Categories: Sirf Tum

Sirf Tum 11th April 2022 Written Episode Update: Ranveer re-joins the college

Sirf Tum 11th April 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Mamta asking Suhani to take rest, else she will scold her. Suhani says I m okay now. Asha sees them and sends tea by a servant. She goes. Mamta makes the banners for Ranveer. She prays for him. Suhani wakes up. Even she makes some banners to get votes for Ranveer. Its morning, Suhai and Mamta give the pamphlets to the students. Ranveer sees Suhani. He takes the fliers away and tears it. He goes. Ansh tells something to his friends. Riya smiles and takes the flier. She trashes it. Ansh’s friends protest against Ranveer. Ranveer’s friends come and shout vote for Ranveer. They fight. Ranveer comes. He says let them do anything, you guys carry on. He goes. The students cast their votes. The dean comes to tell the results. He says 90% votes are in favor of Ranveer. Mamta and Suhani

smile. Ranveer says I don’t accept this voting, I will do what I like, I decided it, I won’t join this college again. Ansh comes and asks why Ranveer.

He says you don’t want to study because of Suhani, so I called Rakesh here. Mamta requests Rakesh to support Ranveer and his career. Rakesh thinks of Suhani and Ranveer’s words. He says I don’t want Suhani to leave her studies, I understood that Ranveer is an angry person like me, but he will never harm Suhani, I got to know the truth, I told my daughter to get free from this unwanted marriage anytime she wants, I will see the world. Ranveer and Mamta get surprised. Suhani hugs Rakesh. Ansh gets angry.

Mamta asks Ranveer will you join college now. Ranveer nods and hugs her. At home, Mamta makes sweets for Vikrant. He says its superb, you made it really well, you look very happy. She says you didn’t expect this, Suhani and I got Ranveer’s rustication orders cancelled without taking your name, now you have to keep your promise, you will not stop Ranveer from going to college, and tear those papers. He scolds her. She asks him to think of the children, why can’t they choose their own path. He says good night. She leaves.

Mamta goes to Suhani and does the aid to her. She says wound heals soon if a mum applies the ointment, even the scars will go away. Suhani says I m staying here and troubling you, you have to tolerate Ansh and family, even then you are giving me much love. Ranveer comes. Mamta says you talk so sweetly. Ranveer says Suhani is doing wrong with me, she already captured my heart and now my mum. Mamta hugs Suhani.

Riya angrily breaks things. Her dad stops her and says Ranveer will become a big doctor now, don’t worry. She says Suhani will be there in that college, love is powerful, I don’t want them to come close again. Asha asks Ansh what will he do now. He says learn from Ranveer, he is of your age. Ansh says don’t take his name, I never did this before. He thinks to use his trump card.

Its morning, Suhani is with Ranveer. Ansh comes and asks her to sit, her husband bought a new bike for her. Ranveer asks did you steal or beg someone. Ansh says I have bought this by giving an advice to a businessman and getting this bike in return. They both argue. Suhani asks them to stop it, she is a human, not any thing. She says I can take my decision, I will go with Ranveer. She goes with Ranveer. Ansh asks how can you go leaving me. He makes a recording. He says thanks Ranveer, I got what I wanted, see what I do now. Ranveer smiles seeing Suhani. He signs his friends. The guys say the canteen is closed, please hurry up and leave, thank you. The canteen gets vacated. Suhani asks what’s this Ranveer. He says college is over, I have to tell you something, I saw you taking a decision today in my favor, I liked it. She says I did what my heart told. He asks why didn’t you wait for me that day, life has given us a second chance, your dad asked you to get free of that relation, forget that day like a bad dream and come to me forever.

Ranveer and Suhani have a romantic moment. They are held at gun point by some goons. They flee. Suhani says I love you Ranveer. Ansh drags her away.

Update Credit to: H Hasan

H Hasan

I started writing as a hobby. It turned into a fledged out career fortunately. I love reading novels and creative arts. I'm very committed and give my best to my work.

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