Life is like a wheel.. As the wheel rotates, the lower portion has to come up and the upper portion has to go down.
Likewise, one who wins will lose and one who loses will win. It’s worldly truth..
Vishnu who descended as Ram, holds this life chakra in hand to instil this truth in our minds.??
Hold Dharam and leave confusion..
Path may seem difficult but it will take to the intended destination..
This journey will be the guide for upcoming generations..??
Ram.. His hands ….
Known for compassion…
The Touch clears all mystification..

Arrow released gives Mukti..
Ring that ornate his hand holds all these Sakthi..
Ram gives this ring of Shakti for his Shakti ( Siya)
Overjoyed is Siya when holding the ring and experiencing hunuman’s Bhakti..
Ram’s love is like ring .. IT HAS NO BEGINNING AND NO END… ??

Known to the world for her indomitable knowledge..
Made impossible possible by the courage she obtained from the knowledge..
Ram who admires this ‘knowledge without any pride’ adorns it with sudamani
Siya who knows what ram admires in her gives Ram their symbol of love..?❤️
Now… Ram reaches Siya and Siya reaches Ram
It’s chain of trust.. Ram trusts truth whereas Sita trusts ram.. This mutual trust when goes hand in hand with pure love cause destruction to the one who joins with Adharam and ego..?
Strong actions comes with clarity in mind. This clarity in mind clears hurdles in life’s journey..
Journey towards Rameshwaram starts…

With love as driver of this journey, here is Ram spreading Dharam and peace to every corner of the path that he crossed.
Arduous journey becomes historic journey… The entire wanersena gains more power and strength in course of the path forgetting the pain from the strain.???
Standing before the mighty ocean, not a single moment Ram’s mind got distracted from the destined path. He visualises the goal not the hurdle… This time, it’s not his arrow which fixes the target but the eyes of his heart…??❤️

When determination and persistence soar high, obstacles and difficulties becomes nothing..
Gives his biggest lesson to the world – when life places biggest hurdle in your destined path, stand with heads up and tell “Try me!! Instead of why me?”
Soul of Ram has already reached his Siya’s soul.. Now it’s only physical body that is finding its path to join with its soul..?

Here comes Neel and Nala to lay down the path..
Vishwakarma constructed mandap to unite Ram and Sita…
Here is his son Nala to construct the bridge to again unite Ram and Sita..
Stones which sink are now floating with the encryption of Ram’s name and immense blessings of Lord shiva..

Glorious journey to Lanka starts with roaring of ‘JAI SHREE RAM’ ????


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