Story After 6 Years #RIANSH #IMMJ2 – Episode 5

Thank you so much everyone for your comments. It was lovely that you all think it’s an interesting story. These comments motivate me to write further.

Episode starts with…

The deck area at the welcome party:

Host: okay guys I hope you are all enjoying now it’s time to call the couple of the hour Sejal and Sameer.

Sejal and Sameer walk down hand in hand. While the rest of the family admire the couple.

Pragati: Riddhima di I am going to get a drink would like something

Riddhima: yes, please orange juice should suffice.

Pragati: okay di coming right up.

Host: okay guys so we have come up with a game where each one of you will get a number and there is only one other person who has the same number as you whom you have to dance with and it’s compulsory so no one can deny not participating.

Saying so the host started giving out the numbered wrist bands to everyone. Some of them found their partners and started enjoying their dance while the rest were still searching for their partners.

Riddhima: Pragati have you seen anyone with the number 2 on their wrist, they are my partner. I have been looking for the last 15 mins and still haven’t found them.

Pragati: umm no di but I can help you, I need to find my partner as well so we can both find ours.

Both Riddhima and Pragati start looking around again. Pragati sees the wrist band with number 2 while finds the man with number 6 (Pragati’s number) around their wrist.

Both together: found him.

Pragati pushes Riddhima towards Vansh who has the same number as her while Riddhima pushes Shivam towards Pragati who had the same number as him.

Vansh and Riddhima share an eyelock. That moment brings back all their feelings, their love, betrayal, and anger. The host breaks their trance by announcing the next dance. Since its compulsory Vansh and Riddhima are left with no choice but to dance.

Vansh (through clenched teeth): So Riddhima how are you? Spying on another man? Or have finally come to your senses. By the way how is that Kabir your partner in crime doing these days?

Riddhima (hurt but tries to mask it with a forced smile): Well thank you Mr Raisinghania for asking. I am fine thanks. No, I do not spy I resigned that job years ago (sarcastically) and about Kabir I don’t know, you tell me since you always know what’s going on. I assume you’ll know what your half-brother is up to.

Vansh: I am Vansh raisinghania I don’t give answers I seek answers. So, don’t act smart sweetheart. I guess you are forgetting what I am capable of doing. I guess you are forgetting that I am not the same Vansh that used to love you. I will not think twice before hurting you. You know I am the kind of person who seldom thinks of consequences.

Riddhima: Typical of VR I am not surprised with this attitude of yours. All you know is how to dominate the people around you.

Vansh: shut up will you! I don’t think I need you to tell me how to behave. Why do you think I’ll still listen to you?

Riddhima: Of course, you won’t. Have you ever listened to me even while we were married? Nope then why do you think I have hopes after our separation.

Vansh: Listen Riddhima what you did six years back is still fresh in my mind so don’t push it. What you did was not forgivable. You ridiculed my love and thought after doing all that with me can pull your drama and I’ll melt. You are sadly mistaken in fact I have moved forward in my life and trust me I am happy than ever.

Riddhima: Well I am glad that you have moved forward in life. And no, I have not forgotten what happened six years back so don’t worry I will save you the drama. (thinks): Vansh you have not changed one bit. Still the same Vansh Raisinghania who only does what he deems fit. I wish you would listen to me once. I want to tell you that you have twin children. I want to tell you how much they need their father. How much I want them to have your influence in their lives and give them the happiness they deserve. But I don’t know how you will react; I mean you don’t even trust me you think I betrayed you and never loved you.

Vansh: Where are you lost Ex-Mrs Raisinghania?

Riddhima: Nowhere. Funny how you think you always know what’s going on.

Vansh: Don’t insult my intelligence and definitely do not hurt my ego.

Saying so he leaves from there grabs a drink and walks out of the party. Meanwhile Riddhima kept looking at his leaving figure and knew he was hurt because he took a drink along. Even after so many years she knows him in and out. Riddhima walked across the deck and stood in a corner not wanting more drama.

All this while Tanya who had been stealing glances at Vansh and Riddhima found this as an opportunity to spend time alone with Vansh and walks after him.

Tanya (thinks): That stupid host and that lame game kept me away from Vansh this entire night. But now I can finally spend time with him.

Tanya reaches where Vansh was standing. Come and hugs him from behind. He wasn’t startled though he knew it was only Tanya who would do this.

Tanya: Vansh baby why did you leave; it was such a happening party. I know we couldn’t dance together but still it was okay not that bad that you had to leave. Maybe if we had asked our partners we could have danced together.

Vansh: Tanya I am not in the mood please leave me alone.

Tanya (ignoring what he just said – continues): You know we haven’t had time together for so long. You went away for your business and then this cruise we just haven’t had time to ourselves.

Vansh (loudly): Leave me alone!!

Tanya was shocked as she had never seen Vansh this angry before so didn’t want to risk it and ran from there.

Sometime later inside Vansh’s room:

Vansh removes and keeps his watch and wallet on the side table and goes into the bathroom to get changed. Coming out he picks up the coffee he ordered on his way and stands by the tiny window that could barely give a view. The rattles of the ocean somehow calmed his inner storm. Sipping through his coffee he gets thinking.

Vansh (thinks): It’s been six years and I still get affected by you Riddhima. This morning when I met you that moment all my feelings surfaced. My love for you, hate for you and your betrayal. I hate myself more to still love you. When Tanya came along, I didn’t think twice before accepting her proposal because I wanted to forget about you. It’s been two years since Tanya came into my life, but I can’t forget you. The Rangoli during festivals, karvachauth and our wedding anniversary all your memories come crushing down on me every year. I knew well how to hide my feelings from world. But deep down I still get affected by you. I still love you.

He finishes his coffee and heads to bed.

Next morning at the breakfast table:

Shivin: so maa where is Anupriya Bhabhi? Haven’t seen her for days. She didn’t even come to this cruise.

Dadi: Anupriya is in Shimla meeting her old friend, who is sick and needed Anupriya’s help. Since it’s the matter of someone’s health we didn’t object to her leaving she will be back in a week’s time.

Shivin: oh, I see, well I hope her friend gets better. After we all leave tomorrow morning, we need to start preparing for Sejal and Sameer’s marriage.

Angre: Don’t worry we are all there to help you prepare.

Preeti: Thanks, Angre beta.

Shivam (whispers to Pragati): I enjoyed our dance yesterday. Maybe we can meet up sometime again after this cruise.

Pragati: Maybe you should focus on your brother’s wedding rather than flirting with me. She said it cheekily.

Sameer: Dadi how is Siya?

Dadi: She shifted to the City Hospital where Janvi practices. We thought it would be best for her to get proper treatment at the hospital and now that we have Janvi there its more reassuring that we have a family member working there.

Preeti: We understand we all hope that Siya gains consciousness soon. We do feel her void in Sameer’s wedding. By the way where is Vansh he didn’t come for breakfast. And Sejal where is Riddhima she also didn’t come.

Dadi: Vansh has some business work to do so he is in his room he had breakfast in his room this morning.

Sejal: Riddhima had some work as well aunty so she had breakfast in her room too.

After breakfast everyone was going back to their rooms. As dadi was slowly making her way up the stairs to go to her room she suddenly felt dizzy and lost balance. Lucky for her Riddhima was coming down the stairs and saw that and ran to help her.

Riddhima: Dadi! Are you okay? Oh god you look so weak. Come let me help you to your room.

She takes dadi to her room and starts treating her. She was already carrying her medical bag since she was coming out to treat another patient and the cruise doctor was busy, so she opted to do it. Gets her stethoscope and starts checking Dadi.

Dadi: you became a doctor? I knew you were a physiotherapist, but I don’t think they need medical tools.

Riddhima: Yes, I got my masters and my Physiotherapy degree helped me cut my medical school years. So, I am officially a qualified doctor now.

Dadi: Riddhima thank you for helping me today.

Riddhima: dadi I don’t think you are taking care of yourself. You need to keep your diabetes in check and make sure you don’t stress much.

Dadi: even after six years you still care for me. You know what happened was not pleasant. No one expected your relationship with Vansh to end that way.

Riddhima: Dadi we can talk about it later for now you need to rest.

Just then Vansh comes in and starts panicking.

Vansh: Dadi are you okay? What happened? Did you take your medicine?

Dadi: Vansh relax I am fine now Riddhima took good care of me. She saw me feeling dizzy and helped me.

Riddhima started to leave as soon as she saw Vansh entering. She knew Vansh would take care of dadi and she didn’t need to be there anymore. But as Vansh heard what dadi told him he knew the least he could do was thank her no matter what their relationship has come to.

Vansh: Riddhima stop! (he says running after her holding her arm to stop her from moving further).

Riddhima: what do you want?

Vansh: I just want to say that, umm…

Riddhima: Vansh I am not in the mood to play to your blame game. So, back off.

Vansh (now angry that she won’t listen to him): okay that’s enough will you just listen to me once.

Riddhima: Stop getting angry at me!

Vansh: All I wanted to say was I am thankful to you for taking care of dadi. But I guess it’s as difficult to talk to you as it was six years back. Saying this he storms off leaving a shocked Riddhima behind.

Dinner table:

Everyone joined – all the khurannas, Raisinghanias, Sejal, Riddhima, Tanya and Pragati. It was big spread as this was the last meal they will have at the cruise. They all are meant to leave tomorrow morning so everyone would be eating at their own time. So, this dinner was special as it meant quality family time and togetherness.

Everyone is seated except Tanya. Vansh is seated opposite Riddhima. While Sejal and Sameer sat beside each other, and Shivam purposely sat beside Pragati. Just then Tanya comes to the table. She notices that there is a seat empty beside Vansh and proceeds to sit there.

Tanya (kisses Vansh on the cheek): Hi baby, I am finally glad to have found a seat beside you. And settles in to eat.

Riddhima who notices this feels uncomfortable. Just then Janvi speaks

Janvi: Di relax you are here to spend time with us as well not just Vansh bhai. I know he is your boyfriend but that doesn’t mean you can’t spend time with us.

Tanya: I know but still I haven’t had Vansh to myself for almost two weeks.

At the table all the Raisinghanias stole glazes at one another and Riddhima as they knew she wasn’t aware of Vansh and Tanya. While Sameer and Sejal looked at one another as they knew Riddhima didn’t know about Tanya and understood that she is feeling terrible as only Sejal and Sameer know the entire truth including the fact that Vansh and Riddhima are parents to twins.

Riddhima felt insulted, hurt, betrayed and jealous all at the same time. Tears started to well up in her eyes. She tried hard to fight off the urge to burst out crying in front of everyone. Vansh felt her pain and it broke him into pieces. When he got Tanya into his life, he didn’t expect Riddhima to come back into his life. So, there wasn’t this guilt that he feels now.

Riddhima excuse herself from the table citing she is full and had work to complete before bed. Everyone who knew what was going on understood and everyone who were oblivious bid her good night and resumed eating as if nothing has happened.

Precap: Vansh and Riddhima lock horns while departing from the cruise. Vansh and Riddhima reach their respective homes. Vansh reaches Sakshi’s school. Vansh plays basketball with Shovan and Shaina. All the school staff follow Vansh’s orders. Riddhima enters the school while Vansh is leaving the school with Sakshi.

Okay that’s it for today guys. Hope you enjoy. This is just the beginning its only been 5 episodes so there is a lot more character exploration yet to be done. More bonding between the characters is coming.

Okay now questions to keep you guys awake!

Will Vansh and Riddhima meet at the school? Why were the school staff following Vansh’s orders? Will Vansh know about his kids?

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