Fan Fiction

Swasan FF: Entangled Love chapter 35

Hey everyone, I know you all must be very angry…… am so sorry I couldn’t update, due to some personal reasons I have to go out of town, it was an unplanned one so couldn’t inform you all …… so to redeem for the delay I will post two chapters today….. just bare with me for few days, I will be irregular

Previous chapter link: Here
Chapter 35

Precap: Swara, Sanskar and Siya’s zoo visit and something unexpected happens…..

Sanskar’s POV

I was standing outside the ICU, all numb…. I didn’t remember anything except that inside the ICU she was struggling for her life…. The flashes of her lying on the ground pooled in blood still haunting me… she had been shot in saving my daughter, this truth froze me to the ground…. It felt like my guts had been ripped apart and pulled out of my body… I didn’t know how I managed to bring her here….Siya was in my arms, frightened with the entire happening, sobbing near my chest….. I was paralyzed by the shock….nurse asked me to fill the form, my hands were shaking….with lot of efforts I managed to filled…mom called me to know about our whereabouts as it was 10 pm and we still not reached home… “Swara is in hospital” this is all I managed to speak….the scary memories of my past were threatening me, I have seen many loses…. I didn’t know why but I couldn’t bear this one…. I was blaming myself for not being able to protect her….

“Sanskar” the acquainted voice broke his trance

“Mom” he said turning to the source
She got panicked to see him… his off white shirt was fully drenched in blood…
Ram: (shocked) what happened? Are you fine Sanskar?
Sanskar: (blankly) I am fine… Swara got injured in saving Siya… she got shot….
He narrated all he witnessed…. As he finished Ram sat on the bench with a thud….
Ram: (furious) it is what I was afraid off…instead of all my efforts, I couldn’t able to save my family….it’s all my fault
Sujata: what are you saying?
Ram: through my sources I got to know about my rivals, they were conspiring against me…to bring me politically down they planned to harm my family….this is the reason why I had deployed extra security at mansion…. I swear I will not leave them
Annapurna: right now we should think about Swara, her life….that is all what matters
Sanskar didn’t react at all… he was frozen, he couldn’t able to see anything except her…. Ragini tried to take Siya from him but she wasn’t willing to leave Sanskar for a second….
“let her be” he said
All get alarmed as doctor stepped out of the ICU….
Sanskar: (impatiently) how is she?
Doctor: well luckily the bullet hit just above her heart….the wound is not that deep but due to excessive blood loss and sudden shock, she is still in critical condition…the next 12 hrs are very crucial for her….let’s pray that she gets conscious otherwise there are chances of her to slip in coma….
The ground beneath him shook….all the hopes shattered…. “No..No..No, it can’t happen….she can’t do this to me…I don’t want to live in this guilt for rest of my life” his heart screamed
Ram: (placing his hand on Sanskar’s shoulder) don’t worry Sanskar, nothing will happen to her….she will be fine
All the ladies were in tears with the shocking declaration of doctor…
Annapurna: (folded her hand) hey bholenath….just save that innocent girl

“How is Swara” Sanjeet’s voice made them startled….he was there with Bushra…it was their last day in Bhopal and they have planned to take Swara out for diner but when they reached mansion to pick her up, they found about this frightening news…. Ram told him everything, Bushra burst into crying…. Ragini was trying to calm her
Ram: (to Sanjeet) I think we should inform her mother…
Due to sudden advent of events no one thought of her
Sanjeet: No…. she won’t be able to take it. Let Swara get little better than I will inform her…. (looking at Doctor) doctor can we see her?
Doctor: yeah… but please one by one
12 hrs, these 12 hrs were like 12 yrs or might be 12 ages for him… it was a bizarre situation where he don’t know whether he should wish for this time to pass soon or to get it still….
After six hours
Sanskar stepped inside the ICU…. He was hesitant to go at first, scared to see her in this miserable state but when Ragini insisted he couldn’t resist…. She was lying there like a lifeless body, the bandages were there on her right shoulder… her face was pale and blank…. He couldn’t dare to go near her instead sat opposite to her on the couch…. His gaze was fixed on her, all their conversations, their arguments, their fights, their kiss all were flashing in his mind…. Just to come out with all these thoughts he closed his eyes……….
Hospital, ICU
“Sanskar” the voice made him to turn around. He could see a vague figure of a man. To get a clear view he blinked his eyes… as he recognized the form his eyes got widened and he shouted in bewilderment
“Adarsh bhai”
With his calm smile on the face he spoke “Sanskar!! Why are you doing this to yourself?”
Sanskar: (confused) what you are talking about? And why you left me bhai see how I became….
“Sanskar, I have been always here with you…. but I am not happy to see you like this…. why you are not listening to your heart? Dear you need to move on. You can’t let yourself stuck in past…. Destiny is not same for each one of us… if I couldn’t make it to a happily ever after that doesn’t mean you will too…see dear there are two ways to face your future, with apprehensions or with anticipation….life is giving you a chance to live, full of love and trust, a complete one in every sense…now it’s on you whether you value it or not….just break all the shackles and let yourself free, free to feel love… and trust me I will always be there for you when you need me”
Before Sanskar could say anything he lost the sight of him… the figure became vague and slowly disappeared….

“Adarsh bhai” he screamed
Laksh: (startled) bhai….what happened? Had a bad dream?
Sanskar looked at him with his frightened face…it took him time to realize it was his dream….Laksh was staring him all puzzled…to comfort him he placed his hand on his shoulder, Sanskar could see the concern and worry in his eyes… he immediately took him in a bone crushing hug, finally he got a shoulder to cry on…
“Lucky I don’t want to loose her… she can’t leave me like this. You were right, I love her, I love her Lucky, I love Swara…” he blurt out everything to him, all the feelings he was suppressing for so long
Laksh: (patting his shoulder) bhai just calm down… look at her, she is out of danger now….she gained her conscious a while ago…now she is sleeping…. Do you want to scare her with your screaming confession?
Laksh’s words helped him to calm down… he turned to look at her who was sleeping peacefully on the bed…. he took a deep sigh of relief
Laksh: (smiles) So finally ha you accepted… I am happy for you bhai
Sanskar: (faint smile) thanks Lucky…but I don’t know about her feelings, what she feels for me….you know her very well it’s not easy to convince her….
Laksh: (teasing smirk) Strange ha, are you really scared of her?
Sanskar: (looking at Swara) I am scared of loosing my love…
Laksh: don’t worry, she will accept you and your love…..
Sanskar: She has to…… by the way when did you came back from Gwalior
Laksh: few hours ago…. Ragini called me
Sanskar: where is everyone? And where is Siya?
Laksh: all are in visitor’s room and Siya is with Ragini, she is sleeping
Sanskar: it’s good….
Laksh: (picked his coat from the couch) ok bhai… I am going home, from there I have to leave for office….somebody has to be there
Sanskar: (hesitant) Lucky will you…
Laksh: (smiles) don’t worry bhai I will manage at office… you stay here with your lady love
Giving his signature teasing smile, he left leaving them all for each other… Sanskar pulled a chair and sat next to Swara… she was in deep sleep due to effect of medicines and painkiller… he softly held her hand in his and gently caressed it…. With other he touched her face and placed a soft kiss on her forehead
“Get well soon Swara, I need to tell you a lot, I can’t hold it anymore” he whispered

Precap: how Sanskar will confess his love to Swara….. will she realize it too or not?

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