SWARAGINI (The heart wants what it wants) CHAPTER 9 CONFRONTATION

Thank u all for ur warm response….keep reading .Many more twists and turns are on their way….
Swasan are sleeping.Somebody knocks their room
SWARA:sanskaar go and openthe door
SANSKAAR:You go and open
SWARA:Sanskkkaarrrr!!!!please and she makes puppy face
SANSKAAR:its not fair…..everytime u emotionally blackmail me
But sanskaar had no option….he was awestruck by his sweet angel.he opened the door….it was laksh
Laksh:why have u took such a long time to open the door
SWASAN:We were sleeping
Laksh:u guys are sleeping till now…..swara wake up u have to go to pick up aarav….I really want to tal to my child
SWARA:Laksh pls let me sleep now
LAKSH *whispers:Bhai u are the best brother in the whole world
SANSKAAR:What do uwant lucky????

LAKSH:Bhai I am gong to get ready till then pls wake up this kumbhkaran
Laksh goes from the room
Sanskaar understood that Laksh was desperate to meet his son but he also knew that waking up swara was the most difficult task…..an idea struck his mind.He went towards the table took up jug of water and poured it on swara
Swara wakes up with a jerk.Sankaar starts laughing
SWARA:Sanskaar Maheshwari…u will have to pay for it!!!
SANSKAAR:swara u cant do anything!!!
SWARA:U are challenging swara sanskaar maheshwari,now see what i will do
She goes to the washroom and bring a bucket of cold water and pours it on sanskaar
SANSKAAR:I will not leave u
The both starts running around the room suddenly he legs slipbut sanskkar holds her on time.They both kiss each other

SCENE2 :Guesthouse
Aarav is sleeping
RAGINI:aarav wake up!!!
AARAV:Mom please let me sleep
RAGINI gets an idea
She goes near aarav and starts tickling him.Aarav begins to laugh
Aarav:mom please stp
Ragini doesn’t stop
RAGINI:aarav I am not going to stop till u wake ans she starts tickling him again
AARAV:Ok mom…u won.i woke up
RAGINI:Thats like my superhero
After some time there is an knock at the door….ragini goes to open it ….it was swara
SWARA:hi my sweet sis….i am here to take my rockstar.
Aarav comes there ….he is looking adorable.He runs towards swara and hugs her
AARAV:hi maasi….
RAGINI(pretends to cry):u both are very bad….u both have forgotten me….now swaragini is becoming swarav….u both don’t care for me now ….
Swarav looks towards each other.They go towards ragini and hugs her
SWARA:how can I forget u…u are the sweetest sister
AARAV:And the best mom in the whole galaxy
RAGINI:aww….now stop buttering me and go,I am getting late for office
Swarav goes from there

Sanlak is desperately waiting for aarav…aarav reaches there.Aarav was about to fall when sanskaar holds him
Aarav:thnx uncle
SANSKAAR:not uncle chachu….and he points towards swara…she is ur chachi
AARAV:But she is my maasi….
SWARA:I am both ur maasi and chachi
AARAV(Looks towards sanskaar):can I call u bade papa….(Aarav calls sanskaar papaand laksh dad)
Sanskaar nods yes .Aarav hugs sanky…Both are appalled
AARAV:dou know my papa ??????
Swasan nts towards a man…his face is turned..He runs towards the man and pats him ….the man tuns….Aarav is surprised to see laksh.Laksh couldn’t control his emotions and hugs him
LAKSH:Aarav i am ur dad….u are my child…u are aarav maheshwari…I missed u alott beta
Aarav pushes him
Aarav:I hate u
Swasan and laksh are shocked

Laksh is apologises and aarav meets maheshwari family



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