Fan Fiction


Hi Guys This is Sowmya Johnson Aka Berdilla

Anjali Singh Raizada (Daljeet Kaur Bhanot) – Ragini Mom

What do you mean the flight is delayed? Ragini tucked her cell phone against her shoulder and accepted the cashier’s change. Then she remembered Laksh’s comment about the planes being grounded at the airport. The implications hadn’t registered at the time, but they did now. Her knees buckled and she slid into the nearest chair. The hospital dining room and its rows of empty tables echoed around her as she dropped her bag onto the floor. No, it can’t be.

It might even be cancelled, Anjali Singh Raizada was a sensible woman, the wife of a working rancher and mother of six kids. Ragini’s family hadn’t had a lot of resources when she was growing up, and they didn’t have a lot now. It was hard to hear her mom over the background noise in the airport. Anjali’s voice saddened. Don’t worry i wont leave you alone. Your dad and i talked about me driving, but with the road condition and a blizard in the mountains I’m not sure what kind of time I could make.

Ragini : No I absolutely don’t want you driving on dangerous roads. That made no sense at all. Her hand shook, and she set down her coffee on the table so it wouldn’t spill. She had to stay calm. Focus on the problem. See there was only one solution, whether she liked it or not. You ll fly in when you can. And if you can’t then you stay where you are. I’ve got everything cobered here.

Ragini’s Mom : I’m sure you do dear but you can’t go through this alone.

Ragini : I’m perfectly fine That was lie but she prayed the good Lord would forgive her. She worried her mom would get in the car and come anyway. I have everything i need here. Shivansh has great doctors and the nurses are wonderful. We’ll be fine.

Ragini’s Mom : You cant wait through surgery by yourself. I wont have it . Mom was upset worrying over her grandson’s surgery was enough.

Ragini : Dont you worry about me too,Ragini set her chin firmed her voice and prayed her own fears did now show through. She needed her mother, she really did but she was strong enough to get throgh this on her own. Besides i haven’t heard form dev’s .The Singhania may have already landed and settling into their hotel room right now.

Ragini’s Mom : You’re just saying that to calm me down a hint of relief i really want to be there with you baby.

Ragini : I know She bit her lip before she said anything that would reveal how much she’d been counting on her mom’s support.

Ragini’s Mom : It’s killing your dad that he cant come.

Ragini : Someone has to stay and a take care of the animals Her family grew mostly wheat but they had the usual collection of farm animals which could not be left to fend for themselves. You’re not to drive under any circumstances. Do you understand me?

Ragini’s Mom : How did i raise such a bossy daughter

Ragini : I cant imagine Ragini treasured the gentile trill of her mother’s laughter.

Ragini’s Mom : Say did Laksh make it in? Shivansh will be so disapointed if he has to cancel.

Ragini : They are together right now. The two of them kicked me out of the room. I am girl and therefore not privy to their conversation. She managed to keep her hand steady enough to take a sip of the hot , sweet coffee.

Ragini’s Mom : How cute Shivansh must be on cloud nine.

Ragini : Pretty much She took another sip, but it didn’t steady her or calm the nerves rocking around in her stomach. Laksh comes a from a fine family it was hard to miss that lilt of meaning in her mother’s voice Anjali singh raizada was an optimsr honest hardworking ,And he single.He perpetually single Laksh Maheswari married she couldn’t picture it that was where the similarity between him and dev ended. Marriage had suited dev just fine as he liked being wauted on and tended to until the going had gotten rough. She couldn’t picture Laksh settling down long enough to put a wedding ring on a woman’s finger. His life is wandering from rodeo to rodeo, You’ll have to find someone little more stable to me off to.

To be Continued……

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