Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini


Hi dis is Shailu.I m back with the another episode of Soul of love.Sorry guys for the late update.I was busy with my studies.Hereafter I ll try to update atleast two episode in a week.
Happy Valentines Day to all..
Here is the Valentines Day episode.May be little boring.But I ll come wit better episodes.
Frnds Comment how was the episode..Ur Comments will be booster which will help me to write episode in a better way..
Here we go…

YMCA Matric School- Function Day
Kalki: R U Sure.U alright?
Ragini:S Kalki No prob.Cum lets go and welcome the guests.
The guests started to cum.Ragini was the one who was assigned the work to welcome the guest at the entrance.So she started welcoming one by one.Sanskar reached the school.
Ragini:GM Sir.Welcome to our school.
Sanskar:Thank u.
Ragini handed the bouquet to sanskar.
Function started.
Ragini keeps herself busy during the function to avoid the Rakesh’s thoughts.Sanskar’s eyes are fully searching for Ragini.Finally he found her.He was starring at her the whole function.He knows he was not the one who believe in love or something.But something is causing him to see her continuously.
Function ends.All started to leave.Sanskar thought to talk to Ragini.But he cant able to found her.Bcoz Ragini already left to her home.
A leap of one month:
Sanskar started to leave from his office.On d way to home he saw some persons are teasing a girl.He stepped down from his car and went towards the gang.
Sanskar:Wats happening here
Person1:wats ur prob?
P2:Hey he is our district collector da.come we ll leave.
They left.Sanskar turned towards that girl.He is shocked to found Ragini der.
Ragini:Thank u sir.
Sanskar:Wat ur dng in dis hour.
Ragini don no wat to tell.She just kept silent.
Sanskar in harsh tone:I m asking u something.
Hearing the loud voice Ragini was felt scared.
Sanskar:Come I ll drop u in ur house.
He started walking towards his car.But Ragini dint moved from the place.Sanskar turned and saw her.
Sanskar again came near her and asked wat now.R u coming or nt.
Ragini:Its ok sir.I ll leave by myself.
Sanskar:I m not requesting u to come.I m just ordering.Come with me.
Saying dis he held her hand and dragged her toward the car.He opened the front door and asked her to sit.
He went to the driver seat and sat down.
Sanskar:Ur address?
Ragini:Sorry sir.I cant go to my home now.I came out of my home due to some issues.
Sanskar:Wat.Then y are u waiting here at tis time.U can go to any of ur relatives house no?
Ragini said without seeing him: I don’t have anyone like tat.
Sanskar:If u have any problems with ur parents na u can talk with them and can solve.Running out of home is not a solution.
Ragini:My Parents are not alive.
Ragini had tears in her eyes while saying this.Sanskar felt so bad for her.He doesn’t want to continue dis talk after hearing abt her parents from Ragini.
Sanskar:So wat ur gng to do.Any frnds home?
Ragini:Only one frnd.She is also out of town.
(Frnds As Ragini knows sanskar as a person In a respectable position she doesn’t have any fear in talking wit him abt these issues)
Ragini:Sir If der is any working womens hostel means pls leave me der?
Sanskar:Do u no wat is the time now?Its 10.30 pm. Do u think hostel official will allow u to stay in dis time.?
Ragini don’t know wat to tell to him.Sanskar thought for a while.He Started his car and drived towards his home.
Sanskar:Get down.
Ragini turned and saw the house.
Ragini:Sir.This is
Immediately Sanskar told This is my house.
Ragini:But Sir?
Sanskar:U can trust me Ragini.
Sanskar:If u trust me u can come inside.I wont force u.i ll just go inside.Door will be always open.Whenever u trust u can come inside.
Sanskar left Ragini in the car and went inside the house.
Ragini thought for sometimes.She doesn’t have anyother options also.So she came out of car and went inside.
Ragini entered into the house and noticed the house.It was not a big house.Just a small house.But it is neat and perfect.It doesn’t look like a bachelors house.The way the house was maintained was just awesome.

Ragini was simply standing in the hall.Within a few minutes Sanskar came out after freshened up.
Sanskar:Did u ate anything?
Ragini:S sir.
Ragini knows it’s a lie.She dint have anything from the morning.
Sanskar:I don’t think so.
Ragini:No sir nthng like tat.
Sanskar:u wont get anything gud for eating frm my house.Only bread and Jam will be here.Come and eat.
Ragini:No Sir No Problem.
Sanskar:I said just come.
Without saying a word Ragini followed Sanskar like a obedient Child.
Sanskar gave a plate of bread and jam to her and kept one plate for him.He went inside the kitchen and came out with a glass of milk.He gave it to her.
Sanskar:Have it.
Both finished their dinner
Sanskar:U can sleep in the room.I ll sleep in hall.If u have any problem u can call me ok.
Saying dis he showed the way to the room.
Sanskar:We will talk tmrw the left over things tmrw.
Ragini went inside the room.She saw the room.It was neat.In the wall there was one picture with Sanskar and one women and a men.Ragini thought Maybe his parents.
She lay on the bed.She just kept her eyes closed.She knows she cant sleep.The thoughts of the previous one months incidents that happened in her house was haunting her very badly.She lost her sleep a long back.The step taken by her now that is coming out of her house is not an easy step for her.She is not the one who easily gave up things.She knows to fight very hard.She is a strong person.But she has to take this drastic step bcoz she cant fight anymore.She just hope for a better tmrw.

Next day Morning:
Ragini got up and freshened up as she have a bag with couple of dresses.She came out.Ragini found Sanskar sleeping in the hall couch.She don’t know wat to do.After thinking a while she went near him and said Sir.
Immediately Sanskar gotup.
Ragini:GM Sir.I will leave now.
Sanskar:Wait here.i ll come.
Saying dis he went inside and got freshened and came out.
Sanskar:Sit down.
Ragini:But Sir..
Sanskar:I Said sit down.
Ragini sat down in the sofa which is opposite to sanskar.
Sanskar:Now tell
Ragini:Wat sir.
Sanskar:Wat u decided.Whr u r gng to do.wats ur prob?
Ragini:Dono sir just gng to search for a hostel.Frm der I have to continue my job.
Sanskar:Wats ur prob.Do u think running out the prob provide to solution.
Ragini was silent.
Sanskar:If u trust me u can tell ur problems to me.Lets find a solution.
Ragini opened her mouth.But at that time door bell rang.
Sanskar went and opened the door.
It was Sanskar’s assistant

Assistant:Sir.These are the files u asked sir.
Sanskar:Ok Raghu.U just wait here I ll come now.
Raghu saw Ragini in the hall and smiled looking at her.Ragini also smiled bak.
Sanskar:Raghu dis is Ragini.My frnd.Go nd buy food for her and give to her.Meanwhile I ll come to office directly.U come after giving food to her.Here is the money.
Raghu went out.
Sanskar:Ragini.I have to go to office now.I ll be back by evening.we ll talk after tat.Feel free.Do try to run from here also.Bye.
Saying dis Sanskar went to office.
Sanskar’s last sentence hurted Ragini a lot.She stood der for a long time.The door bell rang again.Hearing the door bell only she came out of her thoughts.It was Raghu with the food.He gave the food to Ragini and went.
Ragini dint eat the food.He was waiting for evening for sanskar’s arrival.She decided to leave Sanskar’s house once he came back.

To be continued……

Precap: Sanskar ask Ragini to marry him……
So soon na…Just wait Why,How and What will be Ragini’s Answer.


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