Fan Fiction

Swaragini (love) swalak (episode 2)

Hey guys ..plz keep supporting …
@maheshwari mansion
Laksh Laksh my mom called me ..or yelled at me …
U know I never wake in one time ..
My dad will now come a take lecture …after that only I wake up …
That’s my routine ..
OK wait where was I ..huh that pub was my silly dream ….
Yes that swara is my girlfriend …actually just friend …after I met her I gave my heart ..but she takes me as her friend only ..
After that I have been getting dreams like this …

I wish this dream never come true ..
Actually none will come true ….because this is my 30th dream .ya I have been counting keep a track ..and whatever I informed about me in the dream was not true my Bro is a business man who is settled in Paris …he comes only once or twice in a year to meet me …and family and …..I am 21.. 3rd year robotics ..
And swara is 20. …2nd year robotics …my junior but I love her company ..
Yes I am one of the ragging seniors ..I have a group also called stars of dance in which she is also a part ..the only junior in our gang …
But our gang member love her the most be coz she is bubbly easy going and friendly ….
Wait y I am saying this all ….it’s time for collage ….let’s get ready ..
Laksh pov ends ..
Sana : hey lucky
Laksh pov
Let me introduce sana ..she is also 3rd robotics ..she is been hitting on me from 1st year …or 1st standard …ha ha funny right …but I never pay attention to her ……only my love is for swara ….

Laksh pov ends ..
Sana : so lucky u look hot today …..she keeps hand on lucky ..
Kabir : leave hin for sometime sana …..let him be free .
Laksh pov
So here is my saver ..Kabir mehra …my best friend from LKG …lol ….he is more than a friend …my cousin ….my dad’s sister son ….ha ha ..
Laksh pov ends
Kabir : so buddy …3rd year starting we r the actual seniors now …so who is first …
Lucky : let’s see the entrance whoever will come first will be the first one …..
At that time ..
Swara enters ..
Aditya aka adi : man r u gonna tease swara …ur lover …ha ha ha ..
Laksh pov
He is my teaser …he takes every chance to tease ..I forgot to mention my gang know that I love swara ….(except swara )
Laksh pov ends .
Adi : really Bro do it …
Kabir : ha ha ha …..

Lucky : not funny guys …
Sana : rules is rules …go on ..
Lucky calls swara
Swara turns …
Laksh pov .
As I told she is swara kapoor the daughter of ram kapoor and priya kapoor ……my dad’s close friend ..or best friend ..our moms are business partners ….
Today she is freaking cute .in red shirt with black overcoat and black half skirt …..made her hair free with red headband …
Aww …that smile ..
Laksh pov ends ..
Swara : yes lucky ..oops sorry senior ..
Kabir : we r gonna tease u shona (gang address as shona or swara )
Swara : really I am waiting ..come on tease me one is teasing me because ….they say seniors r ur friends we won’t do anything …
All burst out laughing …
Swara : hey I am serious ..
Laksh : really ?? Ha ha ha ..

Swara makes a pout face ..
Adi : shona now u r entering 2nd year yaar ….so might have a boyfriend right …who is it ..
Adi winks at laksh ..
Laksh gets angry ..
Swara : boyfriend. ..hmm ..
Kabir : u have a bf ..
Swara : yes …all r stunned ….
Laksh : who is he ….
Swara : u kabir and adi …..then who …
Laksh gives a relief sign ..
Adi and kabir laughs …..
Kabir : so bf means …
We r boys …..and we r ur friends …
Adi : u r under matured shona ..
Swara : adi …OK leave that all ..when is the pratice timing …
Laksh : same as usual from 12 to 3 …at dance studio …
Swara : OK done …bow bye I want to go class ….bye ..bye ..
Swara bangs or dashes with a girl ..
She falls .

Laksh gets tensed and rushe’s to her ..
Laksh : swara swara r u OK )??
Swara : ha an laksh I am OK ..but that girl ..
Kabir makes shona stand …
Adi gives shona water (lol how much care I wish I have friends like them )
Shona : it’s OK for me ..let’s check the girl .
The girl slowly wakes up
Its ragini
Sana : r u OK …
Ragini : ya I am OK ..
Sana : u look new …r u a fresher ..
Ragini : no I am 2nd year ..
Swara : really even me ..
Laksh : so swara now u will forget us right ..
Swara pulls his cheeke no laksh ….
Laksh feels her touch ..
Swara : so ragini come let’s go …..
Ragini : OK ….
@class ..
Ragini pov .
That boy ..what is his name huh ..
Oh yes laksh ….he was so cool and handsome … daring and charming he was ..I think I love him …..
Ragini pov ends .
Swara : ragini ragini .
Ragini : ha an swara ..

Swara : day dreaming ..class is over ..we need to go canteen ..come ..
Ragini : but
Swara : listen I will tell them that u only know me u can join me on lunch ….OK …
Ragini : OK
Ragini pov ..
I am lucky that swara is my friend ..through her I can meet laksh daily ….yippee
Ragini pov ends …

Precap : will ragini get laksh love ……..or swara will snatch laksh from ragini ……

How was it guys’s an love triangle ..plz don’t mind


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