Fan Fiction

Swasan ff :Forced marriage turn into love story (chap 14) LAST SECOND PART

Hey guys
Thank you for the comments you gave…..

Dp : You promised me you’ll not say anything regarding this….
Ap : Yes unfortunately I promised but for me…. My son happiness is priority for me….
Adarsh : Dad who is my mother??
Dp : Kaveri Bose
Adarsh : That women who married swasan in front of us…… ??
Ap : Yes that b*t*h who destroyed my life and now my son’s life……. ??
Dp : Just shut your mouth Annapurna….. How dare you to abuse her…… You don’t have any right understood….. Today I am feeling ashamed to call you as my wife….. Because of you sanskar is not with us…..
Sujata : Don’t worry bhaisa sanskar is fine….. He’s here only…. Sanskar come boy…..
Sanskar enters the mansion….. Seeing him coming Swara got happy and ran to sanskar hugging him…… Sanskar reciprocated her hug but after sometime he broke it…
But Laksh and ap were dumbstruck seeing this and why not after all they thought he dead…
Ap (stammering) : How can you alive??
Sanskar : There is a proverb that whoever has support of god, nobody can hurt that person… Same applies to me…

When you were talking to the person whom you hired to kill me….. Mom made video and after that called me….. She told me whatever you did…. And then I gave double money to that hired man and that’s how I made this fake death of mine….
Ap : ?? So sujata you knew about it…. Because of you only this happened…..
Sujata : Actually Jiji there is a proverb that whatever you sow you will only repay it….
Dp : Enough!!!! Now all of you be silent…. Inspector take this two from here…. I don’t want to see their faces….
Inspector take ap and Laksh…..
Dp : This all happened because of me….. I shouldn’t have blindly trusted ap….
Swara : Leave it bp….. Whatever happened is past…. But now we should concentrate on our present….. Now only happiness is in our way….
Sanskar : Yes bp…. We should be happy that the true face of Maa and lucky came in front of us….
Dp : True…..
After some time everyone dispersed to their room…..

Precap : 5 years leap…..

Hey guys
I am very upset as somepeople has complained that I write vulgar words in tu….. And also that my ff story of a girl is full of vulgar scenes…. Guys I have not even posted a single part them how can I use these types of abusive words that’s why I thought to leave tu…. Guys if anyone have problem with my ff’s then do tell me rather than complaining here and there…..

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