Episodic Analysis


Hello guyzz.

I have read all the things u all said about helly and tejaswii. To be honest i feel pity on those who dont have any work and start bashing other. Like really guyzzz. Get a life. Why being so jealous of helly&tejaswii.

I haved read all comment you do about helly and tejaswii. Why guzz you start bashing other. Get a life guyzz.

Swasan fans.
I know i am raglak fan. But you now what some of swasan fans start bashing tejaswii calling her. Fake,childlish,sl*t,b*t*h. And etc. So stop it guyzzz i mean cant you all be in peace what u think helly like it. NO. What you all think she is happy that you all are calling tejaswii.NO. Stop it. You guyzz are really bad. Coming to raglak. What they think of them self. I heared the twitter fight. Ok i understand swasan fan started but raglak fan was also not right. Both swasan and raglak were WRONG. Raglak fans why you all start making fun of helly name: Jelly,Jerry,Belly and etc. Stop it you all are now one to say that ok. So mind your tongue. You cant take the words back you say ok. I heared many raglak fans say to helly go and die and all other stuff. But dear raglak fan who are you all to say that. Come on get yourself together guyzzz. Stop being childlish. Grow up yaar. I really feel pity on u all raglak and swasan fans.

Guyzz plz stop bashing swaragini. I domt understand their are many show which have two couples their fans never fight. So why are you all bashing eachother. Do u think swasan and raglak have respect for you all by doing this.

And stop spoiling tejaswi and helly friendship. Keep your opinion too yourself if not then learn to respect others opinion.

I sometime think if they now what reel life and real life are. U all get so personal while bashing eachother.

What u all think of yourself helly&tejaswii enjoy when u all get in fight and goes personal. Do u think they enjoy when they get to now that their fans are bashing eachother. I dont think they are proud of u all. Stop being childlish, Grow up. You all are not kid who dont now manners. Maybe kids are better then u all. Like really get a life. And who are u all to say characterless and sl*t and b*t*h to them. I am sorry to say but i think your parents never told you how to behave and say something about other and manners.

So stop bashing eachother. If swasan fan start to bash tejaswi then be quiet sometime your silent say manything instead of saying something. Same goes to raglak if they bash helly.

I hope you all who bash got a mind and growed up after this. . And yes i write it after reading jwala post. So stop bashing eachother and grow up u all are not kids.

Note: Dont you dare to say anything about raglak or swasan. And yess if you all wanted to now then i am a raglak but i also love swasan and helly very much. So stop bashing eachother. Never say anything to Tejaswii or Helly.


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