Smile by Amore (Chapter 10)

This one is really short… Hope you like it 
Chappy 10
My 4th OS guys…
Previous Chappy
Chapter 9
Monologue ends
With this he goes back to captivated room and Nature heads towards another room. He enters the room and takes a box out from the cupboard and stares it…

Nature’s PoV
I know Alex you want Smile to be the same as she use to be but it is not easy. She has been a through something which you can’t even ever imagine… This Rascal Shinda has made her like this. But I’ve promised myself to make her same Smile again. Today is his punishment day, she’ll pour her bitterness as well as disgust; and I’ll make sure she will pour her pain too.
Alex enters captivated room and asks Smile innocently:- Why did Nature tell his officers to search Shinda’s hidden treasure? We must tell him that we have robbed it??? We have hidden it and if he finds out we can be punished too. He is even behaving weird why did he ask them to search it? Is the treasure important?? And if the treasure was that important to search then why did he tell them to shut the case now only…I am so confused… (He asks confusingly)
Here Smile is seen sitting on a chair in another corner from Shinda. Smile slowly opens her eyes and then gave him a look asking what he means and Alex tells her whatever happened sometimes back…. Alex saw something really unexpected… Smile SMILED… For the first time in these 8 years; she smiled.
Smile’s monologue
How can this idiot say this???
Monologue ends

Alex’s monologue
(Confusingly) Did I crack a joke??? HEY! (SHOCKED) Did she smile?? Yaa she did.

Hehehe cliff hanger huh! 😀
Smile “Finally” SMILED… but… WHY???
kok by the way guys I have made my facebook page
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Find my stories on of Lifeless - Just Body No Soul, Smile, Hatred and others...Eager to learn more and welcomes all feedbacks

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