Fan Fiction

my story wid my own characters (Intro)

As this is my first article I am introducing all the characters firstly.Gopi is CEO of an event management company in delhi where she stays alone. Rashi and Urmila shah stays in Rajkot where Rashi works under modis in their construction company as an Architect.Ahem modi asusal puppet of kokilla modi and is the charm of modis who handles the business with single hand whereas his brother Jigar is always around girls flirting in office rather than work and kinjal who the only daughter of modi’s is treated as the princess in the house and she just concentrates on hifi parties shopping etc..Now comes the actual story.

Early morning after aarthi ahem gets a call telling he has lost a major project as the other one (Agarwal) saw jigar with his daughter and want to be far apart from modis. Ahem shouts at jigar why he is always around girls and this costs him a great penalty and he has to pay for this and asks him to come to office.In delhi gopi wakes up late and rushes to the office here she is not seen in suits anymore she is very modern and formal. She is just workholic and not centimental she gets a call from rashi saying i am arriving delhi because of a meeting just pick me up from airport. Gopi says rashi di i am sorry i dont hav much tym you plzz come i vl send my driver and cuts call but gopi vl be listening songs as she has no meetings.The screen freezes where Ahem beating jigar in office and Rashi all off a sudden coming to office and notices gopi is just relaxing in her chair..

Wait for more updates and to know how the love birds meet…


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