Categories: Shiv Shakti (Zee)

Shiv Shakti (Zee) 11th April 2024 Written Episode Update: Raghunath proposes a way to test Shiv.

Shiv Shakti (Zee) 11th April 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Manorama takes care of Rimjim. Rimjim notices Mandira and Keertan spying on her. She pushes Manorama’s hand away, telling her she’s already told Mandira and Keertan that she has no relationship with them. Kishore asks Rimjim why she’s speaking like that. Rimjim calls for Keertan and approaches him. She asks Keertan who beat him up. Keertan tells Rimjim to calm down, explaining that he just fell and nothing more.

Shakti offers water to Shiv, who accepts. Shiv remarks to Shakti that she’s becoming his friend. Shakti’s family joins them. Shiv asks Shakti why they hid the fact that Rimjim was there. Shakti comes up with an excuse for it.

Rimjim apologizes to Shakti for her behavior, admitting she was misled by Mandira and Keertan but now sees clearly. She

assures Shakti that now that they’re together, Mandira won’t be able to harm them. Rimjim tells Shakti that no matter what she does in front of Mandira, she’s always with her.

Kishore receives a call from Raghunath, wondering why he’s calling.

Manorama asks Shakti to get a certificate stating that Shiv’s condition is mentally unstable. Mandira interjects.

Mandira tells Shakti that tests will continue until Shiv is proven to be acting. She signals the hospital staff, who take Shiv to a room. Shakti tries to intervene but fails. She asks Mandira where they’re taking Shiv. Mandira replies that they’re taking him to the final level where it’ll be revealed whether he’s acting mentally unstable.

Raghunath approaches the Magistrate, proposing a way to test if Shiv is mentally unstable or not. He presents Gayatri’s ashes, suggesting they put them in Shiv’s hand. Raghunath explains that if Shiv is mentally unstable, he won’t react, but if he’s acting, he will. Mandira objects, but Raghunath asks the Magistrate to allow the test. The Magistrate agrees.

Raghunath approaches Shiv and places Gayatri’s ashes in his hands, claiming they’re chocolates, then leaves. Shiv realizes there are no chocolates and throws the ashes into the air. The pot breaks, and Gayatri’s ashes fall on Shiv. Shakti rushes over and wipes them away.

Kishore remarks that it looks like Lord Bholenath has applied ash to himself, and Parvati is cleaning it.

Precap: The Magistrate says it’s compulsory to do the final test and asks the doctor to proceed. Mandira smirks while looking at Shiv’s condition. Shakti gets worried after seeing the electric shock machine. 

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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