Episodic Analysis

siya ke ram (conquest of anger)

Every problem comes to make us or break us
Before going into anger
Patience with family is love and with others it is respect. Angry hurts only u and if u are right u don’t have to be angry and if u are wrong u don’t have the right to be angry.
Ram and Sita never gets angry at any instance.they speak out wherever needed but never get angry. They don’t get angry on their fate for their separation. Sita did not get angry with kaikeyi for sending her husband to vanvas but at the same time she didn’t allow kaikeyi to stop her from accompanying ram. Sita speaks to malyavaan with anger but there it is justified speaking wrong about a woman is not to be tolerated and u need to raise ur voice to make people like malyavaan understand. Ram maybe angry with ravan for kidnapping Sita but still gives him so many chances of forgiveness
Maybe To err is human to forgive is divine but still we have to learn or what is the influence of Skr in our lives. Ram gets emotional when laxman is injured but he does not get angry on indrajeet. Forgive people because they don’t even deserve ur hatred the way Kausaliya and sumitra forgave kaikeyi
Yesterday I was angry with tu I mean how
many times I had to post a comment then I thought would I let this disturb by peace I decided no. Sometimes when we see raghunandar calmness we are irritated but hasn’t won situation with the calmness. He kept
quiet when Sita went inside the earth because he wanted her to be free of suffering even though he coudnt beat it. Isn’t this love selfless
Angry does not mean u don’t love a person for
we have our laxman and has angry been good in his life reflect not actually. But angry makes us react without even understanding the
situation or utter words that hurt. Words once spoken cannot be taken back. Even yesterday ram did not get angry on virat when Sita is blown away he saves her. And sometimes
anger is for defending our loved ones but that
is not the only way to showcase ur live right
Let’s reduce anger and learn from the maryada
Purushottam ram
I am yet to conquer but in today’s world it is not good to conquer anger fully so just stay balanced
Share ur opinions and if anger has sometime in
ur life affected u
Thank u
Jai Sita ram
Being calm really gives self satisfaction believe me

Credit to: Sanjana


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