry ?

Raya :angry my foot!, she is smiling like idiot you know ? lol let it be, she tried to fooling us

Varun :Raya, do you have Shona’s picture ?
can you give me ? pleaseee….

Raya :for what ? don’t that you want to scare your pet i.e mouse lol

Varun :nope, i just huh!, she removed all of her picture on fb..

Raya :sorry, but i can’t, ask her yourself 😛
well tell me about your family

Varun :it’s difficult task 🙁
oh i have quiz for you, wanna answer ?

Raya :whoo hoo another game ? gimme gimme.

Varun :here the question, how to put 71 people on a four seat small car ?

Raya :well it’s easy, open the car’s door and let them in

Varun forget that there are only 4 seat, rethink !
Shonaaa.. answer my question if you are smart!

Raya kicked Swara’s leg slightly, signaled her to look at her chat box. Swara
followed her, read the chat uninterested.

Shona :threw away the seats, and let all of them stand inside car, simple

Varun :tet tooottt ! wrong answer,..
come on ladies, show me your smartness 😀

Raya leaned her head to Swara, whispered, “stupid!” and back to her position in front of her screen. Swara widened her eyes, paid back the torture by kicked Raya’s leg,”huh! even you!” and back to her game. Both giggled.

Raya :I give up…. tell the answer please !!!

Varun :OK, ready ??? this is the answer.. 2 people sit on front seats.
meanwhile on back seat, the others doing 69 position
2 + 69 = 71, soo smart right ? *wink

Raya :whaaattt!!! damn it! i never thought of that
shit! shit! shit! rofl

Raya burst out laughing and screamed “damn it!” over and over which lure Swara turned her face to her in confusion.”What ? look at his answer, smart isn’t ?”
Raya signaled her to check the chat box. She clicked her chat box immediately read Varun’s answer to made her confusion even more, typed…

Shona : How it can be ? where is smart part ? what 69 position mean ?

and that is it, both Raya and Varun burst out laughing on their respective room in unison, when Varun/Sanskar only imagined Swara’s face,Raya couldn’t help to see her best friend’s confusion, the laugh echoed on rooms. Swara frowned, she didn’t know what happen and what’s wrong with her.

Varun :ROFL, Rayaa… please don’t give any explanation to her it’s my duty to explain to her, OK!

Raya :OK! as you wish! she is yours ahem ahem lol

It’s was enough for Swara, their laugh, their talk, indeed she didn’t know anything yet she could smelt that they both pulled her leg again, made her as joke again, she was in rage mode.

Shona :enough you both ????
Raya, time to sleep, your plane take off early morning
and you Varun, it’s almost midnite, you should go to school tomorrow
oh ya ! don’t forget, i need my dummies on sunday..

Swara closed the browser and shut down the laptop, she turned to Raya with her fake angry face, “you both impossible!”. She got down from bed and went to washroom. Raya shook her head on amusement to see her silly action. She turned back to her screen when she heard Varun reply.

Varun :uughh it’s not midnite yet on me, we have 2 hours differences 😛
but OK! good nite, see you on sunday

Sanskar giggled to imagine what will happen on sunday. Meanwhile Swara yelled to Raya from washroom “Rayaaaa! remember you should wake up 5.00 early morning tomorrow!”.

“OK! OK hitler!” Raya shouted back, then she typed a good bye wish to Varun

Raya :well Varun, nice to have fun with you seem we have to end it
i have to wake up early morning to catch my plane so, good nite and bye!

Varun :Oh ok! have a nice trip and stay save
keep in touch from London, bye! see you soon !

Raya :Sure i will, thank you.

Raya shut down the laptop and joined Swara at washroom to brush her teeth.


Swara and Raya shared bed, they were ready to sleep under the soft cozy bed cover. Swara gave her back to Raya, meanwhile Raya lied on her back. Swara switched the light off when she heard Raya’s voice, “Varun is cool, isn’t he ?”
“hmmm, i know that!” Swara replied without any movement, she felt jealous to hear Raya’s compliment for him.

“Well, but i feel lil bit creepy for his maturity about s*x matter.” Raya’s statement surprised Swara.She switched on the light and turned back to Raya,
“Whaat ? i thought you both are twin in this matter.” Swara said mockingly.

“Shut up!i’m serious Owl!” Raya threw pillow to Swara.” from the way he flirt, i’m afraid that he does this to many girls too “. Swara kept silent, she knew that somehow Raya’s words was right.

“I think he is fake too!” Raya narrowed her eyes. ” He is fake ? but why ? ” Swara replied in confusion.

“You know what ? everytime i asking about his family, he always divert topic, seem there is something fishy on him. “Raya in auspiciousness.
“But……..” Swara wanted to say that Varun told her everything about his family, but she stopped, if Varun covered about his family, she should hide it too, her mind warned her.

“But what ?” Raya asked, Swara only shook her head as nothing. Raya hold both Swara’s hand and said in serious tone ” Owl! promise me you will stay away from him, keep a distance from him, promise me you will tell me everything, promise me you will try to sweep away your feeling soon, promise me please ?”

Swara’s eyes became moist to see the concern of her best friend for her, she only nodded her head “I promise.”
Raya hugged her tight, “i love you!”. Swara hugged back ” I love you too!”
“now we sleep” Raya released the hug, Swara nodded and switched off the light.

The room was dark and quite, the dim light of moon from ventilator gave a cute effect. hereafter, there was noise…
uugghh what are you doing
i’m hugging you
ciihhh, stay away, i’m not your boy friend
how mean, i’ll go to london tomorrow
whatever, i prefer hugging my teddy bear than you
uugghh sadist

after sometimes, the noise faded away, replaced by the night creatures



A/N :Sorry for mature joke, but i need it to describe Sanskar’s character i ever read Helly’s hater bashed,addressed her as Owl for her big doe eyes So, here i use owl for Swara to show how cute she is,.. how beautiful juhi chawla’s and Sri devi’s owl eyes.. sorry for grammatical and spelling error.LOVE YOU ALL


Swasan fan & Princess Amber fan

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